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Star-Dust asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

my dogs are his problem so help me!?

l walk my dogs every day . l have a large place and l take all my dogs out walking, no matter what the weather is like. l have four dogs. had them before l met him so what can l say to him to make him let up a little on this. l love my dogs he get mad when l walk them every day

12 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    Honey you sound young so let me give you an old ladies advice. Dump the guy......Now!!! A loving relationship doesn't include borea$$ing someone to chose between them and the things (no matter what) they love. A true love shares your desires and also your likes and dislikes. Run, run away screaming in to the night if you have to but, find someone who is compatible. Living with a demanding " I want everything my way" idiot makes life too long and too hard.............find someone that will run with you and your dogs!!!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, you had the dogs before you got him, so he must understand that they are important to you. He can't seriously expect you to just neglect the dogs and never walk them again so that you can be with him 24/7. Tell, him ho important they are to you and that you love your pups. If he can't deal with that, then he has a serious problem. Try to compromise and see what is really bothering your guy, is it really the dog walking or because he thinks that yo pay more attention to the dogs then him? Talk to him, that is all you can do. I hope that you two can work it out =).

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He is the wrong guy for you. Find someone more like minded and keep the dogs. If he was the right guy, he'd be out there walking with you and getting to know your pets. Only a self-righteous control freak thinks that his sudden appearance in your life is more important than you and your family.

  • 1 decade ago

    He should go walking with you & your pooches. He doesn't have to walk with you all the time just whatever he wants. This way he can share in your love for the outdoors & your doggies. If he won't let up you should let him know how important the dogs are to you & if he sees it being a problem in your (couples) relationship future he can either find a way to deal with with you or he can find another. If he tries to make you give up something so important to you, you'll end up resenting him & it isn't a good feeling in a relationship. Good luck, dear.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Tell the jerk: "LOVE ME LOVE MY DOGS" and if you CANNOT love them too then hit the road!

    You don't need some ****** that is going to make you chose, because there are plenty of fish in the sea and you can find someone that loves dogs too and will not be so demanding.

  • Cindy
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    YIKES!!! If he's jealous over your dogs I can't imagine what other problems he has.Lose the loser,and find a boyfriend that's out walking his dogs.

  • 1 decade ago

    I assume you're talking about a boyfriend? Tell him if he doesn't accept your dogs and their needs, then he doesn't accept you. If he still has a problem leave him. You could try inviting him to come along.

  • 1 decade ago

    have you considered getting rid of him ? Let him get mad he obviously does not understand about taking care of animals and that they are a responsibility .

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Must be a jealeous type. If it's not the dogs, it would be something else. Dump him and run while you still can!

  • iroc
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    get rid of him,... the dogs don't understand him,either.

    Source(s): life
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