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Do the Iraq people consider America/ Allies as invading Infidels ??

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Most of you that are answering this question with "yes", have no idea what you are talking about. Have you been to Iraq? Have you talked to the people there? Have any of you that say "yes" talked to any of the military over there that have contact with the Iraqi's on a daily basis. Until you have held the child of father killed by Saddam and heard the mother say "Thankyou" for getting rid of him and helping her family, until you have given an Iraqi child candy, school supplies, clothes or any other quality of life items, until you have witnessed an Iraqi soldier stopping to help a wounded U.S. G.I., you have no right to criticize. The majority of Iraqi's are glad we are there and they are heart broken when they see Americans hurt or killed defending them. They do appreciate what is being done for them.

  • 1 decade ago

    At the beginning of the war, the Americans and their Allies were welcomed by a majority of the Iraqi population. However, after the Iraqi's realized that their situation (ie. living standards etc.) were better under Saddam Hussein, and after the nation witnessed a deterioration in security, they felt that the Americans and Coalition were the root cause of such happenings.

    Infidel is a term used in a religious sense; if you're speaking in a political sense, then yes, the Americans are viewed as an occupying army who is destroying Iraq.

  • 1 decade ago

    They do. But what they have to understand is that we're trying to help them so we can go home. I'm not all for the war, and Bush's method, but the war inIraq is pointless. Our troops are in country that has been destroyed to pieces, they are trying to help bring peace back and get supplies in to resore their society. The Iraqi ppl aren't scared of us, they're scared of themselves, for they know that if they talk they're killed. We're only considered invaders because of the insurgents creating a negative vibe to a country that really wants to restore peace and honor.

  • 1 decade ago

    About 90% of the Iraqi people see us as a necessary evil.

    They want us to leave when we are no longer needed.

    Sadly - the only ones the media lets you hear about are the 10% who want to create a dictatorship with themselves in charge.

    Source(s): I served in Iraq and talked to Iraqis.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Take this from a father of an soldier that spent two years there and just got back. No, the regular people there are glad we came and are glad we are there. They wish their new government would get off their collective butts and step up to the plate.

  • 1 decade ago

    yes indeed,they are invading infidels by all means.but,they cant just go after they destroyed the country,opened it to all the terrorists in the world,desolved the old army and allowed the countries enrmies to loot its arms and one ever with a drop of dignity agrees to be ruled by a you americans agree to be invaded by russia or china to help those who hate the president to remove him.dont tell me there is an iraqi is a puppet one,composed of slaves who are still brushing and licking the us soldeirs you remmember the ex parlement spokman minister hachem al-hassani who was hit several punches and kicks by an ordinary us soldeir when he wanted to go to his office in the green zone.that was a very simple example ,because even the invader dosent respect the traitores of their country.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    no you're precise we were battling uniformed militia workers. They were ordered to strive against through Saddam Hussein. and after we were given Saddam then they allied with us and we fought the bunker coots and rag heads

  • No more than the French did after June 6, 1944.

  • 1 decade ago

    Try getting your information from somewhere other then the liberal news media. The people of Iraq want us there to protect them from the fundamentalist.

  • 1 decade ago

    They want us gone like yesterday but you know Bush?

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