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Bush Health Insurance Plan?

Anyone read how Bush is planning to have us pay INCOME tax on health insurance benefits if they are too much above "average?"

This loser is as much a liberal as Clinton was, only without a Republican Congress led by Gingrich who can keep him in line a little bit.

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    From what I read, he wants to discourage people from getting the expensive, low copay, low deductible plan that some companies offer. With higher cost to go to a doctor, people would then go less, leaving more money in the insurance pool. With excess money, the insurance companies would then lower premiums. Essentially he wants the consumer to feel more of the cost of health care.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Fact Check on Bill to Expand the Child Health Care Program - Minneapolis Star Tribune, Kevin Freking September 26, 2007 Just what would happen under the bill that passed Tuesday in the House to expand the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), up for a vote later this week in the Senate and then sure to get a veto from President Bush? Here are some of the claims and the corresponding facts: The claim: The proposal would encourage families to substitute public insurance for private insurance. The facts: The Congressional Budget Office projects that about 3.8 million people would become insured as a result of the bill, and about 2 million more would move from private coverage to public coverage. The claim: The proposal would allow coverage of families earning $83,000. The facts: The bill essentially sets an income ceiling of three times the poverty rate for a family of four -- $61,950. Beyond that, the federal government would not pay a state its full SCHIP match, which averages about 70 percent. The claim: The bill would make it easier for children of illegal immigrants to participate in Medicaid. The facts: Currently, states are required to seek proof of U.S. citizenship before they provide Medicaid coverage, except in emergencies. The states now require applicants to show documents such as birth certificates or passports in order to prove U.S. citizenship and nationality. The bill would allow applicants to submit a Social Security number instead. Michael J. Astrue, commissioner for the Social Security Administration, said that matching a Social Security number with an individual does not allow officials to verify whether someone is a U.S. citizen. The claim: The proposed 61 cent tax on a pack of cigarettes is a tax on the poor. The facts: According to a recent analysis by the National Center for Health Statistics, smoking rates are higher for those who live in poverty or near poverty than among wealthier people. Also, a more dated analysis cited by the National Center for Policy Analysis, a conservative think tank, states that two-thirds of federal tobacco taxes come from those earning less than $40,000 a year

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Man more money in his hands again? He is the biggest worm in the world, that guy with money is like putting a match to it, in his whole entire life he never made a business work ever. He lost everyones money, (investors) that what he is he gets people to invest then he bankrupts you and then sells it off like the corporatiions did with little businesses and that is what he has done to our treasury? Duh? What a numb nuts. But he had Daddy and Daddy's friends bail his debts our everytime. Unbelievable what a joke ha ha but not funny really.

    We pay already into the taxing body for the medical and get nothing back? Man we need to lose this guy for good, like a disease. After he leaves he needs to wear a big L on his back for sure.

  • 1 decade ago

    When Bill Clinton was in office the country prospered. Affordable health care was available to all. G. Bush is oblivious to middle America and feels government is for themselves not for the people. His family has the finest health care at no cost at all to him and evidently he does not care about you or anyone else.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Worthless. In fact worse than that. Just another lame Bush attempt to be a pResident. How will his own party support this?

    Its something liberals would supposedly do.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Bush's health insurance plan is to die and donate your body to science so they can study your corpse and maybe someday they can make the rich live longer. He's a Nazi just like Gramps was.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Don't call him a liberal. He's your guy. We (liberals) didn't vote for him. We have know he is an idiot since we first heard of him in 1999.

    He's on your side. If you Republicans don't want him anymore, contact your representatives and push for impeachment. That would be a Republican initiative that would certainly bring bi-partisan support.

  • 1 decade ago

    hes just trying to win is trust bake because he has the lowest rating

    of people likeing him in the history of preastides a.k.a hes not a good preastidant

  • 1 decade ago

    He thinks we have TOO MUCH ins. This twerp never had to work a day in his life. He has no idea of what it means to have no ins. and no way to get it. Please don't compare him to Clinton. Even if you don't approve of his morals, Clinton was brilliant. Bush is brainless.

  • 1 decade ago


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