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Lv 5

need help with internet, ebay?

i cant get on to my ebay. it wont open it always takes along time and coems up with page not found. i tried another computer (neighbor and it works), i can open and search but cant watch item, bid etc. or get to my ebay. what can be the problem??


i have cleared all the internet histiry, temp files, cookies etc. still doesnt work. also i am runnign i.e. 6. and when using mozilla it still does the same thing

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    you need to clean out your computer with a good spyware adware remover and make sure your antivirus is up to date.

  • 1 decade ago

    go to my computer ---> Control Panel --> Internet Options

    now clear out the cookies, history, and files

    that should correct the problem

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