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lizardmama asked in PetsFish · 1 decade ago

Betta owners: How often do you feed your bettas?

Our betta died yesterday, and we replaced him with a Crowntail betta. We had been feeding our betta about 4 pellets a day, usually all at once. We have recently been told that he should be fed 4 pellets throughout each day. Other people say it should be 4 pellets every 2 days, and different combinations thereof. What do you do to keep your betta happy and healthy? Thanks!

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Betta don't need a lot of food, and can easily skip several days. It's a matter of personal preference. It doesn't sound like you are under feeding, or over feeding. He could use a day of fasting, but that is about it. The key to a healthy long lived betta is as follows:

    0)Clean water. You need to regularly change his water. In a some bowl that's every 4 days. In a 2.5+ gallon bowl thats weekly. In a 2.5 gallon tank that's 20% every week. In a 5 gallon tank that's 25% every other week.

    1)Warm stable temp. The temp should stay in the 75-85F range, and not change rapidily.

    2)Don't over feed a bettas are always hungry, and will eat themselves to an early death. Plus more food fouls the water quicker.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I would give him 1-2 pellets, twice per day. Adjust the amount if he starts to look thin or pudgy. 2-3 times per week, substitute blood worms or brine shrimp for the pellets. The extra protein is good for them, and he will appreciate a little variety. Most importantly, one day each week, feed him nothing. They have delicate digestive systems and need this day of rest. I feed my Bettas baby-sized pellets, because they seem easier to eat, but if your Betta is doing fine with Betta Bites, no reason to change. This how I feed my Bettas, and they live healthy, happy lives for, on average, 6 or more years.

  • Palor
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Well when it comes to feeding my bettas, I feed them 2x a day. I feed them 2-3 hikari pellets a time, or 3-4 freeze dried bloodworms or a 5-6 frozen brine shrimp(thawed). I usually mix up what they eat, but feed them the pellets at least 1x a day, and alternate the other foods for the 2nd feeding.

    I only feed them 6 days a week and fast them for 1 day.

    If your bettas starts getting skinny your not feeding it enough.

  • 1 decade ago

    my betta fish got feed 4 pellets at once every day. He lived for 4 and a half years. He only died because i gave him some betta fish treats that he started throwing up and then he went belly up. Anyways....

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  • PeeTee
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Four pellets fed just about any way will probably keep him healthy,but if you want to see a happy Betta find him some mosquito wigglers or some other form of live food. Wigglers are the natural prey of Bettas in the wild. Just don't let the wigglers become mosquitoes in the house,for the obvious reasons.

  • 1 decade ago

    I had a betta for a long time. You are supposed to feed it 2-3 pellets a week.

  • 1 decade ago

    Thee is no one right answer of course, different things work for different people because it all works for the fish. Personally, I feed twice a day. Once in the morning with pelleted foods and once in the evening with frozen of live foods.


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I feed mine once a day but I have switched to the flake food. They seem to last longer (mine is over 2 years old now) and they like it better.

    I just grab a flake and he will swim and jump for it when I put it over the tank.

  • I have flakes. and i feed then about 6 flakes twice a day. I don't feed him more food than what he can eat in 2 minutes.. also make them know your present i usually move my finger in front of my fish bowl .. he gets exited. he knows im talking to him...

    Source(s): betta cards
  • 1 decade ago

    Every other day because they don't like to eat alot. But it just depends becuase mine lasted for 3 years and they usually last 2.

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