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Lv 5
mxlj asked in Politics & GovernmentElections · 1 decade ago

Are the Democrats to blame for upcoming depression ??

Ever since the Democratic Party took control of Congress the price of unleaded gasoline has increased by $1.25 to over $4.00 per gallon. If nothing is done and gasoline continues rising to $6.00 per gallon the American economy will crash making the depression of the thirties seem like the good old days. America is in a crisis situation and Congress should be doing EVERYTHING to stop the bleeding. Instead the democrats in Congress are refusing to do anything so they can ensure themselves of a victory in November. To relieve this crisis we must start by drilling domestically for oil in Alaska and Off Shore. If America had drilled in ANWR when Clinton was president we would only be purchasing 30% of our oil from foreign nations, instead we are purchasing 70% today. Also it only takes 90 or less to drill a hole, extract oil nad have it into the consumer market. not the 10 years lie that gets told. Will the American public remember this come election time???


Bear do you live in a mirror world?? where liberals are for drilling and conservatives are against drilling and for higher taxes and against the economy? Because it is just the opposite here on earth.

Update 2:

Natalie Z , im sorry im so simple minded i dont understand supply-demand. Becasue drilling for more oil, flooding the market with millions more barrels a day would just cause price to go down while demand would stay reletively that same. More oil + equal demand equals= LOWER PRICES. im sorry you are so opened minded that your brain must have fallen out. a 12 year old can fifgure out that one.

Update 3:

And yes to the few of you that are intelligent enough to have said it is both the dems. and rep. that have caused this. you are correct, being that there a very, very few rep. and basically no dems. left that will do what is best for the country. But at least a few want to take steps to start to correct the problem immediately.

19 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I'm glad somebody else noticed this.

    Everyting is the Republicans fault until the Dems ultimately screw the pooch then it's just called a 'cycle'.

    Let's see how they 'cycle' Global Warming if Obama wins!


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Truthfully it's lack of planning on all sides,we knew the problem was coming,but it was ignored. We've ignored 100's of Billions of barrels of Oil on our own soil,in exchange for "cheap Saudi Oil",see where that got us. If you add in Shale we have decades worth of Oil,at least time to properly plan for a real change. Do you think Brazil just ignored Oil while they were working on Ethanol,hell no in fact they just found a huge find last year. Oil is out there in abundance if we just look,it's a self imposed problem.

    As for me I'm almost(Almost)hoping it essentially drives us into a depression. It's the only way these ******* people learn.They just ignore real solutions,then wonder why they can't solve anything. Hell a 5th grader with above average intelligence could better solve our energy crisis than these morons in Congress.

    NObama 08'

    No To Juan McCain 08'

    August 4 President

  • 1 decade ago

    Fuel costs would of gone up no matter what, congress (as of now) has little power over rising prices (mind you the drilling would help but prices would rise nevertheless) and the president has almost no power over it (makes me laugh when people say Obama will fix/solve the oil prices). But your right in that drilling would of helped our current situation as fuel might be useless in the next 100 years.

    Added: @ Ghost- social security still costs more than the war on terrorism, and the reckless laisez fair decisions are getting us cheap labor (but I agree that something needs to be changed about that one though)

    @whatmarc- if congress is firm in its decision congress's will super cedes that of the president

    @bear- Actually its the liberal democrats that are usually (I did say usually) against offshore drilling not the conservative republicans, offshore drilling isn't a permanent solution though.

    @Johnny- It is possible to decide to save up money yourself (instead of using social security) as this would take away the middle man (politicians), and give you the choice if you want to save or not.

  • 1 decade ago

    Heck just go back to about 1973, the oil embargo "we need to solve the energy problem that is what was said. Funny we are hearing the same thing today. So how many terms of Congress, how many Presidents since then. Yet I heard someone say the other day "We need ot solve the energy problem"

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  • 1 decade ago

    Placing blame on a particular political party is not correct. The problem of fuel prices is the result of decades of NO PLANNING on the part of both parties.

    As for any upcoming depression, fuel prices are only one part of it. The mortgage markets and very stupid lending practices also plays a huge role. The Federal Reserve Bank is the MAIN player in this and that is a PRIVATELY OWNED corporation!

    I do place a lot of responsibility directly on the do nothing congress and the borrow and spend executive branch we have now. They ALL need to be slammed pretty hard for their ineptitude and out right criminal activities.

  • justa
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Sure, that one vote, that year and half, that makes them take the blame for everything.

    Don't you realize that when this question is asked over and over again it just brings up the failure of the Republicans who could have gotten things like drilling for oil enacted into law, and the end of trickle down as a theory, and wars that need to paid for actually paid for, and not run on credit, now that its a mess you want to say that its the Democrats fault.

    About the time Bush was blaming Clinton for everything and its mother, it got to be a joke.

    The party of personal responsibility did not want to take responsibility itself.

    Even more amazing Republicans keep telling us that the government can't run an effective health care plan, even though all the other industrialized nations can. Why should we elect people who flat out tell us they can't run things, or use their power for practical applications.

    You can't change history with rhetoric.

    And I'm not voting for people who tell me they can't do the job.

  • birdie
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Yeah, Einstein, the Democrats deregulated the oil industry...

    Nope! That was Senator Gramm and a few other GOP Senators who passed the Commodities Futures Modernization Act of 2000...which by the way cost us and millions of Americans in the Enron scandal, also.

    Facts are a little inconvenient for you? Don't believe me? Look it up!

    The DOE website (US Government if you didn't know) says that increased drilling may have an affect on prices by the year 2030! It could be as much as 2-3%! WOW!

    ANWR doesn't have crap. Now the NPR (Nat'l Petroleum Reserves) that does have a lot of oil has a lot of permitted, proven, drilled and capped wells that can be brought on line with-in the year. The oil companies that have those leases are sitting on them. The State of Alaska has been suing them for years to get them to release the oil. ( Alaska gets a percentage of oil that runs down the pipeline.) The Oil companies prefer to drill later and only sell the oil they are drilling to Japan and Asia that they SHIP out!

    Why don't you just get the facts before all that caterwauling?

  • 1 decade ago

    No, Gas hoovered around a $1 for decades, it went up after Bush was elected, and then again real bad with Katrina (before the Dems), this last hoopla is all the Bush momentum that has been building up. The dollar is too weak. Oil is traded in Dollars. Oil has gone up almost x4 since 2001, but if using the Euro is has only gone up x2 in that time. If this is the economic apocalypse then Bush is the Blame for that, since the Dems cant get anything past him anyway.

    Sorry to poo on your parade.

  • 1 decade ago

    Just about every country in the world is hurting over oil prices [ it's not a U.S. problem ! ]. Just about every naive person in these countries is blaming their particular Government. It is not that simple, it's a complex problem, unrelated to the Iraq situation. Iraq is actually not a major oil producer. The situation in the U.S. is exacerbated by the fact that, per capita Americans 'consume' far more power/ fuel than any other nation. Turn off your air-conditioner and 50 in. plasma T.V. and stop whining.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Drilling in Alaska isn't going to help anything. The Department of Energy has already said that it would be 10 years before any change could be seen, and it would only be a few cents difference. The economy is on a downward spiral because of a mix between reckless laissez-faire policies along with irresponsible foreign interventions such as Iraq. The plight of the economy rests entirely on Bush, both for things his admin. and cronies did and things he neglected to do to adapt to a changing world.

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