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l love dogs, horses and birds. l have four dogs and a very cute bird. l love to needle point, read, watch scary movies and going for walks in the woods. And traveling to different states to visit family and friends.l love my family and friends.Love the dew in the morning and love the stars at night. But l also love rainy days because l get to visit my friends who live in my computer.l love to plant flowers,and share seeds with family and friends..;_ylt=AtccEOhlID46Ui2FhOJgHn20AOJ3
Are smileys ok to use on yahoo messenger and are they safe?
l have heard that the smileys come with a toolbar and that the smileys can be used in messenger and web sites. Like personal Blogs and things like that.
And l need to heard some opinion on this. Can anyone help me with this one .
15 AnswersPreferences and Settings1 decade agoBig red X and no Photo or Pictures-Why??
There are red X in place of photos and pictures.And l thiught it was a Yahoo Glitch, but l also notice this on other web sites.Can any one explain why this is happening.l do have the Internet Option set to allow images. l think lol
9 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade agohow can l go back to windows xp and remove windows professional?
l click on the wrong thing when l went to down load a update and got windows professional.
11 AnswersSoftware1 decade agoHelp on 360.Yahoo page?
l made it t the top 10 answer, and now, l am having problems with people voting no best answers to my answers.And it does not take a brain to figure who and why.Have any one ever seen such jealousy and hateful ,rude people l do not plan to stay there.l can move over gracefully ,but others can't , so what do you think?
5 AnswersYahoo Profiles1 decade agoDid you know this about 360?
No one is getting report for doing nothing wrong. That this is a beta that yahoo is working on. And they have ask us to be patient and bear with them. That things are being fixed as fast as possible to have everything back to normal. No lies. This is the truth.
5 AnswersYahoo Profiles1 decade agoSeriously My computer mose is ?
It is even giving me a dirty finger, So what is wrong with it? And who could be doing this?
1 AnswerYahoo Profiles1 decade agoWho is having fun with my computer mouse?
It is all over the place and making every thing l type not spelled right. l am a bad speller but this is too much. EXAMPLE DDDDDDDDDDO
1 AnswerYahoo Profiles1 decade agoWhy do people do that ?
Some people in answering a question go and leave a answer that is a mile long and when a short answer would be better. The long answers are so confusing to new people and the shorter one are easier to follow
6 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade agoIs it okay for some one to post ??????
nude pictures on the IM messenger? l even told this person not to buzz me no more and he wants to flash his body parts, so how do l put a stop to this?
2 AnswersUser Profiles1 decade agoHave you ever notice?
When someone ask if you have a dog and what kind, how many people answers that question? It seems to bring all us dog lovers together. Have you notice that?
15 AnswersDogs1 decade agoall dog lovers ,will you help me ?
l feel like there are people talking back and forth to each other and nothing at all to do with dogs. am l really seeing this.? do they get reported or what? does is waste your time also? l have not been on the internet to long and do not know a lot of the names but a few does come up and has nothing to do with dogs. do you know who l am talking about?
3 AnswersDogs1 decade agomy dogs are his problem so help me!?
l walk my dogs every day . l have a large place and l take all my dogs out walking, no matter what the weather is like. l have four dogs. had them before l met him so what can l say to him to make him let up a little on this. l love my dogs he get mad when l walk them every day
12 AnswersDogs1 decade agoneeding help for my computer seeing....?
the video on the news item. or can not get to see or hear the video at all ,how do l get this to work. Help please.l like to watch news video on some of the channels. l am lost without it.
4 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade agome again how get rid of a bad download?
l asked a question about getting rid of a bad down load wee that company just came in and tryed to get me to give them a feed back. do l have the right to teel them l don't want them butting in
2 AnswersSoftware1 decade agohow do l get rid of a bad down load?
l wanted to have a few screen savers and the company that l download from add it's own addrees bar to the top off my page. and l want to get it gone. l delete all the screen savers. plus is there a safe place to down load a screen saver that don't mess my coputer up.?
6 AnswersProgramming & Design1 decade agowhy do my female dogs want:?
to jump on my male dog all the time. like if he has a toy then they want to take it away from him. and when he just wants to lay at my feet they want to jump on him so they can have this spot
4 AnswersDogs1 decade agoa you want to hear a blonde joke?
two sister lived on a farm and decide to go in cattle businss. the black haired sister told the blonde that she was going to the next town and she got $600.00 dollars out of the cookie jar. then told her sister she will let her know when to come and help bring the bull home[ they already had cows] off she walked. at that town black hair found a ull, the man ask for $599.00 the sister paid him. so she went to the teegraph office to sent a message to her sister. she told the man" come now sister, l found the bull." the man told her each word was a dollar. so black hair said " my sister is very slow so sent her this, comfortable.] ha ha ha ]
1 AnswerJokes & Riddles1 decade agosilkie---why are they called that?
l have chickens , strange looking, how did they come by that name and how can l keep the neigbhors from laughing at them or are they laughing at me?
2 AnswersBirds1 decade agois there such athing as a teacup chihuahua?
alittle dog that after full grown could it still fit in a tea cup
10 AnswersDogs1 decade ago