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What "crimes" has Bush committed?

I defy anyone in this forum - and I mean anyone - to post solid, proven facts, not spin-doctored fairy tales or some drivel from a conspiracy theory web site, of ANY criminal act as defined by law that President Bush, Vice President Cheney, former Secretary of Defense Rumsfield, or Secretary of State Rice have committed in the past six years. Be prepared to cite chapter and verse as to what they allegedly did. If you're going to say that someone committed war crimes, then you'd better be able to state both specifics - DATE, TIME AND LOCATION OF THE OFFENSE - and the specific passage in a legal, binding document that specifically says what they did was a war crime. If you're going to say that they violated the US Constitution, be prepared to cite both specifics - DATE, TIME AND LOCATION OF THE OFFENSE - and the exact verbage and/or requirement and/or amendment that they violated.


Added: It's only perjury if you're under oath. Bush wasn't under oath, and personally, I don't think he was lying. I think he was given very bad information on which he based his decision...something which has been proven and admitted by Bush and his administration since then. But all you Democrats seem to forget that.

So far NO ONE has met the challenge. I'm not surprised.

Update 2:

ADDED: t-bone: true enough about NATO; however, not gettting NATO's agreement is not a criminal offense. Neither is not getting the UN's sanction as well. Neither of these organizations's decisons have the impact of law. All Bush needed was a majority vote in the US Congress, which he got.

Brian: I have seen the "information" put out by that particular website before, and I find it to be nothing more than a "consipracy theorist" website that ignores true facts and spreads its own version of events. Give me a credible source...if you can.

As for me not caring...just what were YOU doing while I was serving our nation in the military for 23 years?

Update 3:

ADDED: t-bone: true enough about NATO; however, not gettting NATO's agreement is not a criminal offense. Neither is not getting the UN's sanction as well. Neither of these organizations's decisons have the impact of law. All Bush needed was a majority vote in the US Congress, which he got.

Brian: I have seen the "information" put out by that particular website before, and I find it to be nothing more than a "consipracy theorist" website that ignores true facts and spreads its own version of events. Give me a credible source...if you can.

As for me not caring...just what were YOU doing while I was serving our nation in the military for 23 years?

17 Answers

  • t-bone
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think you are correct in your question. BUT

    Now if Bush had read your question


    before he attacked IRAQ a country he only suspected was a barer of weapons of mass destruction then the war would have never happened.

    most or all the weapons Iraq at the time was given to them by Bushes I and 2 and past president Clinton to fight against Iran.

    your question is moot

    but here is the gist of it.

    NATO rules of engagement clearly state no country may take a war action against another unless approved by 3/4 of the attending members. this request by Bush was denied until further investigations by people that were there from all the nato country's investigators (ours included) they said the found no WOMD. and his motion to attack was denied. final

    Bush then ignored this nato ruling and went it alone

    now your answer is complete .( he chose to go it alone) everyone in the world hate Americans because

    sadly he is our leader.

    in a few months we will let him know what we think of the choices he made in the last two terms, sadly America is perceived as a uncontrollable Giant that must be brought under control by the peole of this United States of America and no one else.

    we will have our voice, I just pray the world will forgive us

    our troups were never in question with thier loyalty and ability they have conducted themselves as Warriors to the Nines, we are very proud of every soldier that has given his life for this fiasco . the families they have left behind, this is Bushes war it has a smell that wont soon go away.

  • 1 decade ago

    Be prepared for hate filled lather mouthed rhetoric, but no fact. it is a shame that our countries leaders on both parties cannot get about the job of serving us the citizens of the country. Yes, George Bush has made mistakes in the war in Iraq, His biggest mistake was to think that after toppling Saddam, everything was over. That is when we needed the troop surge most. Other than that, he committed no crime and this is all political to make our president look bad on anything he does. It truly is shameful of our politicians to show so little respect for that office.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They have committed no crimes. The US has been brought to an economic state unparalled with growth continually over the last years, record market, record low unemployment, drugs for the elderly on SS. The Democrats are committing the crime by showing cowardice and aid to the enemy in time of war. They would have surrendered to the Japanese, because people were killed at Pearl Harbor. Where is the spirit Americans had then? Now they want to disgrace us with cowardice.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't suspect that you'll get any legit answers to this question. I don't like some of the things he has done, but I know for sure none of them were criminal. At least he isn't spewing DNA all over the oval office and his interns. And at least he isn't insulting my intelligence by asking what my definition of "is" is. And at least he's not committing adultery on a weekly basis. And at least he's not committing perjury on a grand jury deposition.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    President Bush has done nothing ill legal but if he did the defeatocrats don't have enough smarts to find out and prove it. They are a joke~

  • 1 decade ago

    Here's a start for you, if you are serious about your inquiry:

    Unfortuntely, the way you ask your question, it would be impossible to put all the arguments in this Yahoo forum.

    But, I guess you don't care. There are many, many, many reasons why Bush could be impeached. If you are serious about your question, read the link above and google for impeach Bush.

    That he is still in office does not mean he should be.

    I have read some good arguments that the founding fathers would want to line him up and shoot him in a firing squad for his concentration of power in the exec branch, illegal wiretapping, and pre-emptive invasion bolstered by deliberate fraud on the public -- for starters.

    But, you don't really care. I tell you what -- when you decide to be a responsible citizen, get in touch with me and I will explain it to you in gory detail. There's lots of documentation available on this and it's easy to find on the 'Net if you are serious about it.

    I'm at when you are ready.

  • 1 decade ago

    what makes you think they will ever back up what they say with facts?

    Just like the war, they talk about how bad Bush is doing, but when they are asked for their strategy on what to do you don't hear any response.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Allow me to answer for the loopy leftys:

    He beat Fat Albert Gore in 2000.

    He beat Ketchup Kerry in 2004.

    According to the dingbats, he had no business doing that so he must be a criminal.

  • 1 decade ago

    The purpose of impeachment is to investigate and identify the specifics you have requested.

    It is very heartwarming for me to see an obvious supporter of Bush & Co. to be calling for impeachment.

    Thank you Very much, there may be hope for us yet!

  • 1 decade ago

    You do not really want to talk about the subject - what you want is an arena to preach Bush is king.

    Look, when you are ready to sit down and accept the truth, I am sure everyone in here will give you dates and times the president has lied and misled the public. Until you have hit rock bottom and admit your republican heart is evil, I will take my 2 points and not bother with an intervention.

    Good luck to you.

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