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furrryyy asked in Politics & GovernmentMilitary · 1 decade ago

What is your view of the Vietnam war fought by mostly draftees and the Iraq war being fought by all?

volunteers, though technically Guardsman and Reservists are really only called volunteers but who never expected to fight a war of another country.

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    contrary to idiot Kerry, Our military is not stupid. They know when they join the reserves or guard that they may be called to serve. This BS of "I didn't know" will not fly in today's military. We have a better military today because of the all volunteer force. We certainly have fewer personnel issues.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Draftees do well as long as the war remains popular and they feel they have something to die for. Draftees under the old system came from largely the same locations which meant that they had much in common and served as a "bond."

    The downside is that being draftees they serve against their will and effects morale when a war or action becomes unpopular.

    Volunteers on the other hand will blame themselves and are much more responsive to discipline.

    It is an interesting question. Which is better. Despite Vietnam all of our biggest wars have been won with draftees (Civil War, World War One and Two.)

    Wars won with all volunteer forces: Revolutionary, 1812, Indian, Spanish-American. Desert Storm and Iraqi freedom. So one could find support for either for or against the draft.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Actually the majority of people that fought the Vietnam war were volunteers. Draftees made up less than 25% of the total that served in Vietnam.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm not sure there is much difference. As a young man growing up in that time I remember young men going and some not returning and some returning dismembered physicly and emotionaly. I believe Gaurdsmen had no idea it would fall to them to protect one religous fanactic from another religious fanatic in a country that's been fighting the same war for thousands of years.I never thought I would ever be so against our government as I am now, with hearing the same ignorant remarks being made over and over, just worded differently. I've never disliked, not even Carter as much as I dislike the ones in Wahington now. The last speech Bush made was very clear he and the others don't care it's evident we are treated as morons and only because the democrates are now the majority he's willing to co-operate. That is a HUGE insult to every American in this nation and just for that impeachment should begin. Strong words for a republican that voted for him, isn't it?

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  • 1 decade ago

    both wars are unnecessary. they only provide money-making opportunities for those manufacturers of military hardware who want to do nothing but make money regardless of the human cost to engage in an unwinnable conflict, run by incompetant people who are pandering only to a very limited constituancy of weapons manufacturers and as a means of testing new, untried military hardware.

    the way to fight a war is to defeat an enemy with all the miulitary force available, not to just send in a few troops in hopes of overcoming some opposition forces througfh attrition. any war should be fought to win, not to waste time and people in some attempt to "establish democracy" on a people who prefer a theocracy, or who have no intention of losing to some other country whose leaders are to timid to fight full force and win.

    winning a war is what is required, not just skirmishing to a standstill.

  • 1 decade ago

    My view will always remain the same.

    Because wars always were...does not mean they should always be, by draftees or by volunteers

  • 1 decade ago

    Is that what you really believe about the Guard & Reserve? Holy crap.

  • 1 decade ago

    When will it end?

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