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why do you think gays/lesbians confuse love and Sex?
I think they think "love and sex" is the same thing - cuz you guys is all about sex - and don't tell me no... Recent studies stated that the 93 % of gays/lesbians couples last between 1 to 2 years together.. at the most.. with different sex partners between!!
please don't confused Love and sex . If you want to know what love is, please read corinthians 13 (bible). and you will see that is a different story!!.
gay/lesbia -ism is all about lust - and pervertion according to the bible!!
26 Answers
- MurazorLv 61 decade agoFavorite Answer
Any confusion that may exist was brought on by them accidentally seeing your ridiculous hair cut. It totally threw them off their game.
Find a new hobby.
- 1 decade ago
Uhh okay....maybe theres more sex with gay couples because its two guys and everyone knows guys get horny alot, BUT their no different from straight relationships...alot of straight relationships dont last very long either, and theres plenty of straights that are "all about sex",anything that is put against gays can easily be said about straights to, ever think of that? Oh and the next time you wanna call gay people "perverted" why dont you look at all the child molesters and rapists out there. Yeah the majority of those are done by STRAIGHT men, and if that doesnt scream pervert then i dont know what go away.
- Anonymous5 years ago
It's about both really, it encompasses the emotional, romantic and sexual attraction. If you feel like you are having to force yourself to be attracted to women, then you are not lesbian. You're right, it would come naturally. You most likely are straight with a tinge of bi-curiousness. If you don't feel like you want to experiment, then don't. Don't let anyone else talk you into doing something you don't feel comfortable with. It sounds to me like you want to be a lesbian as a result of being treated poorly by men. Not really a good idea and it doesn't work that way. You cannot change your sexual orientation.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
Funny, you admit you don't follow the Old Testament (in one of you other questions), yet you still hold on to what it says about homosexuals. Do you just pick and choose which parts of the bible suit you? I think you must have some sort of person reason for your homophobia then.
No, homosexuality is not "all about lust". It's about what gender you are romantically attracted to. And even though it's hard for you to comprehend it is fully possible to truly love someone of the same gender.
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- Anonymous1 decade ago
Might you cite these studies? I'd like to read them.
Anyhow, I can't speak for other gays, lesbians, or bisexuals, but I myself have never confused love and sex. I want to wait until I'm fully committed or married, and I want to be monogamous. I also want to have lots and lots and lots of sex, because sex is fun, feels great, and is a beautiful expression of intimacy that brings couples together.
In my mind, love and sex go hand in hand. One isn't necessary for the other, but they are at their optimum when together.
I don't, however, condemn others who enjoy sex without love, or who choose to be polyamorous (I do condemn cheaters, though)-that lifestyle just isn't for me.
I think you know as well as I do that homosexuality, like heterosexuality, can be about lust, or it can be about love. All sexual orientations have the capacity to be used for either, or both.
- GreenEyedLiloLv 71 decade ago
We don't.
Let me tell you a story. Three years ago, I had uterine fibroids, really bad. (Look it up.) I had to have surgery--basically, they opened up my uterus, like a C-section, and took the fibroids out. Of course I couldn't have sex for over a month. Sex was getting painful before the surgery, too.
My wife understood all this. She *watched* the surgery, all three gory and extremely unsexy hours of it. She was not repulsed--instead, she helped me recover and told me she'd be happy to help me "try your new equipment" when I was good and ready. The surgeon told me "not to screw this up" with her. Why? Because she had told the surgeon that we have the same blood type (we do), and that if I needed a pint during surgery, she would be happy to give it. That's LOVE, baby, and if it ain't, I'm not interested in exploring any alternatives!
I remember Corinthians 13. It's a beautiful passage. My wife's actions and attitudes seem to be included in it. Yours, however, are not.
- 1 decade ago
Why do you assume that you have the ability to know what is in another's heart? Sorry, your Bible doesn't endow you with super-powers. You don't know one single thing about what is going on in my head or my heart.
You claim to quote "recent studies"? Source? Is it a source of legitimate information as in a Governmental Study or are you quoting from a fundamentalist Propaganda device?
From what I read about Heterosexual Marriages....
COUPLES watching out for the seven-year itch should be on their guard a lot earlier these days. According to research, they are far more likely to separate after about two years of marriage. One in 12 couples is heading for the divorce courts after 24 months - more than double the figure for seven years. From "TWO-YEAR ITCH INFECTS MARRIAGE" News Australia, By James Mills, June 22, 2004 Cited in a posting in the Smart Marriages listserv June 22, 2004. News Australia, By James Mills, June 22, 2004."
It seems that ACTUAL STUDIES prove that heterosexual marriages are in the exact same boat as what you claim Gays and Lesbians "do".
Myself, looking forward to celebrating my 7th Anniversary in June of this year, I not only laugh at your statistics, I laugh at your suggestion.
I know what love is, far better than any book of mythology has ever been able to describe it.
Question? Why are you back here? Apparently your word to "leave you guys alone" means absolutely nothing. Ever heard of False Witness? That's what it's called when you say things you either don't mean, and considering you said you'd "leave you guys alone" that would presumably mean you would stop your religious Harassment.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
You mus confuse being negative with love. You like the negative reactions to your negative posts and confuse that with love. The bible is an out dated mode of technology. To apply things from the bible to today is like trying to use a Commodore 64 to surf the Internet. And how dare you to try and define what MY relationships are about. You haven't a clue. Go finish High School.
- ?Lv 71 decade ago
You are such a silly thing. I know at least seven couples who have relationships of ten years or more and theirs is of love and not sex. Don't confuse Paul with Love either, my son. If you want Love, go give me the words of Jesus not Paul. Now, stop being silly and start Loving thy neighbor. Blessings.
- 1 decade ago
It's statistically proven that the divorce rate of hetero marriages is way higher than same sex ones, just fyi.
And personally I don't depend on a book to tell me what love is, I think I'm capable of figuring it out myself. Stop stereotyping gays and their relationships.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
Please relax. There is a difference between love, sex, and relationship. We know that. The bible isn't where we get our info. We are all spiritual people and believe in different things for inspiration. If you can accept this you will be a happier person, maybe.