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Conservatives, what would you do to help the poor?

A friend of mine said something the other day that angered me to no end. He claimed that it was part of the Republican Platform to deny any and all assistance to the poor and keep minorities under oppression.

I replied with all the things that Republicans did for the civil rights movement that DEMOCRATS opposed.

Now, I would like to know what you feel about entitlement programs such as welfare and food stamps and how they should be administered.

Liberals, speak only for yourself....the conservatives are quite capable of expressing their own views.

21 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The Republicans were instrumental over the years in gaining equality for African Americans and in fact was formed for the express purpose of abolishing slavery. The democrats are responsible for the KKK and Jim Crow laws. The parties did not switch at any point like the democrats like to say. I find it ironic that African Americans are primarily Democrats after what they did to them.

    Conservatives are interested in high employment, low taxes, smaller government for everybody, not just white people. Full employment would be beneficial to the whole country regardless of race. They don't call out this group or that one. Everybody is the same. Join in or don't. That decision is up to each individual. Most conservatives feel we need some safety nets but don't believe the government is there to provide a living for anybody permanently. I don't call that oppression. That's like saying if your parents don't keep you for the rest of your life, they are oppressing you. The truth is they would be denying you your independence.

  • a2x4dc
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    My step father help my older brother & me to high standards while my younger brother his own he didn't. My younger brothers didn't work as hard in school. In fact my step father taught them how to under-mind authority.

    1st acknowledge the government creates no wealth. If the government is your friend, he is some one else's enemy! Have a date certain when welfare would start to be cut back & then end. If the country goes broke both the Rich & Poor loose!

    2nd have the poor read Justice Clarence Thomas's autobiography rather than Obama's. Both were partially brought up by their grandparents. One appears to believe personal responsibility today while the other views himself is entitled & being a victim.

    Some feel I'm being too hard on the poor, but to accept entitlements means one is accepting being poor for life. The cause of this is because the way entitlements & fringe benefits are structured. There is a moat around them were one looses fringe benefits faster than one earns dollars to replace them. Add to this moat the cost of working i.e travel, clothing, & child care one's discretionary income maybe higher being a couch potato.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    with the aid of fact over the final 2 many years that is been drilled into their heads that basically minorities are adverse. They HATE to be reminded that many of the people in money counsel situations are babies. They HATE being instructed that seventy 5% of families getting foodstuff stamps are working families. They HATE to think of approximately those with psychological ailments and disabilities who do no longer qualify for social risk-free practices incapacity. They HATE to think of appropriate to the elderly that are no longer yet previous sufficient for social risk-free practices yet are to previous to compete interior the activity industry. they want to tell themselves anybody else is lazy. maximum of all they want to have faith that it's going to by no ability happen to them. @ do no longer concern... you heavily lack awareness approximately welfare. the only time they might make you sell a sources is while you're no longer dwelling in it or a 2nd automobile. you be responsive to... greater beneficial stuff. you are able to own a house and a automobile. the government does not make anybody based. the main you are able to say alongside that line is that the government does not pay properly sufficient to permit you to get self sustaining. (you won't be able to start up a corporation)

  • ajst22
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Well I find that welfare is highly abused. I know a lot of people who are just lazy and on drugs who use welfare and don't need it. Food stamps are much better because you can only use them on food and things that keep you alive. And what I would do is hire them, offer them a job (those who look like they care) To those who claim to be "disabled" or unable to work: it's not that hard to stand or sit at a cash register or the the front of a store welcoming people.

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  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Welfare and food stamps are great for the people who need them, when they need them. Sadly too many abuse the system.

    I once heard someone say that if welfare cheats worked as hard at a real job as they do to cheat the system, we wouldn't need a welfare system.

    Jesus said we will always have the poor. I guess it's our job to keep helping them.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Conservatives give more to charity then liberals by a very large margin.Also we give it freely,if a liberal gives any kind of charity there is some kind of legal action one needs to promise before accepting that charity.I personally have built homes (free of charge with no expecttations) for the poor in mexico and have fed the homeless.

  • 1 decade ago

    Most of the conservatives I know give not only from their wallet, but of themselves as well. In fact, data has proven that conservatives give more to charity than liberals.

    From my perspective, liberals have no problem with the poor getting help, as long as it is the government helping them, not the individual, while conservatives would much rather be charitable of their own accord.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think welfare and food stamps are needed but I think if someone is playing the system that it hurts the honest people in need.

    What I do for instances is this a friend of mine was just stricken with cancer he can no longer work so me and a bunch of our friends dug deep and took up a love offering to help out.

    But if someone is able bodied I hire them or let them work for me till they get a job of their own, I know everyone can't do that you have to have your own business to do that, but most can let them do odd jobs for them.

    It's better to learn someone how to fish to feed their self for life then to just give them a fish for one meal.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    For starters I would give them just barely enough to survive and tell them if them want more from life, stay in school and get an education. Oh yeah and enforce a strict 1 child limit on the leeches.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Give him a fishing pole and you feed him for a lifetime. I would help the poor get a job.

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