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  • Firefox cant find the server at .?

    i cant get on to a website occasionally. it just started happening last week. when i click to go the the forum in on it says "firefox cant find the server at" the website. it is the only website that i know of i am having problems with. this is on my pc. the weird thing is if it happens on my pc the laptop running wireless will not go the the website either. and it wont work in internet explorer. the only way i have been able to get it to work is restore my pc to an earlier time. I have ran all my anti virus. anti male-ware etc in safe mode and nothing was found. also it shouldnt affect my laptop if it was a virus on my pc. any ideas?

    3 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Firefox cant find the server at ..........?

    i cant get on to a website occasionally. it just started happening last week. when i click to go the the forum in on it says "firefox cant find the server at" the website. it is the only website that i know of i am having problems with. this is on my pc. the weird thing is if it happens on my pc the laptop running wireless will not go the the website either. and it wont work in internet explorer. the only way i have been able to get it to work is restore my pc to an earlier time. I have ran all my anti virus. anti male-ware etc in safe mode and nothing was found. also it shouldnt affect my laptop if it was a virus on my pc. any ideas?

    2 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Anybody familiar with rebuilding an atv crankshaft, or any have any links?

    I tore down a atv i have to find out what was wrong with it and it turns out the lower rod bearing is trashed. any body familiar with the proper way how to remove the crank pin and replace the rod bearing and true the crank back up. nearest place that can do it for me is 1 hour away. this is one thing i have never done, so any info or links to proper procedure would be greatly appreciated. if it matters the quad is a suzuki 1989 lt250s.

    1 AnswerMotorcycles1 decade ago
  • Are the Democrats to blame for upcoming depression ??

    Ever since the Democratic Party took control of Congress the price of unleaded gasoline has increased by $1.25 to over $4.00 per gallon. If nothing is done and gasoline continues rising to $6.00 per gallon the American economy will crash making the depression of the thirties seem like the good old days. America is in a crisis situation and Congress should be doing EVERYTHING to stop the bleeding. Instead the democrats in Congress are refusing to do anything so they can ensure themselves of a victory in November. To relieve this crisis we must start by drilling domestically for oil in Alaska and Off Shore. If America had drilled in ANWR when Clinton was president we would only be purchasing 30% of our oil from foreign nations, instead we are purchasing 70% today. Also it only takes 90 or less to drill a hole, extract oil nad have it into the consumer market. not the 10 years lie that gets told. Will the American public remember this come election time???

    19 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • 97 gmc sonoma are the o2 sensors and map sensor frequency type or voltage type?

    i need to know which type there are they either adjust by adjusting the volt or the frequency to correct for rich/lean etc.

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • need help i purchased a magic jack phone ser. and need to open ports to make it work?

    just purchased a magic jack and trting to get it to work. it wont connect to register. it says "firewall and router stetting must allow magic jack usd to access on domain on ports 5060 and 5070"

    when i talked to customer service they said " please open the following ports: magicJack uses ports UDP 5061, TCP 80 and TCP 443."

    i dont know how to do this so any help would be greatly appriciated. i use windows xp home. if that matters.

    3 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • need to find a blue seat cover for a suzuki 99 suzuki rm125?

    anybody know of a blue seat cover that will fit an 99 rm125, or even clear up to an 06 maybe 07?

    3 AnswersMotorcycles1 decade ago
  • if i reinstall windows xp, will i lose "my pictures" or anything else?

    if i reinstall my windows xp due to an error will i lose all"my pictures" that are on the copmuter? if so well evertyhing else be deleted (programs/games/bookmarks etc) also or what? thank you

    9 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • need help cant get on to my ebay?

    i cant get on to my ebay. it wont open it always takes along time and coems up with page not found. i tried another computer (neighbor and it works), i can open and search but cant watch item, bid etc. or get to my ebay. what can be the problem??

    3 AnswersInternet1 decade ago
  • need help with internet, ebay?

    i cant get on to my ebay. it wont open it always takes along time and coems up with page not found. i tried another computer (neighbor and it works), i can open and search but cant watch item, bid etc. or get to my ebay. what can be the problem??

    2 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • i got a used mp3, mp4 player, mcafee says it contains virus?

    i bought a used mp3, mp4 player with video also. (one video in player) and when i hooked it up to the comp. mcafee said it found a virus in the install file or something, and later said it found another, it this possible?? someone said it may just be a false reading, they cant get virus. just wondering.

    2 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago
  • i got a used mp3, mp4 player, mcafee says it contains virus?

    i bought a used mp3, mp4 player with video also. (one video in player) and when i hooked it up to the comp. mcafee said it found a virus in the install file or something, and later said it found another, it this possible?? someone said it may just be a false reading, they cant get virus. just wondering.

    6 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago