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What do you think about the Democratics chances for the White House in 2008?

I personally would love to see Hilary run with Obama as her running mate!! Who thinks this duo would have a chance?

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think that they have a fair chance. I am, however, not taken at all with another Clinton in the White House. She has too many financial questions surrounding her (whitewater).

    Personally, I think Obama would make a much better presidendt than her.

  • 1 decade ago

    That's not going to happen. You have to look at the big picture. At 60 this is the only chance Hillary has to win the white house again. Obama will not want to be on the ticket for the simple fact, if they lose, which we all hope they would... His political future is shot.

    Hillary would never think of running under Obama, if he were to win the primary. That's not how she opperates. As time goes on, you will begin to see Hillary and her camp begin to discredit everything about Obama, it's already started as a matter of fact.

    The best thing for America at this stage of the game, in order to continue on the right path of economic recovery, would be either Romney or Guliani...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I do, I think that Hillary Clinton is a strong, intelligent woman that is not afraid to stand up for what she thinks is right and Obama would be an excellent choice for Vice President as he is also intelligent and well educated. They both seem to be more for the American people and less for the large corporations, especially the big oil company's favored by George Bush.

  • 1 decade ago

    You must be republican, hahah. Hilary has a terrible public image, and Obama, is still working on one, who the hell knows him? But if the democrats get the right people together, i think america would vote for them, simply because the republicans are hopeless.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Hillary - Obama thing would surely be interesting. I don't think Hillary can pull it off. Think that the Democrats will muck things up over the next two years and the Republicans will get it again.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, let's see: A woman surrounded by questionable financial dealings, who virtually emptied the White House when Slick Willy ended his term and they had to leave, married to a convicted draft dodger (felony ~ and convicted felons are not allowed to run for Office, but "someone" pardoned him ... wonder who?) and who would not only marry, but stay with, a man of this caliber during his blatantly open affairs for years (yes, she has "strength" if "strength" means publicly and personally humiliating yourself for the purpose of obtaining future votes), and who (if you watch and listen to her closely) will contradict herself in almost everything she says.

    And you want her to run with a young man who, though currently has joined the Church of Christ, I believe it is, as a political measure, who is the son of a Muslim and was raised by his Muslim stepfather and, though he plays it down by drawing attention to his two year attendance at a Catholic school, also attended a strictly Muslim school as a child; a school which, in fact, has produced a majority of terrorists? (**NOTE: I am NOT saying, suggesting, nor implying that Barack Hussein Obama is a terrorist in any way, shape or form!!**) A man who initially said he'd like to run for Office but lacked both private and public funds ... who then considered a running-mate position ... and who then quite suddenly had the funds to back a campaign he claimed initially not to have just a few very short months previously?

    Does nothing there strike you as worthy of investigation of these two Candidates to see if they are as unimpeachable of character as they claim?

    And you think this is best for the U.S. at this time? Don't listen to the media, use this wonderful tool we have ~ the Internet ~ to research, research, research. Look up who defended one of the Black Panthers back in the late 60's/mid 70's that helped torture and murder one of their own because they felt he was untrustworthy.

    I don't think this duo has a chance and, if they do, may God have mercy on America.

    Quite frankly, I do think Pelosi will have two full years to completely discredit and destroy the Democratic Party. There has been a dragon loosed in that one that will not be stopped; a dragon with an ego, with an agenda, and on a mission .

    We Americans are more than guilty of listening to the media, of listening to the glowing reports put out by a politicians' P.R. teams, and of *not* researching the Candidates ourselves. The media no longer reports the facts; they have glittery television faces and personalities and they report, or slant their reports, based on **their own opinions,** whether subtly or openly. And they’ve no more dug into research than they’ve flown to the moon under their own power.

    It's time and past to vote for the person, not the Party, with full knowledge of their background, and **not** base our voting decision(s) on political affiliation, the blathering of the media, the publicized glad-handing events, the near-saintly press releases put out by their P.R. teams and how many promises they make..

    Though I consider myself Republican, I believe the time has come to have a strong Independent, Green, or other Party in Office. Both the Republican Party and the Democratic Party need a message from the voting public to take a break to re-think, re-organize and revamp what their Parties should focus on.

    Politics are no longer meant for the benefit of the people, as they should be. They are meant for the one-upmanship of the two main Parties, as well as the personal benefits and financial gain of the winner, and I think America has had quite enough of that for a long, long time. If we want politicians back who genuinely have the interest of our Country and her citizens at stake, then it's up to us to make the reform happen with our votes and our correspondence with our Senators and Congressmen.

    What we need is another person along the lines of Ronald Reagan ~ a man who, though affiliated with the Republican Party ~ ran this Country with compassion, open-mindedness and tough military strategies rather than follow-the-rules political party affiliation.

    Source(s): The Internet and some time spent digging through the facts, Court cases and other information available if one just diligently looks for it.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Their chances are slim, especially after two years under Nazi Pelosi. Also, with their egos, Clinton and Obama will never run together. But it would be nice to see them both politically defeated in one fell swoop.

  • 1 decade ago

    This duo would have the chance of a snowflake in Hell.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would.Hopefully a Democrat would win.

    Republicans have done enough damage.

    I'll be glad when Bush leaves.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What do you think of one party rule? No thank-you!

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