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Who thinks voting here on Answers should be discontinued?

Let's face it. Some people out there are cheating. They're going in and voting for their own answers, regardless of whether they were the best or not. You guys out there have probably experienced that, where your answer was best but because it went to the voters and some dumb person cheated by voting for themselves once, or more than once using several different accounts, the best answer finally picked was dumb. That just, it just makes me mad. It’s cheating. And if someone looks up that question, the dumb answer is the one they look at first. I just think it’s rather wrong.

I think if we're going to ask a question, we should by all rights HAVE to pick a best answer for it. That should just come with the territory. We should get both the privilege of getting to ask one AND the responsibility of picking a best answer.

Do you agree? Do you disagree? Tell me what you think.

I, at least, think honesty is a virtue.

41 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I agree. I don't see the point of someone asking a question, and then throwing it to someone else to decide for them. If someone asks a question, they should know what they feel is the best answer. Anything else, well, it's just silly. Lack of character I think. Show some backbone and decide for yourselves, why don't you? As for the purposefully cheating, well, my mind doesn't operate that way normally, so I'll leave that to everyone to sort that issue out for themselves.

    Honesty is a virtue! Keep up the good work at staying true to yourself. Hamlet would be so proud of you!

    Sometimes swimming against the stream is par for the course for us blessed with an honest streak. Good luck in the future, because I'm afraid, in this world we call home, we are in the minority. When thumbs downs appear for my answer here, as they inevitable will because I'm speaking my mind so clearly (but correctly), at least you know I have your back, right?

  • 1 decade ago

    I thought it was up to the person asking the question to decide if they choose best answer or let everyone vote, right? Well,.I don't really care either way but I do think it's pathetic that some people change their names so they vote for themselves. Isn't that rather childish? It's not like we're competing for prize money or anything. I do think the person asking the question should pick their own best answer though. That makes the most sense to me.

  • 1 decade ago

    1) The points don't matter, let people waste their time voting for themselves if they really want to.

    2) You could never force someone to pick a Best Answer if they didn't want to. Millions of questions would just sit there without a best answer ever being selected. (Voting takes almost as long, some of my most recent awards for BA have been from over 5 months ago)

  • 1 decade ago

    Unless we're getting money for how many points we have, I could really care less about who gets the Best Answer from voting. Usually if an answer goes into voting, there isn't a definite best answer anyway. Besides, if someone goes through the trouble of making multiple accounts to vote more than once, then they can just go ahead.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No, I don't feel the voting on answers should be discontinued. I don't answer questions for points, rather I answer if I feel I have something to contribute. Occasionally I'll give a silly answer, especially if I feel the question is silly. I feel I've learned a lot reading through the answers as I look at the questions.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Some people just ask then forget about it.

    I've voted on my own answer before, but only once.

    I've gotten a few Best Answers by having the only vote.

    I don't bother any more. If I go back to an answer I just look to see how mant thumbs down I get. That's what gets me, some people give thumbs down to everybody.

    Source(s): I usually answer and let them go.
  • 1 decade ago

    I thought you did have the right to pick the best answer. I know the only time I vote on a answer is when it is just plain really bad and going to hurt someone. and I never vote on my own

  • 1 decade ago

    The voting is fine I think, besides Yahoo only limits each person a vote. In the end the voting will still turn out fair.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm not taking any of the scoring seriously but I'm scoring others answers fairly. Still whats the big deal? Is this eligible to go on a resume?

    I thought it was just something to do, killing time.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I am guessing that you know this from personal experience. You prolly vote for your own answers and you prolly have multiple accounts too. Anger Management might be a good thing for you to consider too, if something this trivial makes you mad. Geesh, talk about hair trigger anger. Lighten up honey. Its just a game

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