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Do you amazed that some Christians deny the evolution and Big Bang but.......?..?

Believed that earth was created before sun

(Genesis1 14-19)

Vegetation at the the third day,and sun at the forth day

(Genesis1 9-13)

(Genesis1 14-19)

And most of them believe that dinosaur where aboard Noah Ark.

About 500 hudred year ago people believe that earth was flat

Now that's a fiction.

Will Christians admit evolution in another 20 years?


I qoute this because I've fed up of Christians trying to tell me this.

Update 2:

Sweed I,Every Day Fudamentalist Christians in YA section tell me this.

Ask your Christians friends.

23 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    so people believed that the earth was flat, were they creationists? no not all of them, that was the common (albeit untrue) belief back then if anything, evolution is much the same way. and why couldnt dinosaurs have been aboard the ark??? if you take the ice age from your viewpoint it is more than highly improbable, with the rapid freezing, evaporation couldnt have hapened to produce the amount of snow that is shown, take the creationist point of view and you have the layer of water in the atmosphere gone, increased volcanic activity and all that ash could block the sun. now with the volcanic activity you have lava flows heating the oceans providing heat to spur evaporation, the ash to chill the world, the cold to kill the dinosaurs.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well im a Christian, and I beleive that the seven days mentioned are not 24hr days but thousands of years each. As shown else where in the Bible a 1000years is but one day with God. Genesis 1:3-5 shows that God created light on the first day. Genesis 1:14-19, tells us God created luminaries, and made a division between day time and night time on the forth day.

    The Bible does not say when the dinosaur died out, but possiblity even before Adam was created, or were killed by the flood.

    I cant understand how evolution could be possible. First, what caused the 'big bang'?

    Second, how did non-living matter trun into living?

    How did single cell creature become multi-celled?

    And how come man's brain is so much more than animals? and there is so many more question that can't be answer.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    the vast Bang is in basic terms yet in a special way of declaring Genesis a million:a million. Atheists did not like the vast Bang concept because it says the universe has a starting up as in God created the universe. The Bible in common words says the earth and universe are very previous, so a 14.5 billion previous universe isn't in conflict of words with the Bible. Darwinian evolution is going adverse to the Bible. The Bible says God created creatures totally developed, both male and woman. The fossil record does no longer mix by technique of small step evolution, so Darwinian evolution did not ensue.

  • 1 decade ago

    Say evolution is possible, what would you want to be evolved into when you can survive that billion number of years. When Christians believe all things visible and invisible are created by God, they should not believe humans are the result of evolution from simple cell which came to life accidentally. But Big Bang is to do with scientific discovery. Christians would admire this fantastic discovery and would attribute this to God who had made this possible to help in his creation plan. Evolution has become a very loose term. For example: the bible says that believer will be resurrected with new body, will that be considered as evolution from this corruptible body to some body which is permanent and incorruptible. I think what scientific discoveries that do not run counter to the Christian belief can be acceptable. Any discovery that is made will have an explanation if it is taken to be proof against Christianity. In fact, any find that is made no matter how hard it is tried it cannot proved that it came or existed by itself. Simply believe it is created by God and your life will be simpler.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    The Catholic Church does not have an official position on whether various life forms developed over the course of time. However, it says that, if they did develop, then they did so under the impetus and guidance of God, and their ultimate creation must be ascribed to him.

    The Church holds the same position in so far as the big bang theory is concerned. By the way, Fred Hoyle who developed the big bang bang theory became a believer when he discovered that there is a force which is making the universe expand.

  • fire
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Persons/animals can adapt to their surroundings. Evolution will always continue to be a theory not ever fact.

    Why are there not suddenly new animals and creatures popping up ? Nor have there been new species created other than in a lab. Every kind of animal is made in its kind. How can energy exist from nothing. including the way things are organized?

    eh, to much to prove. If your room was empty, would there be furniture suddenly popping in it, or would you have a stove or fridge? And if your bedroom was a mess, would it fix itself?

    this is a stupid example but you get the point.

  • mark g
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Big Bang, not scientifically possible

    Evolution, Theory with more holes than the Bibles creation story

    If you quit listening to what your friends at school tell you, and actually research the size of the Ark you might get a surprise at how much would have fit.

  • 1 decade ago

    Wow there were dinosaurs on the ark? First time I heard that one. According to "science" and its support of dinosaurs, and the dimensions of the ark, dinosaurs would not have been able to fit. Especially the tyrannasaurus rex.

    I am amazed that people would try to add lies to the verses and scripture they don't even believe.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am amazed that people even believe in evolution and the big band theory.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    gee never knew that dinosaurs aboard noahs ark, but anyway thats a good question.

    but i believe christians will never admit in another how many yrs but their belief will change, thats only a thought tank Q.

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