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I love a good debate, especially with people who don't agree with me, and I respect well thought out arguments. Just make sure you use good logic or you might get a smart-alek response from me!

  • I got stung by a scorpion about 30 min's ago... lips and tongue are numb...Should I be concerned?

    I have never been stung by ANYTHING but fire ants in all my life. I am aware of anaphylaxis, and I have no symptoms of breathing difficulty, but just a few minutes ago, my tongue and lips went numb and the numbness is creeping down my throat. I'm in Texas, and the type of scorpion was a common Texas striped bark scorpion. My husband looked it up and the literature says it is never fatal, so I'm not dealing with one of the bad boys. Has anyone else ever experienced this numbness, and should I be concerned?

    9 AnswersFirst Aid1 decade ago
  • Betta owners: How often do you feed your bettas?

    Our betta died yesterday, and we replaced him with a Crowntail betta. We had been feeding our betta about 4 pellets a day, usually all at once. We have recently been told that he should be fed 4 pellets throughout each day. Other people say it should be 4 pellets every 2 days, and different combinations thereof. What do you do to keep your betta happy and healthy? Thanks!

    10 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Have you ever read the US Constitution?

    There are so many questions I see here every day that seem to indicate a lack of understanding of the most basic tenants of the Constitution. It's so important to read it! As an American, I keep it on my computer as a reference and read it through about once a year. Here's a link.

    7 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Are all Muslim men woman-hating control freaks like the ones in Iran?

    They are arresting hundreds of women today for having their long coats too tight (COATS IN THE DESERT?!?), for wearing COLORS, for their pants being too short, and for their head scarves not being tightly bound around their heads!

    It seems to me that these fashion Nazi's just hate all women.

    Also, it's interesting to me that dark colors attract heat. Since they're in the desert, the men wear light colors so as to avoid over-exposure to the heat, but the women are forced to wear all black, making them more miserable than cattle.

    I guess that controlling men would really like a religion that justifies and sanctions abuse.

    20 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Has anyone ever heard of "The Grant People?" Are they reputable?

    I am beginning a business start-up, and I have been speaking to a corporation called "The Grant People." They claim to write grant submissions and file paperwork with thebusinesses that offer grants to small business start-ups. They say that they charge $2500 non-refundable for their services and another $2500 if and when grant funding comes through. Turn-around of the process is to be about 4-6 months. Is anyone familiar with this company? What can you tell me about them?

    3 AnswersSmall Business1 decade ago
  • Has anyone ever taken out a small business loan?

    I am considering opening an upscale boutique in my local historic district. I have not begun the necessary research yet, I'm just in the business-planning phase. I am interested in incorporating to protect personal assets in the unfortunate event of failure, and I am interested in a small business loan to get started. What is involved in your own experiences, and what types of things should I consider?

    1 AnswerSmall Business1 decade ago
  • What are the best phychological thrillers that I need to see?

    I love a good movie that messes with your head. What are your Critics Picks? I don't mind finding an old one either!

    19 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Sims Bustin Out: Question at Pixel Acres?

    How do you fulfill "seduce someone at Casa Caliente?" I can relax on the rug, but when I click for someone to "join", they stand on the edge of the rug and won't join, even when I'm at 100 with the person. Does the fireplace have to be lit? Does the polar bear have to be facing a certain direction or something?

    I moved the polar bear, and now no one can interact with it, and I can't click on it to sell it or move it at all anymore. I don't get this bear! Why won't any sims join?

    1 AnswerVideo & Online Games1 decade ago
  • Car Recommendation? Safety, fuel efficiency for under $22K? (details)?

    Thank you for your suggestions- I'm looking to trade in my gas guzzling SUV for something fuel efficient. Safety rating is also important, because we plan to give this car to our daughter in about 3 years. The SUV is paid off and worth about $14,000. I'd love to find something that could be a one-for-one swap, but that might not be possible. I would prefer new to used, but am willing to consider used if the fuel and safety ratings are high enough. I am not partial to any particular maker, and I've already ruled out the hybrids- each one for different reasons.

    This car will be used first for a cross-country trip, and after that, will put 10 hours of highway miles per *week*. Fuel efficiency and safety are very important!

    Any suggestions for me to go look at? Thank you!

    4 AnswersBuying & Selling1 decade ago
  • Do you think our soldiers are criminals, terrorists, murderers, liars, mercenaries, stupid, torturers, etc.?

    It seems that I'm seeing the beginning of a shift toward the Vietnam days of spitting on and persecuting soldiers for their service. It's a trend that I've just been noticing more often for about the last 2 weeks. Are we at the infancy of another shift toward the hatred of the soldier that we saw in the Vietnam era?

    23 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Is anyone else having problems with Yahoo Answers not working properly?

    When I log in, I'm getting old pages and not the current questions. When I go into my answers page, I can sometimes only see the answers I posted 3 or 4 days ago. The other times, my answers from earlier today show up, but not the last 20 or so that I've answered. When that happens and I click on "more" to expand my list, it reverts back to the questions I answered 2 or 3 days ago. It's tracking my points as of days ago too, and they change depending on what page it decides to open. Weird.

    There doesn't seem to be any kind of technical support to ask either, or at least I can't find it if it's there. Even the help button isn't responding.

    What's going on? Is anyone else having these kinds of problems?

    8 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Question for Hawaiian's?

    We will be moving to Hawaii (Oahu) in the next year and would like to know the cheapest way of traveling between the islands with a family of 6. Since we're not vacationers on a time schedule, we don't need posh accommodations, just a cheap route. What's available?

    5 AnswersHonolulu1 decade ago
  • Oh Please Help Me Men!! What Christmas gift should I get my husband?

    I don't want typical chick ideas. I want to get him cool toys that MEN like. He already has most of his toys. Not into tools-- those are all mine. Hates yardwork. He thinks clothes are a terrible gift. Won't wear jewelry.

    I'm all out of ideas. He wants a graphing calculator to use for his University Master's project, but BLECH! I don't want to give him THAT! I only have one gift for him, and he will **really** like it, but I don't know what else to put under the tree. He loves hunting and fishing- but needs to buy his OWN stuff since it's personal. We're going to move to Hawaii, but he already has his own scuba and snorkel gear. He's a Major in the Army, but has a full life outside the office... I can't think of any great ideas of TOYS! I don't want to give practical gifts! What do men want this year?

    Yeah, ok... me in a bow. Got it. But I can't put that under the tree. At least not with his parents and our 4 kids in the room. So what else you got?

    13 AnswersOther - Holidays1 decade ago
  • Help locating PBS Apollo documentary?

    In about 2000 or 2001, I watched a very thorough documentary of the Apollo space program on PBS. It was about 8 hours long, and was NOT the fiction / drama program. It included interviews with the people who were there and made it happen. I especially remember the account of the HUGE rocket (now on display at NASA in Houston) that launched the moon landing. It was created by german scientists, and due to Kennedy's push to beat the Russians, there was no time to test any part of it prior to the actual launch.

    Does anybody remember this documentary? Can anyone tell me what the name of it was so I can buy it on DVD?

    1 AnswerAstronomy & Space1 decade ago
  • On Supernova, What was the last song that Toby sang, and who was the original artist?

    "Somebody told me that you had a boyfriend who looked like a girlfriend...."

    7 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Music suggestions?

    I am putting together a series of disks of dinner music for a friend who is proposing to his girlfriend. I am crossing genres (Jazz, classical, standards and love songs...) But most of the great love songs I know are from the 70's and 80's. They are in their young 20's. What more current songs would you suggest that I include?

    5 AnswersMusic1 decade ago
  • Can someone give me a list of the music played at Olive Garden?

    I've come up empty at Google. Thank you!

    5 AnswersMusic1 decade ago