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I use my spare time to explore the Nevada wilderness and improve my nature photography. Since I do have every other week off, that means I get out quite a bit. After each trip, I post a report to my blog at . Feel free to visit and comment. I am also working on developing an alternative to Y!A. It's a long process!

  • I'm thinking of getting a compound bow...need some suggestions?

    I've allowed my shoulder strength to deteriorate and I'm thinking a compound bow with a good adjustable draw weight from about 30# up to 60# or so would do several things for, help me get back into shape in my shoulders and provide me a good hunting rig for when I DO get back into seems to be a good time to get one too since I'll have most of the year to use the bow and develop my skills...

    Any suggestions on just WHICH of the available bows I should be looking at would be appreciated...

    6 AnswersHunting9 years ago
  • How can I get MySql on AT&T/Yahoo small business upgraded to 5.0 or later?

    I have my blog hosted on AT&T/Yahoo small business servers and it is a "WordPress" blog. The latest WorPress upgrade requires MySql of 5.0 or later but I can't find any method from the web hosting control panel to upgrade the MySql.

    Anyone know how I might get this done? I have sent trouble reports to Small Business Hosting SEVERAL times and NEVER received a reply....

  • What to do about my adopted dog's behavior?

    I adopted Dany from the humane society on July 28. She is actually a very good dog and I haven't found ANY discipline problems at all!

    What bothers me though is her behavior on the leash. Sometimes she acts very timid and afraid when she is on the leash. It is as if she is afraid she is about to be scolded at any moment.

    Off leash is a totally different story! Off leash, she is all happy-go-lucky as if she hasn't a problem in the world and the earth is her oyster!

    Here is a short video I made showing her on the leash then off the leash ... it's on my FB page:

    Any suggestions on how to build her confidence while on the leash? It pains me to see her acting so fearful.

    2 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • My new dog is "skittish" of sudden noises. What can I do?

    Whenever my new dog, an Australian cattle dog about 2 years old, hears a sudden noise such as a door slam, flag flapping in a breeze, and such, she jumps. Just today, I dropped the plastic handle of her retractable leash onto the sidewalk and that scared her into running which just caused MORE sudden noises right behind took me a few minutes before I could tackler her and calm her down...leash handle was a total loss by then but that is not important...her fearfulness of sudden noises is important though.

    What things have you done, or see done, to help a dog not be fearful of simple, sudden noises?

    1 AnswerDogs10 years ago
  • Dog will chase a thrown ball but won't even pick it do I teach her to bring it back?

    I just adopted a 2 year old Australian cattle dog from the Humane Society. She's a fine pup and I think she'll be a great companion.

    In getting to know her, I found that if I toss a ball she will very happily chase it down but won't grab it or pick it up but as soon as the ball stops moving, loses interest and comes back to me.

    How should I go about teaching her to actually pick up the ball and eventually to bring it back to me?

    5 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • what would cause inconsistent "cap and ball" revolver performance?

    I was out shooting and a guy had a "new to him" 1858 new army cap and ball pistol. He was having a tough time hitting the target with any consistency. I watched him load and he was using about 28 grains of fffg Pyrodex (that was where the powder measure was set), an oil soaked wad, .351 ball. It looked to me that he seated the ball on the charge well but not with excessive force.

    I had my chronograph with me and had him shoot a couple of 6-shot strings over it...the muzzle velocity varied from 578 FPS up to 733 FPS and all in between!

    What would cause such a great variance in the muzzle velocity? Could it be that his oiled wads are fouling the powder?

    11 AnswersHunting10 years ago
  • How do I find the source of rock fragments?

    I am outdoors a lot and find various small rocks such as quartz and obsidian laying on the ground. I found a large amount of obsidian on the top of a small hill and that got me to wondering if the source would be directly below.

    So, what is usually the most productive method of finding the source of rock fragments? Do I simply start digging right where I found the small fragments or is there a more sure method?

    1 AnswerEarth Sciences & Geology10 years ago
  • Who do authors rely on to check the technical?

    details in their fictional stories? It may just be me but I seem to run across some of the most glaring inaccuracies of things like U.S. Naval warships (from a supposed "expert"), firearms, military support gear including basic things like MRE's, basic mechanical details....

    Since I try to ingest the entire yarn, these things detract from the story quite a bit.

    So, who does this technical review process and how do I get in on it?

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • I need some engineering help...working with high pressure air?

    and I need some specs for a tube that will hold up to 4500PSI air...I would like to "over engineer" it a bit so it could test at 6000PSI.

    The tube will need to be 1 inch inside diameter. What material and wall thickness will I need? Is there a ready reference I could use on the net?

    3 AnswersEngineering1 decade ago
  • What do you think of the DOJ showing its true anti-American, anti-Constitution?

    colors via the redesign of its web site?

    They took down the "Stars and Stripes" and put up a black banner with a quote from WELL KNOWN SOCIALIST, C Wilfred Jenks.

    You can see the changes yourself at if you don't believe me.

    I find this totally unacceptable but also a blatant declaration that the current administration is trying to dismantle the United States of America.

    7 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • How soon after laying ceramic floor tile can you apply grout?

    I'll be putting ceramic floor tile in a bathroom today. How long after laying it should I wait to put in the grout?

    10 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago
  • shower drain riser high?

    I am installing a shower kit and have the drain pipe installed but I think the riser is a bit too high. I'll be trying to drop in the shower pan tomorrow. How high above the sub-floor should the pipe extend?

    1 AnswerDo It Yourself (DIY)1 decade ago
  • If I'm using a 340 cc cylinder filled with 3000PSI air?

    to fill another cylinder of 34 cc to a pressure of 2000PSI, how many fills can I get from the larger cylinder before it's pressure drops below 2000PSI?

    If you can supply the math for this, that would be great. I need this to help perform some experiments as I try to develop a product.

    1 AnswerPhysics1 decade ago
  • I need new methods for jackrabbit hunting in northern Nevada?

    I'm having a bit of frustration hunting Jacks here around the Reno Nevada area. The rabbits are thick and find them is not at all difficult.

    The problem I have is that I use either a .25 or 9MM air rifle and the only time I see the rabbits, they have the after burners on and in the thick brush out here, I just can't get a good sight picture before they disappear.

    I tried still hunting where I would sit with my back to a bush or rock and just wait just before sunset to just after sunset...still no go.

    I tried using binoculars to try and spot them from a distance but so far that hasn't worked either.

    Anyone have a trusted, tried and true, method other than going to get a shotgun?

    5 AnswersHunting1 decade ago
  • Any of you socialists (aka liberals, progressives, Democrats) willing to give specific?

    Examples of "hate" and "racism" from main stream conservatives?

    Really, just provide specific examples.

    I'll go first and give specific examples of hate and racism from the left OK?

    5 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Are there any criminal penalties for violating an oath of office?

    Most elected officials in the United States have to take an oath of office. I was wondering if there are any criminal penalties associated for purposefully violating or disregarding that oath of office for congress critters, judges, or the president.

    2 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • dehydrating cooked veggies?

    OK, I dehydrated some raw potatoes then cooked them up. They re-hydrated OK and tasted fine but looked terrible.

    I am now thinking it would be better to cook them first then dehydrate them....any thoughts on this?

    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Any tips on stopping a bleeding injury that doesn't respond well to direct pressure?

    OK, messed up slicking some stuff yesterday and sliced off a patch of skin on my thumb. I have had direct pressure on it for well over 24 hours and it still bleeds. Is there something I can get at a pharmacy other than more bandages to get this thing to clot?

    3 AnswersInjuries1 decade ago
  • Need advice on rebuilding strength?

    A recent little adventure has shown me that I have allowed myself to get seriously out of shape. My vehicle was stuck in deep snow and I shoveled, drove, shoveled more for all of one afternoon and most of the next morning before I got out. It was during this process that I discovered just how out of shape I was.

    I had to take frequent breaks from my efforts to not only cool off, sweating in freezing temps is dangerous, but also to simply allow my arms and shoulders to recover a bit.

    The day after I finally got out and back home, the muscles in my shoulders and lower back were very sore. It has now been a couple of days and there is still a little soreness but not bad.

    What I want to know is should I begin my strength building now or wait for all soreness to dissipate?

    For reference, I am 54 years old, 5' 6" tall, and 130lbs. I smoke a little (about 10 cigs per day) and have a pretty high metabolism (I can eat a lot and not gain an ounce).

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Conservatives, what would you do to help the poor?

    A friend of mine said something the other day that angered me to no end. He claimed that it was part of the Republican Platform to deny any and all assistance to the poor and keep minorities under oppression.

    I replied with all the things that Republicans did for the civil rights movement that DEMOCRATS opposed.

    Now, I would like to know what you feel about entitlement programs such as welfare and food stamps and how they should be administered.

    Liberals, speak only for yourself....the conservatives are quite capable of expressing their own views.

    21 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago