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Question for Muslims.?

Could someone explain a little bit about your religion please. I have become a really good friend with a Muslim and I have a lot of questions about Islam but don't want to overwhelm them by asking too many questions. Could someone please help me? SERIOUS ANSWERS ONLY PLEASE.

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Islam is an Arabic word that is linguistically derived from silm or salamah; it denotes peace, wholeness, and submission. As a religion, Islam teaches us that it is only through submission to God's will that we can find true peace—peace within ourselves, peace with fellow humans, as well as peace with God's creation.

    The fundamental beliefs of Islam can be summed up as follows:

    1.Belief in the oneness and unity of God. This entails belief in God as the one and only Creator, Cherisher, and Sovereign Lord of the entire universe.

    2.Belief in God's angels. Angels are spiritual beings who are engaged in glorifying God and doing His bidding.

    3.Belief in the Scriptures (revelations) that contain God's communications to His prophets and messengers. Among the scriptures are [the original] Torah, [the original] Gospel, and finally the Qur'an, which confirms and preserves intact the pristine, perennial religion revealed to all of God's prophets and messengers.

    4.Belief in prophets and messengers. These were message bearers from God, who called mankind unto God; they were ideal Muslims (i.e., they submitted themselves wholly and totally to the will of their Lord). In this sense, the prophets are our true role models, as they represent the best of what humanity can aspire to and become.

    5.Belief that both good and bad are decreed by God, as He alone is in charge of the entire universe.

    6.Belief in the Last Day when all of humanity will stand before their Lord for final reckoning, where one's good as well bad deeds will be scrutinized by the One Who knows all.

    Besides the above fundamental beliefs, a Muslim observes the five pillars, and lives a morally and ethically exemplary life, according to the best of his or her ability.

    1.The first and foremost of these pillars is testifying to the oneness of God. By testifying to the divine oneness, one is recognizing God as the sole entity to worship, to attach one's ultimate loyalty. Such recognition frees one from bondage of matter and values that enslave, cripple, and dehumanize one.

    2.The next most important pillar is offering five daily Prayers at the appointed times: dawn, noon, mid-afternoon, dusk, and before retiring to bed. Prayer in Islam is a direct communion with God, without any intermediary; it bestows on us grace, serenity, tranquility, and peace.

    3.The next foremost pillar of Islam is offering charity. A believer parts with at least a minimum of two and a half percent of his or her wealth for the poor and needy, although he or she is encouraged to give more.

    4.Fasting in the month of Ramadan closely follows charity as the fourth pillar. It is an institution intended to teach empathy with the poor, besides inculcating in us the need to overcome and transcend our physical desires in order to deepen our spiritual awareness.

    5.Finally, pilgrimage (Hajj) to the house of God in Makkah, the house built by God's prophets Abraham and his son Ishmael. Pilgrimage brings us face to face with people of all races and colors, and challenges us to break the walls that separate us from one another and to embrace the true brotherhood of humanity as the sacred bond that unites all of us under the lordship of the one and only God.

    The above cardinal tenets and practices of Islam are intended to instill, nurture, and deepen the basic attitudes and values of submission to the will of God. Islam essentially means to lead a life of mindfulness of God while being compassionate to all of God's creation. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) was asked what was the best teaching of Islam; he said, "To feed the hungry and to spread greeting of peace to everyone, regardless of whether you know the person or not" (Ibn Majah and An-Nasa'i).

    At the moral level, Islam teaches us to be truthful, honest, just, compassionate, virtuous; to shun all evils; to be ever bent on doing good deeds while sparing others of any harm or injury. Stated differently, it teaches us to think right, speak right, and act righteously.

    At the spiritual level, Islam teaches cultivation of mindfulness of God—being grateful to Him, patient in adversity, and content with His decree and ever willing to make our will conform to His will.

    and plz visit that link too:

    thanks for asking , and if u want to know anything don't hesitate to ask :)


  • E.T.01
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    we believe that there is one God, Allah. Allah means "the God" and is the same as illah, the arabic word for God except that it implies oneness and cannot be taken in plural. we believe in many of the christian prophets and also that Jesus was a prophet. the last Prophet was Muhammad (pbuh) and no one can come after him. we believe that Jesus will return as a messiah with Imam Mahdi to fight the dajjal (antichrist).

    there are 5 pillars of islam

    -shahadah (that there is no God but Allah and Muhammad (pbuh) is his messenger)

    -Salat (prayer 5 times a day)

    -Hajj (pilgrammage to mecca)

    -zakat (giving to the poor)

    -fasting during month of Ramadan

    these 5 are very important parts of being a muslim.

    if you have any other questions i'll try to answer. i hope i helped

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    the first and the most important thing in this religion is to worship Allah alone without being attached to any partner. Allah is the God that Jesus worshiped by his Aramaic language:

    then everything comes under this one. believe in the existance of:

    - Angels.

    - all His holybooks.

    - all his prophets.

    - day of judgement, Hell and fire.

    - and believe and accept your destiny good or bad.

    - witnes and believe that Allah is your only GOd and Muhammad is the prophet of God.

    - do your prayers 5 times a day.

    - fast on Ramadan.

    - give charity.

    - and do haj once in a life time for those who can.

    responsibilites such are be kind toward your parents, wives, neighbours, poor, needy, orphans ....etc give charity, struggle for the sake of God...etc

  • 1 decade ago

    This site explains alot of todays misconceptions of Islam,

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  • 1 decade ago

    If you could get a little more specific with your request we'd be glad to help.

    As-Salamu Alaykum - Peace be upon you

  • 1 decade ago

    Sure but please post more details. Its a large subject to discuss in a few lines without boring you and making you fall asleep ^^

  • 1 decade ago

    you want a serious answer,don't you?

    well,you should limit your questions.i cannot speak very broadly about Islam.ASK AND I WILL REPLY WHAT I KNOW ABOUT.

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