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Lv 5
mxlj asked in Cars & TransportationMotorcycles · 1 decade ago

Anybody familiar with rebuilding an atv crankshaft, or any have any links?

I tore down a atv i have to find out what was wrong with it and it turns out the lower rod bearing is trashed. any body familiar with the proper way how to remove the crank pin and replace the rod bearing and true the crank back up. nearest place that can do it for me is 1 hour away. this is one thing i have never done, so any info or links to proper procedure would be greatly appreciated. if it matters the quad is a suzuki 1989 lt250s.

1 Answer

  • G B
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I can tell you how to do it tomorrow after I find my glasses, no joke, I have done many and will gladly tell you how once I can see.

    EDIT: OK, I have found glasses. Do you have (or have access to) a hydraulic press, going to need at least a 20 ton,

    two pieces of angle iron 3/8 thick 3 inch sides about 1 foot long (available for cheap at any steel supply store), and a dial indicator, and some sort of "V" blocks to use as a stand (simple to make). If you can come up with this stuff and want to proceed with this project drop me an Email at that is my regular email address.

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