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TEEN 15 STEALING from parents?

We adopted this child when she was 6. She had been a product of the DCFS foster system. Yeserday morning she stole around $8 from my wallet. I confronted her and the inevitable LIE denial. I told her that I would take $10 from her savings from her vacation savings if she didn't return my $$$. The verbage from her mouth was unreal and she accused me of stealing her $$. I made it clear as a bell. Return the money she took out of my wallet and I'll replace her money back into the vacation fund. NEVER HAPPENED!

This child has everything and anything, nice home, nice things, she's the only child left at home etc. She LIES and STEALs. She just recently got off probation for STEALING A VAN and joy riding for an hour. Juvenile hall...probation etc.

WHAT IS A MOM/DAD supposed to do? Live like a prisoner in their own home with dead bolt locks on everything? This kid has no respect for this house. I don't deserve this!!


we've have had the counseling, our daughter is in youth group and attends church. Participates in VolleyBall, Baskeball, is on the honor roll at school. The reference stated referring to my daughter as THIS child was a typo.

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Welcome to having a teen ager. My advice is this, hang in there with her. Some parents make the mistake when there child does something wrong to give up on them. Is she hanging out with bad kids? You have to be firm and stick to your word. You cant let her rule your household, you are the parent. Does she go to church and have a youth group? You should try to find her different structured things to do. When my daughter was 17 she put me through pure he@#, it broke my heart but I did realize she was a teen and I to did stupid things at that age. I grounded her and took away alot of her favorite things. Kids will go either down the right path or have to learn life lessons the hard way. You adopted her so she is your daughter. She may be crying out in her own way. But it sounds like to me she is hanging out with the wrong crowd. You have to be strict with her and be true to your word. Since she didnt return the money take it away from her savings. You may even have to get her into counseling, but be there for her and be supportive. Dont turn your back on her and be open and honest with her. But find out what is really going on in her life. Does she make good grades? I have seen so many parents turn their back on their kids when they mess up. That it turn causes more problems that get harder to deal with. But you are the parent and you need to set up rules and make her live by them. If she doesnt be tough and take away things and ground her. If you have to put locks on her window or an alarm so she doesnt sneak out then do it. But she is your kid, you have to still show her you love her no matter what she does. but you also have to be tough. My first step would be counseling, she may have went through more trauma and turmoil before you adopted her and it is now starting to surface. She sounds like a typical teen, but if you let her rule the roost now things will continue to get worse. But love her and hang in there with her while she goes through lifes lessons. good luck!

  • 5 years ago

    You can not spend your time worring about what may happen. Trust is important and having an open line of communication with your parents is the right thing for all of you. When you make a mistake you will be able to talk it out and move on. Some mistakes are bigger than others and I think it is not so much a trust issue on the kids part but on the parents part. At some point they will have to let you learn from your own mistakes as they once did. This is how we grow as people.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't have any teens, so I don't know how much I can help. I had two brothers, however, who were always in and out of trouble. They are still a mess as adults. I understand how you must feel because I have seen what my mom went through. You should do your very best to get serious counseling for your daughter and yourselves. I would also start taking away everything she has and make her earn it back. Don't bail her out when she gets in trouble. Let her feel the consequences of her actions. Keep letting her know that you love her but that you ABSOLUTELY WILL NOT accept this behaviour. Don't let up on her. Hopefully you and your husband are a unified front because it helps to have support. Is she doing drugs? Snoop, snoop, snoop. If she is, make her do rehab. Good Luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    Wow, This is a bad situation. First off, NO you don't lock your things up & be the prisoner in your own home.

    You tell her she stoler 8.00, she lied about it & now she will WORK around the house to REPAY what she has taken.

    Then you ground her from everything for lying & being untrustworthy.

    You have to get a grip on this girl NOW.

    If it was me I would start taking HER items away from her each time she behaves inapropriatly......let her start earning her things & privelidges back.

    She needs to begin working for what she gets & working to earn trust in your home.

    I would make her stay close to home & let her know it's because she can not be trusted & that when she proves herself more trustworthy, THEN she will be given priveledges again.

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  • 1 decade ago

    There seems to be major conflict and animosity between you. You refer to her as "this child", and nowhere in your question is there any hint of affection or a desire to find out why she is behaving so badly. She is lying, stealing and verbally abusing you so she is obviously deeply unhappy too. Is there any counselling/conflict resolution service anywhere near you? I think you need some-one independent to talk to you both (separately) and then together, to try to found out what is at the bottom of her behaviour. Does she feel wanted, part of the family? Or does she feel you took her in to make yourself feel good? Is she constantly reminded that you are "did her a favour" by adopting her? At the moment you are in a no-win situation - you need outside help to try to resolve this and get on a better footing before it is too late for her. If there isn't a counselling service you could start with your family doctor, or her school (they often have skilled personnel who understand teenagers!). Best of luck.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    its not exactly fair, but what works for me, is a SEVERE punishment! whenever i remember what punishment i'll receive for doing something wrong, the SCARE makes me forget even thinking of attempting it! a good, nice, cruel, carefull drill will do, i think! but she must understand that she's facing that "drill" because of her lies and stealing!

  • mom and dad stick to your guns

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