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Are all Muslim men woman-hating control freaks like the ones in Iran?

They are arresting hundreds of women today for having their long coats too tight (COATS IN THE DESERT?!?), for wearing COLORS, for their pants being too short, and for their head scarves not being tightly bound around their heads!

It seems to me that these fashion Nazi's just hate all women.

Also, it's interesting to me that dark colors attract heat. Since they're in the desert, the men wear light colors so as to avoid over-exposure to the heat, but the women are forced to wear all black, making them more miserable than cattle.

I guess that controlling men would really like a religion that justifies and sanctions abuse.


Columbus and the KKK are irrelevant and that argument does not apply. I am in no way looking toward the actions of one person as a model for the culture. Christopher Columbus was one individual, and the KKK are a militant fringe group. Neither have ever been the rulers of a country where the laws sanctioned their illegal or abusive ways. Iran is a nation state. The laws speak for the people and are enforced by the people. This is not the issue of one person, but an enforcable culture of denegration put in place by the men of the society.

Update 2:

Jon, women are being arrested. Our culture does not detain women for failing to meet aesthetic standards. That's because this isn't an issue of aesthetics. It's an issue of control and subjugation.

Update 3:

Terry, I appreciate your answer. Here is the source as requested.

20 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You are talking about a nation run by insane power hungry sadists. These men are building hateful rules on top of an oppressive culture.

    This is not Islam.

    Islam reveres women.

    Islam teaches that paradise is at the feet of your mother.

    Islam holds women in higher regard than men.

    A man came to the Prophet (PBUH) and asked him: "O Messenger of Allah, who among people is most deserving of my good company?" He said, "Your mother." The man asked, "Then who?" The Prophet (PBUH) said, "Your mother." The man asked, "Then who?" The Prophet (PBUH) said, "Your mother." The man asked, "Then who?" The Prophet (PBUH) said, "Then your father."

    I have said before and I will say again.

    I would sooner cut off my hand than strike my wife.

    I would sooner cut out my tongue than berate my wife.

    I hope this clears up the difference between Islam and some "supposedly" Islamic countries.



    Source(s): I am Muslim.
  • 1 decade ago

    Thats more of a culture...yes Muslim women are expected to cover their hair and their body. that applies to the whole world..but to have that kind of clothes (the one your talking about), that's only in certain countries. What about amish people, they have a certain way of clothing and way of life, do we have to go there and say they are fashion Nazi's?..I'm a moslem, i dont have to wear clothes like that in my country. And all the muslim men i know, respect their muslim men..please stop generalizing people up to groups...we are all human beings...

  • 1 decade ago

    I beleive most Asian countries are like this. It's called little man syndrome. The woman is no2 to the man still. These are the countries which are supposed to habe there women under control etc but always have the highest prostitution levels...

  • 1 decade ago

    The things you are talking about are cultural and not religious. MOST Muslim countries are not like this. MOST Muslim men are also not like this. My husband is Muslim and we live in his country. Women here are free do dress as they wish though the majority prefer to respect their religion and themselves and dress fairly modestly.

    Just wondering, any sources to back up your claims?

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  • .
    Lv 7
    6 years ago

    Don't believe them anymore when they say "This is not Islam". Trust me, it's Islam. It's 100% Islam. Stay away from those men if you want to live.

  • 1 decade ago

    In our culture, women wear high heels and do an assortment of different mutiliations (wax) to conform to a high standard of aesthetics. Can't judge their culture through the values of ours.

  • Not all Muslim men are women-hating control freaks, most of them treat their wives with kindness and respect but there are an odd few who do think they can treat their women in a bad way.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yet another example of how religion creates hate amongst the population.

    And also another example of a complete xenophobic idiot trying to spread this hate...

    Grow up and realise your religion is just as bad...

    Fun Fact!!!

    The Ku Klux Klan is definately not an Islamic group... i do believe theyre into the whole Jesus thing actually. Yes... definately. Look it up in Wikipedia...

    Or did you already know this because youre a member?

    Source(s): My closest friend is Muslim and he treats women with the utmost respect. Better than ive seen anyone else treat them to be honest...
  • 1 decade ago

    u need a life

    let them be the way they r and follow their religion

    and no i have never seen one single man do that in karachi pakistan!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Shut up..

    mind your own business. Any more little boy touching priests you wanna talk about?

    Source(s): Thumbs down go-----------------------------------------> THere
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