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When do you thumb down questions or answers?

* When you disagree?

* When they are not respectful?

* When they express the point of view of a different faith?

* When you are in a bad mood?

* When you usually disagree with this person in paricular?

* On all the occasions mentioned?

* On other occasions?

Just wondering! I usually thumb down questions or responses that are insulting (to any faith).



Sorry, with the new look of YA you cannot thumb down questions, but this is how it used to be.


16 Answers

  • Elly
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Only when they are very offensive, make me really upset or are totally wrong in fact, never because they express the point of view of a different faith or just because I disagree. I even often give people of different faith thumbs up. I'm an atheist and I have given a lot of thumbs up here to religious people from whom I learned something positive or interesting about their faith, who expressed respect for other views or who share my views in certain aspects.

  • 1 decade ago

    When they parrot the views of a specific faith without answering the question or including any original thought.

    When they're nothing but a cut-and-paste of an article or Bible passage.

    When they're disrespectful without being funny.

    When I've been giving too many thumbs-up, and feel like doing something different.

    When they're ridiculously long, and I just want the answer out of the way so I can read the others.

  • 1 decade ago

    * When you disagree?

    Higher standard: contains clear factual errors. I don't "thumbs down" dissenting opinions.

    * When they are not respectful?

    Higher standard: clearly disrespectful.

    * When they express the point of view of a different faith?


    * When you are in a bad mood?

    I'm quicker on the trigger.

    * When you usually disagree with this person in particular?

    I give them less benefit of the doubt.

  • Alex
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Always when they are long cut and paste. It makes it go away so I don't have to look at it.

    Otherwise it depends a whole lot on my mood. I usually thumbs up the ones I agree with, but just skip the ones I don't. Unless it is someone answering for us atheists and they are completely wrong which happens often.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 1 decade ago

    I face that dilema regularly. I am sorry to admit, in my case, it is a knee jerk reaction - so to say.

    If I say "wow" to myself when I read an answer, I give it a thumbs up. (And, I am pretty consistant on that.)

    But for thumbs down, I am afraid I do it too often. So when I am thinking about it, I don't do it at all because I am a strong believer in "freedom of expressin". But still, there is that old "knee jerk" response of doing it.


    Hello "Lee " - how did you get to keep your avatar. I lost mine. Do you have any clues?

    PS: Hey "Lee" - That was a great answer. I said "wow".

  • Whenever someone answers a religious question about an alternative religion with something like "You're going to hell!", or Jesus is THE ONLY way".

    Whenever the information is completely wrong, not just partially.

    Those are the only two occasions.

  • 1 decade ago

    All of the above.

    I really miss the thumbs down on the questions :-(

    Source(s): Peace & Love
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I can't do it at the moment (I'm on level 1), but I can tell that some people do it just because of this reason:

    When they express the point of view of a different faith.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I report and thumb down Questions and answers that spew hatred and racial remarks .For religious questions I thumb down those that judge non-believers or try to convey that " They " have the ability to "SAVE" anyone .

    Respect is one thing but I can`t accept outright lies .

  • 1 decade ago

    Mostly when it is some vile little Troll spouting their poision, or when holier than thou Christians are being judgemental with others.

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