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relationship problem!?

well i've been with this dude for a month now and things seems to be alot different then how it use to be. when we weren't in a relationship together we would talk on the phone all night long and our conversations was sooo wonderful, but now that we are together, we don't go out, we never seem to talk on the phone as much (it's like every other day) and when we do talk, our conversations are 5 mins.. i really like the dude but he seems to busy now. he has a job and i understand he wants to hang out with his regular friends but do he have time for me? do he really want to be with me? or is he playing with my emotions?i really could use some advise people. so watt should i do about the situation???????



26 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Drop him and move on.

  • A month isn't that long of a period of time. Maybe he's over you. You have to figure that you two spent a lot of time getting close to each other before the relationship even happened. So once it's physical, if we loose interest it's because everything that happened before was preliminary. Sounds as though it wasn't that deep to begin with. Pull back and see what he does, don't call him, nothing. If he doesn't come around after a week or so I'd move on and find someone who was really into me.

  • 1 decade ago

    If you are not happy after a month then it is time to move on. Thank him for letting you know early how things go in a relationship with him. A lot of people don't start to show who they really are until 6 months a year into it! Everyone is on his / her best behavior in the first few months of any relationship. If this is his best, and your not happy now.... Imagine a year from now how it will feel and how you will feel you waited all that time when he threw out the RED FLAGS for you after a month. Good Luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    First off approach him on this situation the way you are approaching us with your question. Once you done that you will know whether he found someone else, or he is not ready for anything serious so he dont want you to get serious (that way he is staying distant) or any other issues that he may experience that seem like are bothering you. Now this doesnt trully seem like a relationship. Month long fling that is not even as strong enymore seemed more as he was in dating mode and still is but not with you. Most likely thats what it is, even though i may be wrong. Talk to him....thats the best way to find out the best answer. ;) Good luck.

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  • 1 decade ago

    firstly, speaking as a guy. This dude, most likely wouldnt talk for hours on the phone all night long if he wasnt interested in you, so i dont think you have that to worry about. Not having anything to talk about can be a tricky thing, try going places, like theme parks or somewhere where talking is needed but not constantly if you get me.

    its kinda like, you want what you dont have, but once you have it, youve got it, so you move on... im not saying hes moved on, just you need to spice it up a little (overused phrase!)

    alternatively you could speak to him about this... they say that when a guy and a girl no longer can think of anything else to say to each other... thats when the guy proposes!

    good luck, all the best... sorry i couldnt be more help, feel free to email me if you think i can be :-)

  • 1 decade ago

    If you've been intimate with this person there may be nothing you can do now. Often when people hook-up and have sex it kills the mystery. Don't mean to be a prude but the fact is unless you have a lot going for you in the way of employment, education, religion or beauty he may simply now be bored.

  • 1 decade ago

    i think you should just take it easy... and dont stress too much... the more he knows that you stress... the more he will keep away from you... why??? cause its human nature... he knows you are in NEED of his presence... he is the alpha male.. he apparently "believes"...he is the more important one.. you know... so... take a twist in your actions....portray that you have somethin better to do.. infact.. go out and get a hobby... get your mind of things... when he calls... make it as if you have to go first.. ..sister you gotta get with the flow... you gotta play the game... sadly if you are a day dreamer like me.. emotionally attached to the other half... you will be in misbelief most of the time... thinking... "oh my gawd" how can men/people be so insensetive.... well trust me.. they get worst.. its important that you choose the right guy to llok after you soft tender heart.. or train the idiot to meet your needs... living it is the best experience.. dont dwell too much bout it... its hard to be belief ..but people do move on... just use your time doing productive stuff .... dont sit around all day waittin for him... you know.. go out there and do somethin... fishin.... soccer.. pool.... clubbin.... shoppin.. volounteer work... busking... american idol... there is more to life than love... this is my quote.. instead of the love of my life.. i have found the LOVE for life....!

  • 1 decade ago

    You seem way too clingy.

    It is unrealistic to expect him to be around all the time. Find a hobby and go hang out with your own friends. You do have friends right? You do have a life outside of him right?

    1 month doesn't equal squat and doesn't mean you own him.

  • 1 decade ago

    Most guys are the "best" before you start going out with them because they feel that they have to try harder to "reel" you in so to speak. So maybe he just feels like now that he has you tha he doesn't have to try as hard. I know exactly what you're talking about. I speak from experience. Try talking to him and tell him how you feel.

  • 1 decade ago

    Guys almost never, ever try to play with emotions, but they frequently don't want to hurt a girl by saying they aren't interested. You need to find other interests and let it go for now. If he misses you, he will let you know.

    Source(s): Personal experience of being a guy for over 50 years and a lot of experience dating.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Be patient. Its a very normal situation and this situatin you will find with every guy. Stay cool and try to enjoy in present situation. You will certainly find good points of this relationship.

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