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Lv 5
mxlj asked in Computers & InternetSoftware · 1 decade ago

if i reinstall windows xp, will i lose "my pictures" or anything else?

if i reinstall my windows xp due to an error will i lose all"my pictures" that are on the copmuter? if so well evertyhing else be deleted (programs/games/bookmarks etc) also or what? thank you

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    If you reinstall windows over your windows now without formatting the drive then all the information including pictures documents and programs will still be there, you may need to reinstall the programs for windows to work with them correctly, but windows reinstall will not delete your personal files

    Source(s): Computer tech for 12 years
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If u do a complete reinstall yes it will delete ur files .U can do a repair install and it will only replace the windows files

    good to do a back up anyways though b4 u start

  • 1 decade ago

    I would backup your documents folder onto a CD before you do so. Do you have a burner?

    If you just reinstall windows you should be ok.

    However, it's never a good idea to keep doing such without backing up your data.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Maybe depends on how you install it. If you use the existing partition without formatting the drive you will not loose your files. However just in case something goes bad I would save all of the files to a disk before installation.

    Hope that helps


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  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    a million.) Flashplayer 2.) Shockwave Oh yeah I forgot, get all the updates for all the classes you purchased, exceptionally residing house windows & AVG. Then set their autoupdates on. After each and everything is as much as this factor and your extremely joyful with your set up, create a restoration factor. initiate>classes>accesories> device restoration>Create A restoration factor.

  • 1 decade ago

    yes you will. of course you can always back up the items you do not want to lose to disc prior to reloading, then you just reload it off of the disc when you get windows reinstalled

  • 1 decade ago

    it will delete your files and such so i suggest a flashdrive to put your files like music and pictures.

    the program files will have to be reinstalled.

    Source(s): me duh.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am going to have to agree with Ceresia on this 100%

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