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I need a new iron that doesn't leak?

I have a sunbeam, ge, and roenta, all leak, help.

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Most irons leak if you have the steam setting on when it is set to a cooler temperature. I couldn't figure out why whenever I tried to iron a silk blouse it ended up all spotty and all my cotton clothes were fine. If the iron doesn't get hot enough to make steam, water drips out everywhere.

    Either fill a spray bottle with water and leave the iron dry, or be sure to turn off the steam feature when you use the iron for cooler temperatures.

    Hope that helps.

  • 1 decade ago

    I was going to say Sunbeam because I have an older one and it has never leaked. I've also had a Panasonic which never leaked. Had no idea Panasonic even made irons until saw it on sale about time I needed a steam iron. It never leaked and worked good until it grew legs and walked off courtesy of my girl friend. She's still using it.

    There is one way to keep your irons from leaking and that is to be sure to use distilled water in them not tap water.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Honestly They all leak once they have been droped or used a few months

    Source(s): My boyfriend is in the military and has to Iron a lot, he is also very picky about his irons and we spent 150 on two diffrent Irons and they both leaked too.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    ive found quality is quantity

    so basically if its that more expensive it shouldnt leak?

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  • I have tried 3 T-fals I just bought a Rowenta and it leaks.They r made so cheap but they r high when u buy them.SOMEONE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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