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need help i purchased a magic jack phone ser. and need to open ports to make it work?

just purchased a magic jack and trting to get it to work. it wont connect to register. it says "firewall and router stetting must allow magic jack usd to access on domain on ports 5060 and 5070"

when i talked to customer service they said " please open the following ports: magicJack uses ports UDP 5061, TCP 80 and TCP 443."

i dont know how to do this so any help would be greatly appriciated. i use windows xp home. if that matters.


i dont have a router. when talking to custoemr service they said i wouldhave to talk to my isp.

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    no!! you don't have to do nothing like that!

    the first time I had tried to install it and registered it, but somehow MJ was down or something....I than email them and they told me to try the next day, and it worked ever since!!

    The MJ download was much easier then any other VoIP that I'm using now...! You're up and running within 5 minutes...

  • 1 decade ago

    These are ports on your router, not your computer.

    Log into your router, look for the area about port forwarding and incoming access and make the changes accordingly. Every router is different so exact details are impossible here.

    My son uses MagicJack and it works fine here with the ports opened on the router. Without a firewall you should have no issues connecting, if you do, then it is an issue with the MJ service or the device itself.

  • 1 decade ago

    Lots of help available here:

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