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What do you think of the DOJ showing its true anti-American, anti-Constitution?

colors via the redesign of its web site?

They took down the "Stars and Stripes" and put up a black banner with a quote from WELL KNOWN SOCIALIST, C Wilfred Jenks.

You can see the changes yourself at if you don't believe me.

I find this totally unacceptable but also a blatant declaration that the current administration is trying to dismantle the United States of America.

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    In response to both your question and the post prior to mine............

    Seriously fear mongering?? I am so sick of that statement, it cannot be applied to every situation that people disagree with!!

    I can't believe I have to explain this.... Fear Mongering is the action of deliberately arousing public fear or alarm about a particular issue. Does his post even remotely cause fear or alarm? He asked a question about something factual.

    IMO a Marxist quote should not appear on anything that in anyway represents a part of our government and definitely not on every single page of the website for the Department of Justice of The United States of America? You know the USA, the place that gives you all of your freedoms, how much of that freedom do you think you would have, if our Forefathers believed as Jenks did.

    That quote is anti-American pure and simple, there is no other way to interpret it. They probably thought that WE (as in the citizens that make up this great country), were too stupid to recognize where the quote actually came from.

    I find it unbecoming and frankly an insult to our Forefathers who fought and died so that the generations following them could live free.

    Don't you think it would have been more appropriate to have had a quote from one of the amazing Founding Fathers of this country, or how about from OUR own Constitution or Bill of Rights, even quote from any of our any of our 44 Presidents, but noooo they put a quote from a Marxist.

    I wish more people could see, that we are losing this Country little by little. That the freedoms that we have can be taken away, they're being taken away bit by bit and many of us can't (or don't want to), see it. If we don't come together soon, and bring this Country back to what it once stood for, our way of life will vanish before our very eyes. I know times have changed, just because we are moving into the 21st century, doesn't mean we have to hand over the values and principles that this Country was built on.

    Sorry got IMing my lil sis lost track of time & missed a few.

    One more response.............

    Jenks, as director of the ILO is credited with putting in place the first Soviet senior member of the UN organization, and also with creating an environment that allowed the ILO to give "observer status" to the Palestinian Liberation Organization, and to issue anti-Israeli statements, which precipitated efforts by the U.S. Congress to withdraw U.S. membership from the ILO. The U.S. actually did withdraw in the mid-1970s due to the organization's leftist leanings.

    "It was Jenks's efforts that helped make the ILO a tool of the socialist and communist movement," says one of the DOJ lawyers.

    Yeah he was a great guy......NOT!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    No problems.

    This happened a year ago. I guess it takes you a while to call up your huff.

    Jenks is not a WELL KNOWN SOCIALIST.

    The ILO is the international organization responsible for drawing up and overseeing international labor standards. It is the only 'tripartite' United Nations agency that brings together representatives of governments, employers and workers to jointly shape policies and programs promoting decent work for all.

    Jenks served as Legal Adviser, Assistant Director-General, Deputy Director-General, principal Deputy Director-General and from 1 June 1970, Director-General.

    Jenks was also appointed to the ILO delegation to the San Francisco conference which established the United Nations in 1945.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    u.s. isn't the government. u.s. is the persons! the only subject incorrect with the form is that it quite is written in a language that many can no longer comprehend and as a result they misread to in good condition their schedule. there became a question in the previous approximately if we could desire to constantly have a written shape! the assumption of no longer having one written is absurd. If the regulations and regulations are no longer set interior the written observe anybody ought to easily say this is the regulation and do something they needed. lots of the nationalist are merely like the persons in a church that has a preacher that they worship extra advantageous than their god. they suspect each and every thing he says and to hell with something that contradicts his ideals even while shown the blunders he makes. this is the mentality of the Obamabots and different idiots interior the worldwide at present. i think in u.s., i admire my flag, I help our troops, and that i hate our government, yet love our shape and our freedom. i will obey merely and ethical regulations. i will't insurrection against the government as long because it quite is working for the persons and attempting to help people who're being oppressed, yet, while it starts offending and corrupting our rights and freedoms, i will combat in any way mandatory to guard your and my freedoms. i'm previous armed forces, from in the previous and by way of Vietnam. i'm conflict knowledgeable and scared. I provided my existence to help carry to the rights and freedoms of each and every American citizen and to alleviate the oppression of others world huge. I even have basically this to declare. that's the words of Patrick Henry, which he spoke for the duration of our conflict for independence, "supply me liberty or supply me death", for i will't stay under the oppression of a dictatorial, oppressive government! u.s., first and ideal!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think I really really hate the govt, and the feeling just gets stronger the closer to 4/15

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  • 1 decade ago

    whats to say except there are several dozen programs in america that need to be dismantled

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Looks pretty slick to me. This whole big flag and screaming eagle patriotism gets dull after a while...

  • 1 decade ago

    oh god one of you people, and by you people i mean fear mongering retards.

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