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Lv 5

Firefox cant find the server at ..........?

i cant get on to a website occasionally. it just started happening last week. when i click to go the the forum in on it says "firefox cant find the server at" the website. it is the only website that i know of i am having problems with. this is on my pc. the weird thing is if it happens on my pc the laptop running wireless will not go the the website either. and it wont work in internet explorer. the only way i have been able to get it to work is restore my pc to an earlier time. I have ran all my anti virus. anti male-ware etc in safe mode and nothing was found. also it shouldnt affect my laptop if it was a virus on my pc. any ideas?

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The website is down.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    there is something incorrect which includes your internet connection. it particularly is the two no longer linked, or it particularly is particularly sluggish. there is not any longer something incorrect with Firefox. Secondly, there are multiple distinctive motives your computing gadget would desire to be sluggish. commencing from Viruses, and ending at age. have you ever put in any new utility at present? you additionally can hit Ctrl+Alt+Del, and seem on the tactics tab to verify what's taking on lots of your CPU, and you will close it in case you recognize what you're doing. There is additionally stuff commencing up whilst domicile windows boots that slows your computing gadget down. Get the utility i've got proper to... it will help do away with multiple pointless data (momentary and in any different case), and it will get it accomplished lots quicker than you would be able to desire to do it your self. desire that enables

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