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how do i select the best answer if i asked the question?

i have no idea how to select a best answer if i asked the question... help anyone?

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Choosing the "best answer" after you ask a question is an art.

    You could make it complicated, checking to see who was most accurate with their facts, who put the most detail into their answers, which persons answered right away and who waited until they had time to read everyone else's answers, whether they spelled everything correctly or not, if they approached the question with humor and wit, or you can take the easy way and just give me the "best answer."

    I suggest the latter approach

    Look carefully below this answer, there should be a blue box that says something like "Pick Best Answer" or "Select as Best Answer." Just click it and it casts your vote....

  • 1 decade ago

    First you have to wait 4 hours after you ask , then you go back to the question by clicking your name on the left of the welcome screen , and choose the my questions tab. Click the question you want to choose an answer for , and you will see each answer has a button which says pick as best answer. Pick one.

  • 1 decade ago

    when u ask a question go to my Q&A on the top next to the search questions bar.....from there go to the middle of the page there u will find the questions u answered and the questions u on the tab of the questions u asked and wen u find the questions that need best answers chosen click ur own question and then next to each question it will say "chose as best answer" and so which ever one u want u click that one....(u can chose ur best answer after 4 hrs. after askin the question........)

    well thats bout it...hoped i helped good luck!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    ↓ Look in the right - hand corner

    ↓ Click the link called "My Q & A"

    ↓ Click the small link called my questions in the green box

    ↓ Click the question you asked

    ↓ Scan the answers and click the vote as best answer

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    on the right side of ur screen there is "My Q&A" click there > Go to the second box and click on the tab that says "My Questions" > click on the question u wanna choose best answer for > Look over the answers and click "choose as best answer"

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    when u type ur Q u have to wait 4 hrs first then go to My Q&A at the green tap at the top then scroll down and choose my questions then click on the link of ur Q,,... then go to the Answer u find its the best then click the "Choose as best answer" bottom at the end of the answer.. That's it

  • 1 decade ago

    Go to My Q&A, then Click on My Questions, Click on the questons and for each response there will be a button for best answer.

  • 1 decade ago

    well you have to wait 4 hours after you post it then go to it and a click on it then click the "choose for best answer" button and wabam!you just chose best answer♥

  • jobees
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    You just click vote as best answer before it go to vote

  • yes shorty is right but you need to wait 4 hours befor you chose also you can wait 3 days if you do what to pick the winer so jive the 10 points to shorty,but it,s but to you nand you get 3 points back.

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