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Lv 4

how do i get saved?

if you say through knowledge and acceptance of Jesus then that means that people living in African tribes, sheltered people in police states, babies, mentally handicapped all go to hell.

if you say those people will have a different judgement then that means that it is not nessasary to be a Christian to be saved.

if knowledge saves you then you have to come to 2 conclusions. God is cruel or everyone has the oportunity to to learn the knowledge.

so i want to to know (from all religions) how do i get saved?

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Look at the flipside of that question:

    How do I become condemned?


    #1 you must hear the plan of salvation

    #2 you must have the ability to comprehend it

    #3 you must reject it

    People who don't hear it are off the hook and people who don't understand can't be held accountable.

    To get saved you must believe Jesus is God and follow his teachings.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think you missed one. You get saved from a God who saves you, not from knowledge or acceptance or different judgement or anything you might think you're capable of in order to merit Heaven. Most Christians will have a problem with my "acceptance" argument, but when the Holy Spirit works in your heart, how can God Himself be ineffective? The Bible never says accept, it only says receive.

  • 1 decade ago

    You don't have to be saved in most religions. I think it is mostly a christian thing. From a christian standpoint, all you have to do is ask god for forgiveness and mean it.

    Those who cannot make decisions for themselves or those who have never heard the good word are covered by the sacrifice of Jesus, if I remember Sunday school correctly.

  • 1 decade ago

    Aye carumba...babies are born sinless but we've got the original sin thing...holy crud, now I've heard it all! Boy, does christianity not make any sense to me! Seriousy, you don't need jesus to be saved! God is good enough!

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  • 1 decade ago

    DearTony, This is a wonderful question. let me explain by aksing you a couple of questions.

    Would you Consider yourself to be a good person?

    Ever lied?


    Looked with lust?

    ever used Gods name in vain?

    ever coveted?

    ever hated someone? (murder of the heart 1John)

    If you have said yes to these questions, then by your own admission(Not my Judgement), your a lying thieving blapshemous adulterer covetous and Murderer at heart. The fact of the matter, is that if we have broken these commandments, we have sinned against an infinitly Holy God, not only that But, because God made us to be his represenatives in creation, every time we lie,s tela fornicate ect, we are misrepresenting his name. God because he is Holy will have a Judgement, every thought word and deed, even secret sins, will come to light. The Just punishemnt for each and every one who has sinned is hell. But the good news is that Jesus christ suffered and died for your sins and for mine, he took the penalty we deserve. What you must to to be saved is repent (turn from sin) and trust in Christ Jesus. religion cannot save you, because God dosent want religion, he demands moral perfection. religion cannot attian this, only Jesus who lived perfectly and became the sacrifce. The Moment you repent toward God and trust in Jesus, you will be forgiven, granted the gift of everlasting life and a clean consceince. in addition, God makes you a new creation, a new creature, devoted to his work, you are given a new heart with new desires. Eternal life will be yours, death will have lost its sting.

    Now, what about those ignorant tribes in africa, what about sheltered people in police states and mentally handicapped?

    If those who live in the ignorant tribes of africa have lived perfectly, without transgressing the Commandments, they will be fine on the day of judgement. If they have However, they will face the same condemnation of everybody else. you see, they wont go to hell for failing to belive, but because they have transgresed the Law. Now, if your genueinly concerned for these people, the best thing to do is get your own heart right with God, and take the Gospel message to them. same thing with those in Police states, there are mssionaries in those types of staes around the world, preaching the Gospel,. are you concerned enough to take the Gospel to them,or is it simply an excuse to resist the Gospel?

    what about babies? well, babies and mentally handicapped people, cannot understand the Gosple, therefore, the BIble makes clear that these people will not face condemnatin, because they were not able to come to the ralization of the truth, and God is Just and Loving, and he is not a big oger in the sky waiting to send babies and the retarted to hell. we will all have the same Judgement, it is required to have Jeusus christ has savior and Lord. Knowledge of the Gosple is fine, but its not only about having the knowledge of the Gosple, but what we will do with the knowledge we have, will we accept it or reject it?

    That is How you get saved. Jesus said "I am the way the truth and the Life, no man cometh to the father but by me."

    God Bless


  • 1 decade ago

    All people are accountable to God whether they have “heard about Him” or not. The Bible tells us that God has clearly revealed Himself in nature (Romans 1:20) and in the hearts of people (Ecclesiastes 3:11). The problem is that the human race is sinful; we all reject this knowledge of God and rebel against Him (Romans 1:21-23). Apart from God's grace, God would give us over to the sinful desires of our hearts, allowing us to discover how useless and miserable life is apart from Him. This He does for those who reject Him (Romans 1:24-32).

    In reality, it is not that some people have not heard about God. Rather, the problem is that they have rejected what they have heard and what is readily seen in nature. Deuteronomy 4:29 proclaims, “But if from there you seek the LORD your God, you will find him if you look for him with all your heart and with all your soul.” This verse teaches an important principle: everyone who truly seeks after God will find Him. If a person truly desires to know God, God will make Himself known.

    The problem is, “there is no one who understands, no one who seeks God” (Romans 3:11). People reject the knowledge of God that is present in nature and in their own heart, and instead decide to worship a “god” of their own creation. It is foolish to debate the fairness of God sending someone to hell who never had the opportunity to hear the Gospel of Christ. People are responsible to God for what God has already revealed to them. The Bible says that people reject this knowledge, and therefore God is just in condemning them to hell.

    Instead of debating the fate of those who have never heard, we, as Christians, should be doing our best to make sure that they hear. We are called to spread the Gospel throughout the nations (Matthew 28:19-20; Acts 1:8). The fact that we know people reject the knowledge of God revealed in nature must motivate us to proclaim the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ. Only through accepting the Gospel of God’s grace through the Lord Jesus Christ can people be saved from their sins and rescued from an eternity apart from God in hell.

    If we assume that those who never hear the Gospel are granted mercy from God, we will run into a terrible problem. If people who never hear the Gospel are saved…we should make sure that no one ever hears the Gospel. The worst thing we could do would be share the Gospel with a person and have him or her reject it. If that were to happen, he or she would be condemned. People who do not hear the Gospel must be condemned, or else there is no motive for evangelism. Why run the risk of people possibly rejecting the Gospel and condemning themselves – when they were previously saved because they had never heard the Gospel?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.

    II Timothy 3:17

    King James Version

    it says here.. unto good works you can be perfect... why?

    And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.

    Matthew 24:22

    coz in order to be saved there should be no flesh...

    and how are you going to be saved?

    When his disciples heard it, they were exceedingly amazed, saying, Who then can be saved?

    Matthew 19:25

    But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.

    Matthew 24:13

    it said ... endure...

    why? coz..

    And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.

    Mark 13:13

    thats it! continue conversing?

    send me a question and we will answer it biblically...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There is but one Savior, Jesus Christ. do you believe this? If so, repent of your sins, confess Jesus before men, and be baptized into Christ for the remission of sins, Find a Church of Christ in your area and gett acquainted with them. They can help you and they will tell you the same plan of salvation as I have, Hope this helps you.

  • 1 decade ago

    Eds, you are incorrect by saying that babies or mentally challenged are sinless. we all are born in sin because of the fall of man (adam). Yet, weve all been made clean due to Christs death and resurrection.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    you need to believe in a christian so ill give you the christian were created by are His chilod wether you agree with me or no....He gave his only SON JOhn 3:16 to die for all of our sins....our need to have faith that even your worst sin has been forgiven....listen to the Holy Spirit calling you, and you will make the right choice : )

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