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Some Christians here like to preach like they own the heaven......?

What's wrong with them?They say Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven.And they said Ahura Mazda,Allah Zeus Jupiter are all false god.What is wrong with them?I met Buddhist and Sikhs and Muslims and didn't preach to me like those Christians do.

What's wrong with them?


Yummygood,I said most Christians not all.

Update 2:

Envirodude,what's your point here,?I invite you to explain the action done by these people not you to mock Muslims,Buddhist and Muhammad.

20 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I am a truly devoted Christian but I too have to sometimes agree with you in the way Christians try to save people. its like they try to force you into believing by a form of authoritive brain-washing. But what they are really trying to do is to make you have faith and make you believe for yourself that Christ is actually the only key to Heaven's doors because this is how they truly feel. Whether it being actual hardcore proof of Jesus's existence and purpose or the truth told in the Bible. Christian's main tool is the Bible, everything about Christianity is from the Bible, actual written documents. All these things they tell you (and it should be the absolute truth) is from the Bible itself.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It is sad to say that a lot of Christians feel that if you don't believe in Jesus ect ect you will go straight to hell. They really don't want this to happen to you. The irony is they genuinly care and desperatly want to save you, somehow they don't understand that some of what they say can be insulting, annoying, and completly disrespectful to members of other faiths (including atheism) and even to other denominations of christianty.

    My family on my dad's side prays daily to have me reconverted, I am quite ill at the moment and I have other christian friends who think it is aweful that they arnt praying for healing (they hope this may return me to the fold too but thats not the point its not their whole world picture). My family believe that if I convert to their brand of christianity that believes yoga is evil and that homnosexuality is a sin everything would be fine for me and I would be happy. What they dont understand is that they don't just want to change my faith they want to change who I essentially am and I would need a personality transplant to accomplish this.

    Sometimes the problem comes in the interpretation of the word witness. Some people think it means to tell you the truth every minute of the day and some people believe it is just in living life in a christian manner and allowing you to become interested and asking questions because of what you see. I had a lot of genuine interest and concequently better informed people around me when I witnessed this way. Whereas the other apprach can just (and often does) p*** everyone off.

    Bottom line is they love you in a very militant in your face way.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Power breeds arrogance which breeds the rest of the bad things in the world. The reality is that Christianity is the single most powerful religion in the world and has been for millenia. Its not going to change overnight.

    Come to think of it, its rather like the United States. They're incredibly powerful. Basically, everything the world does is based on what the US does. Even all money in the world is compared to the US dollar.

    That kind of power is good for those involved but bad for everyone else. Remember the saying "power corrupts" because it really does.

    The thing is, the US has only been this powerful for a few centuries. Christians have been that powerful for millenia and they actually think they're justified in their behavior because of it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm a Christian studied in the manuscripts - I've never felt or said that I think I own Heaven. Let me give you a fresh insight on what a true Christian has to say to you:

    The last thing you will ever find me doing is getting on this forum begging and pleading for you to find Jesus. No convincing from me. God doesn't require it of me. If you have no ears for truth, then there is nobody on earth thats gonna get you to hear. We are in this flesh life for a one-time event to give everyone a choice. If you have made yours, then its one-down, millions to go. For all I care, you can sit and worship zeus until your skin falls off. God doesn't want that choice taken from you, and so neither do I. Everybody has to sail their own ship. In Scripture, it tells a story of a bad rich guy and a good beggar who both die.

    There they are in Heaven, and the rich guy can see across the gulph to the beggar who is being comforted in the arms of Abraham Himself. No, the rich guy is not burning in flames.

    He's upset because even though he has died, and found himself in a spiritual body, he knows he is still marked for judgement, and is still liable to die again (death of his soul) when the judgement comes. So he asked those around him to go to his family on earth and tell them what has happened to him, so that they don't end up the same way as him. But he is told "NO - if they won't listen to the prophets or the Holy Scriptures of God, it doesn't matter who we send - they aren't going to listen".

    You ask "whats wrong with them" about Christians. I'll tell you whats wrong with them. They think that it is their responsibility from God to convince people to change. They are well-meaning, but they don't understand that if your ears and eyes as far as truth is concerned are dead, they are pretty much beating a dead horse, excuse the saying.

    The other thing I want to tell you is that nobody is gonna get thrown into hell before given the opportunity to learn the truth.

    Thats what the 1000 yr period is for when Christ returns.

    Teaching and disipline - both badly needed in this world today.

    Then after that period, if you still don't want to be part of the family, you will be blotted out. period.

    In the end times, it is told that the spirit of Elijah will come to turn the hearts of the children back to their fathers. thats plural- fathers. Why? Because if God is your Father, you will hear His voice. If you do not, it may be that you are of a different father.

    I'm not being mean or sarcastic here - the manuscripts state that satan has children, on this earth today. Yes, I know this is not normally taught in the churches, but it sure is in the Bible.

    Some people are decended womb to womb down through the years of Abel and the other children created; others are decendants of the Kenites, which fully translated means "sons of cain". Yes, the same Cain you read of in the Garden of Eden.

    These children made it through the flood of Noah, and are on the earth (their decendants) today.

    Since Scripture says we are in the generation of the fig tree, or the last generation of this age, then it is easy for me to understand that the hearts of the children are indeed being turned to their fathers. Thats something that will not change no matter how many people preach. Thats what is supposed to happen. So follow your heart. Not all Christians are un-learned.

    Those that are will be the ones who try to preach to you.

    Source(s): King James Bible Companion Bible Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible Greens Interlinear 1611, the massorah
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  • 1 decade ago

    Do you know what the Koran says about Jesus?

    4/157 And for claiming that they killed the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, the messenger of GOD. In fact, they never killed him, they never crucified him-they were made to think that they did. All factions who are disputing in this matter are full of doubt concerning this issue. They possess no knowledge; they only conjecture. For certain, they never killed him.

    This scripture invalidates the entire ministry of Jesus. Without the resurrection, there is no salvation.

    Jesus himself said that He is the only way to salvation. What makes Jesus right? It is the fact that he died and was raised from the dead.

    Budda is still in the grave, Mohammed is still dead and his god Allah is a false god.

    Why Jesus? Because Jesus was the only one that has lived a sinless life. He died for you so that you would be able to escape eternal punishment.

    Hell was not created for humans, yet, humans that reject Jesus will go there. To find out more about eternity:

    Source(s): Christians do not want you to spend one microsecond in Hell, much less eternity. Please listen to the testimony of Bill Weise and the others.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It comes off to you like we are bad and arrogant but we say Jesus is the only way because He said He is the only way in the bible. He said, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father but by Me." Sorry if that offends you. When people hear that they are challenged to accept or reject it. You have to seek it out for yourself and ask God if that's true. And until you do that, you can't down us for telling other people what Jesus said and commanded us to tell other people.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    All religious extremists are hateful, arrogant people. Every religion has them and most of the worlds current problems can be pinned to them. There are good and bad Christians, just like good and bad Muslims and others.Separate yourself from them and follow the leaders who espouse the real tenets of Christianity.

  • 1 decade ago

    Jesus Christ said, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me."

  • 1 decade ago

    There is nothing wrong with them. What happens is that when we know we are right about something, we say it with authority. And we have the authority to say we are going to go to heaven because Jesus gave it to us. He gave us the power!

  • 1 decade ago

    The Christian mission is to convert us "for our own good". They believe it whole-heartedly and believe it is for the betterment of all mankind, but it is certainly a limited view. I was raised Christian and always had a problem with that concept.

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