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after 4 years of being in what i thought was a solid relationship with my boyfriend.....?

and working hard on our flat we were moving into i became pregnant. at first there were no problems and my boyfriend was happy. but then four months into the pregnancy he wants nothing to do with me or our baby. everyones advice is to take him to the cleaners. i work full time and will continue to work after the baby is born. £16000 pa. my ex boyfriend earns £30000 pa. what would he be expected to pay towards the bringing up of the baby he wants nothing to do with.

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    hmm, this sounds very similar to my situation. I believe that the CSA recommend 15% of his wage (not sure if thats gross or net). he should still pay despite not wanting to see his child. however, 15% is s.hit considering you will be spending all your money on this baby! I had a similar experience and now my ex is about to start giving me money and sees his son so things are working out better than I thought they would. sounds like your bf has got cold feet and is a bloody insensitive w.anker. you're brave and it is hard being a single parent but it has its rewards. I thought i'd go back to work straight away but i love being a mum so much I'd rather stay at home till he's a bit older now!!

    BTW when you make an application for income support which you will probably have to do at some point, they automatically contact the CSA and make a claim on the father (If he deserves to be called that) so he can't get pissed with you for applying- you have no choice - they force you to do it.

    good luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    your ex sounds very stupid and its his choice that he doesnt want anything to do with the baby but its his child to so he should take the responably for helping to support the child if he wasnt ready for a family yet then he should have told you before now so that you could have taking conception to help aviod the worry of pregnancy.

    good luck to when the babys born and respect to you for not getting rid of the baby just to keep him i think your make a good mum and be able to offer your child a lot even though being a working mum can be hard but its very rewarding

  • emzc
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    i totally sympathise with you! ive been in a relationship for a good 8yrs or so. its not been easy, and things got tough when i was pregnant with our child. he's not been much of a hands on dad. i guess you could say it changed our relationship completely, although i love our son to bits. he doesn't pay any support for his son and neither does my other kids father although he earns pretty good money. the guy im with now doesnt earn much so wouldnt really give me anything anyway. i get nothing from my other kids father who after nearly ten years has decided to just up and leave? things are going from bad to worse for me now, and its drinking along with a no-sex life thats causing the problems. ive tried the csa route with the first about three times, but its now disbandoned. if i were you i would get a good solicitor who deals in family law if he is not forthcoming with child support. i would contact your local citizens advice bureau or legal advice to find out how much he should pay you if you split. he still has a financial responsibility to your child so make him pay!

    good luck, and you will be okay! there is help groups out there for single parents along with your family hopefully. GOOD LUCK

  • 1 decade ago

    Everyone has been giving you the correct advice. I won't go into the various reasons that this guy could have for wanting to abandon you and the baby-entirely to numerous-but the most important thing is that the baby be provided for to the best of BOTH of your abilities.

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  • 1 decade ago

    hi, obviously i dont know how your boyfriend is behaving towards u, but with both of my pregnancies , which have been 9 years apart,my fella , he is crap when im pregnant i think some men **** it , to put it bluntly and mine was like that , i felt on my own, but he was brilliant when both babies were born like a light switch had come on but if he hadnt been it would have been good night vienna, so maybe hes just bricking it, or maybe hes a tosser thats for u to decide .hope this helps

  • 1 decade ago

    This is a shame for you all. Your boyfriend does not know what he will miss. It is wonderful bringing up children.

    15% of his salary is about what you will get . This will not however be enough to bring your child up comfortably.

    I suggest that you telephone 08707 607 496 where you will get help & advice.

    Good luck

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    tale him to the cleaners, and give up work and care for the baby, no parents should be working and leave their children

  • i believe he has to pay half!

    You send that bastard packing and get yourself a good guy that wont worry about a baby on the way.... there are plenty of us out here!!!

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