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Do you think our soldiers are criminals, terrorists, murderers, liars, mercenaries, stupid, torturers, etc.?

It seems that I'm seeing the beginning of a shift toward the Vietnam days of spitting on and persecuting soldiers for their service. It's a trend that I've just been noticing more often for about the last 2 weeks. Are we at the infancy of another shift toward the hatred of the soldier that we saw in the Vietnam era?


Mope Ve Dope: Did I say that I personally agreed with this sentiment? Did I deserve to be called a bit@h? There is NONE that supports the troops more than me. Read details next time, and maybe YOU can get it right.

23 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I've seen this coming since before the 2004 Presidential Campaign, code pinkers harassing wounded soldiers outside Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington D.C.

    Fred Phelps of the Westboro Baptist church of Topeka, Kansas protesting the funerals of Fallen U S soldiers. I've seen the term baby killers used more times then I can count on Yahoo Answers.

    Yes, the spitting and disrespect has begun, the left wing is picking up where they left off at the end of the Vietnam War. This nation should be ashamed!

    A Vietnam Veteran


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It really doesn't appear that there is a general hatred towards soldiers as was seen in the Vietnam era. Personally I do not think soldiers are bad people, a soldier does not decide who he kills. He just does what he is told. Questioning authority while in the service isn't such a good idea, coming from personal experience. There is absolutely no reason for a person to disrespect a soldier just because the war may be questionable. A soldier is just a person that has decided to sacrifice themselves for the service of their nation. Finally, it would probably be a bad idea to spit on someone that is trained and is a veteran of killing people in combat -- it could be bad for your health.

  • Serena
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    The soldiers are doing their job.They are not murderers,merceneries or criminals.

    I agree that at the moment,it's possible that the WIQ is going to turn into another Vietnam.I only hope that people will treat the returning soldiers with dignity and respect,instead of the atrocious behavior commited by the some of the Vietnam protestors.The soldiers deserve our support,not condemnation.

  • 1 decade ago

    Zed, what a complete fool. Its clear that you know nothing of the military, just repeat what the other Kool-aid drinkers spew.

    Why not go and meet some of our military up close? Get to know a few of them? You'll find that our military is more educated than the general population of the U.S., they are more against the idea of war than any Lib could ever hope to be, but they know our freedoms and security depend on people like themselves. By willing to serve and sacrifice, they allow people like you to spill out your hateful trash mouth.......and yes, I serve, and have for over 26 years and will continue to do so until they no longer need my services.....and yes, I've served over there also.

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  • Bad M
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    No - the vast majority of our soldiers are decent people doing their patriotic duty by serving their country.

    Having lived through the Vietnam era, I honestly don't remember any soldiers being spit on or disrespected. Maybe it did happen but not around me!

    Source(s): longtime Goldwater conservative / libertarian & 6th generation Texan
  • 1 decade ago

    I'm afraid the right has been laboring under this delusion for several years now. If you've only "noticed the shift" in the last two week's, you're behind on your propaganda.

    Iraq has tons of similarities with Vietnam. That little rightwing fantasy of the left turning on the troops is the least among those similarities.

  • 1 decade ago

    I was just A kid when Vietnam was going on, but I think the criminals were the hippy's that protested,these brave soldiers that fought for all you spineless bastards that would think these guys fighting for your sorry cowardly asses would be anything short of a hero ! my dear you need some serious mental health counseling or your a capital B. itch try not to p is_is off the very people that protect your sorry ungrateful rear ends this is not politics don't mess with the men & and women of the U.S. armed forces !!!!!

    Source(s): GET IT STRAIGHT NEXT TIME!!!!!
  • 1 decade ago

    Yes some are mercenaries, some are murderers,some are cowards, some are torturers, women and children killers. Some are just plain dumb cannon fodder.

    Some are naive and think they are some sort of hero.

    But all are just unthinking little pawns(ie insignificant lives) that are dictated to by the generals and politicians.

    Sheep in soldier's clothing-baa

    Patriotism is a double edged sword.

    They entered the miltary of their own free will and must bear the consequences of their actions.

  • 6 years ago

    Criminal Record Search Database :

  • 1 decade ago

    For those who have not heard about it here is a link to the article where Bill Arkin calls our soldiers mercanaries. BTW: Is Jane Fonda on this site under the code name "Cassandra"?

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