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Lv 4

i am starting to loose faith?

in the Bible it shows in the footnotes all the differences from one manuscript to another. the Catholics have more books in there Bible, the protestants have less. i have noticed that Christianity is almost identicle to paganism.

the Koran has scientific proof in it such as the world is round, embryology, geology, cosmotology. in the Koran it is written that the sun rotates. there is so much proof in the Koran that scientists are embracing Islam. there is no way that Muhammed knew those things.

there is even prophecy about Muhammed in the Bible. this verse describes Muhammed when he toke over Medina with 10 thousand of his followers and gave the people the law.

Deu 33:2 And he said, The LORD came from Sinai, and rose up from Seir unto them; he shined forth from mount Paran, and he came with ten thousands of saints: from his right hand [went] a fiery law for them.

who else could this prophecy be refering to?

Christians what is your advice?

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Deuteronomy 33:2

    And this is the blessing, where with Moses the man of God blessed the children of Israel before his death.

    2 And he said, the Lord cam from Sinai, and rose up from Seir unto them; he shined forth from mount Paran, and he came with ten thousands of Saints: from his right hand went a fiery law for them.

    3. Yes, he loved the people; all his saints are in they land: and they sat down at thy feet; every one shall recieve of they words.

    4. Moses commanded us a Law, ...

    As you see it was speaking of the LORD. and Muhammad was never referred to as Lord. That was about GOD, and the Fiery, was the Laws of God. Not the physical attacks of soldier, or taken over people, or lands.

    As you can see also, that was the blessing from Moses before his death to his people.

    The Koran has many mistakes in it for example:

    the sun sets in a merky water!

    the Earth is the center of the Universe!

    the thunder are missles to kill satan!


    the Koran is an interesting book, but it has many mistakes. Did you know that Muhammad had the Bible translated to him to Arabic! Now you know.

    There is no amount of answers that will give you back the faith you had in your religion. Just because you were Christian, doesn't mean you know much about it. or do you!

    One advice I can give you. If you wish to remain a Christian, learn it from the proper source, not from those source who claim one thing, and in reality are not, and just want to divide people. And if you wish to became a Muslim or any other religion, do the same. Learn from the proper source who wants to teach about the religion, without the added hate to others.

    Good Luck in whatever you choose.

  • 1 decade ago

    You have to be well founded in the Word so as not to be tricked by others. The corruption into paganism is prophecied and certainly is rampant. But this is not Christianity. Don't let the big business organizations which claim the Name fool you into thinking they represent Christianity.

    Let those who embrace Islam do so. It is their choice. There is science in scripture but much has been hidden by the wolves aforementioned. You have been given a mind to search out the truth. It takes work. Faith in Christ will give you what you ask in His name and will.

    Deut. 33:2. The introduction to the blessing of Israel by Moses. It follows the song of Moses in Deut. 32 which the overcomers sing as prophecied in Revelation 15:3. Want to know what the overcomers sing? This is prophecy of the day of the Lord, the great triumph when Christ returns with ten thousand of His saints to conquer anti-christ at the seventh trump. What happened at Paran? God led His people through the wilderness. He gave them the fiery law. It was the beginning of the deliverance. A beginning tempered by testing. We today also live in a wilderness, an uncivilized waste awaiting our deliverance.

    It will surely come.

    Compare Jude 14,15

  • 1 decade ago

    Does not hurt to know what the qur'an says but I found nothing of more importance in addition to what the Bible says. Either way you need Christ so how is your faith being lost (losing not loosing) or are you just a muslim searching for converts. There are equally astounding truthes in the Bible that were previously unknown to man. The earth being in orbit around the sun was written in secular manuscripts b4 the Bible was written. Even the Aztecs knew that. That scripture may or may not be about M. Allah and God are both the diety of Abraham. Wheres the problem other than in your head. There is no descrepency in any of the early texts worth mentioning, and no one says not to read those extra books only that they have nothing of importance.

  • 1 decade ago

    1) The honesty of the translators have included those for a purpose.

    2) Read why the evidence for the King James Version is overwhelmingly correct and is the standard by which all newer versions compare themselves.

    3) There is overwhelming evidence to support the historicity, chronology of the Bible through archeaological evidences.

    4)There have always been imitations of true religion and imitators of Christ (even in Jesus day He warned them and the Bible says it was already at work then)

    5)That verse has nothing to do with Muhammed. Lots of Israel's neighbors and disinherited from the covenant promise family were jealous and had an interest in developing a counterfeit and access to the original truths revealed to Israel by God.

    Anything that doesn't exhalt Christ is not of God. Jesus is the only way to the Father. If you try to go through any other door into heaven the same is a thief and a robber. There is one name under heaven given unto men whereby we must be saved and that is Jesus Christ. Islam attacks the Deity of Christ, His resurrection, and twists the truth of God's Word to decieve anyone who is not rooted and grounded in the Word and is prone to be blown about by every wind of doctrine. My advice is to give your heart and life to Jesus Christ and seek the Holy Spirit which will lead and guide you into all truth. That's the best way to find truth is on your knees in humble contrition. God is not the author of all your confusion.

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  • 1 decade ago

    now your thinking!

    how can you take the bible as proof when its not even the original bible? what man has chopped and changed can no longer be the divine word of God. On the other hand, Islam has one book, and one very unchanged book, and this is widely agreed upon, even by Christians.

    Muhammad was a prophet, but just because he didnt lead people to the 'cross' or 'Christ' does not make him any lesser of a Prophet, just means the truth lays somewhere else.

    Jesus was a prophet also, one sent by the One and Only God, Allah(swt). Why else would he say that he is not God and also give us a prophecy regarding another follower of Allah (swt)?

  • 1 decade ago

    If you want to look at the Muslim religion then take a look at the "Science" in the Surrah and the Haddith, you will find things like the moon goes down into a muddy pond that Muhammad found. If you eat one wing of a fly the other wing contains the cure. There are verses that literally say the Jews were turned into rats.

  • Esther
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    You are starting to lose faith in what? If you think there is a "prophecy" about Mohammed in the are not well acquainted with either the bible or what Islam truly is. Mohammed is not referred to by name in the bible. He is a false prophet, since he did not point the way to the cross of Christ for salvation.

    I don't mean to insult you, but if you don't know this basic tenet, how can you "lose faith", since you don't have it in the bible as God's word in the first place?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    Start by not lying about your religion. If you have one! It is unbecoming, and only reflect badly on your faith and you. Don't underestimate the readers, for they can see through you.

    If you are a Muslim, which I don't think you are. or a Christian who is losing faith! and that too, is a failed attempt. Pretending to be something else, is not going to prove or disprove your religion, it will only reflect on your creditablilty. More like, you are a trouble maker, and want the two side to go at each others, and you sit back and watch with a big grin on your face. behave.

    One last advice. Don't go into politics or acting. ;)

  • 1 decade ago

    WHAT KIND OF ADVICE DO YOU WANT?? do you want us to sit there and tell you that islam is correct or the bible is false sorry man no can do on either besides of you get shaken in your faith that easliy then i would go back to BIBLE BASICS 101!!! i mean no disrespect man but think about it 1 scripture and you are running for the hills

  • 1 decade ago

    u r absolutely right. Allah rightly says he guides whom he wills. to know more about the fake stories of christianity interpreted by pope's and saints. meet the christian preacher , who reverted back to Islam named yusuf estes. refer his site,, he was a perfect christian but while trying to convert an egyptian muslim he reverted back to Islam. because Allah says when truth clashes with falsehood , false hood perishes because falsehood is born to perish.try to seek advice from true followers. when u r trying to analyze the true religion read the religious scriptures and understand urself, dont seek fake advices from people who have no knowledge, from ignorant people who themselves are not on the straight path then what will they guide others....beware of the Satan.u r about to come to the right path. read the scripture u will know the truth.

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