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Lv 5

Firefox cant find the server at .?

i cant get on to a website occasionally. it just started happening last week. when i click to go the the forum in on it says "firefox cant find the server at" the website. it is the only website that i know of i am having problems with. this is on my pc. the weird thing is if it happens on my pc the laptop running wireless will not go the the website either. and it wont work in internet explorer. the only way i have been able to get it to work is restore my pc to an earlier time. I have ran all my anti virus. anti male-ware etc in safe mode and nothing was found. also it shouldnt affect my laptop if it was a virus on my pc. any ideas?


also forgot everytime i cant get to the website, i check it on

and they say its just me the website is up. and i have tried refreshing.

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago

    firefox now can run a system called safe surfing it goes to the google website every time you start it and downloads a huge file of unsafe websites that is updated every day if you have this enabled and the site is on the list it can not go there, there are many mistakes and a site can be on the list one day and taken off the next due to misreporting or malicious reports

  • Possibly a website error. Failing domain or something. Or possibly a cookies related issue.

  • 1 decade ago

    try clicking the refresh button

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