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Lv 612,666 points

Lady Ettejin of Wern

Favorite Answers18%
  • What's the name of this Korean film?

    We watched it at a Korean Club movie night up at school. It features a serial killer who grabs prostitutes. He kills them by ramming a spike through their head - he says it's more humane, because it's quick and that's how they kill pigs. One of the last victims actually gets out of his death basement and runs to a convenience store for help. The worker there calls the police, but by the time the main cop actually gets there, the serial killer had followed her and killed both the escaped victim and the worker. I don't remember what it's called, and I bought "H" thinking that might be it, but they are in fact totally different movies. Do you happen to know?

    3 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Can you name a weird food?

    By weird, I mean something with a cool or interesting name, like "haggis" or "escargot". A name that definitely comes from a specific place (like haggis, Scotland, and escargot, France.)

    And also, if you would please describe it. If I've never heard of it before (which is probably going to be the case) it would be nice if you could tell me what it is.

    21 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Who thinks voting here on Answers should be discontinued?

    Let's face it. Some people out there are cheating. They're going in and voting for their own answers, regardless of whether they were the best or not. You guys out there have probably experienced that, where your answer was best but because it went to the voters and some dumb person cheated by voting for themselves once, or more than once using several different accounts, the best answer finally picked was dumb. That just, it just makes me mad. It’s cheating. And if someone looks up that question, the dumb answer is the one they look at first. I just think it’s rather wrong.

    I think if we're going to ask a question, we should by all rights HAVE to pick a best answer for it. That should just come with the territory. We should get both the privilege of getting to ask one AND the responsibility of picking a best answer.

    Do you agree? Do you disagree? Tell me what you think.

    I, at least, think honesty is a virtue.

    41 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Have you ever noticed how vicious some of you guys are?

    I'm a bit shocked by it, actually. I feel bad for the bad because they have to go to Hell. I mean, waves of pity here. Hell isn't a fate I'd wish on anybody. And yet when I voice this opinion, I get more thumbs down than I've ever seen in my life. And the answers all around me say "Good riddance" and "He deserves it" and "I hope he burns". I just don't think this is what Jesus would be saying, were he alive with us today. Can anybody out there give me a good argument either way? Either agreeing with me, or giving a reasonable argument showing why my logic is faulty somewhere?

    22 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Have you ever noticed how vicious some of you guys are?

    I'm a bit shocked by it, actually. I feel bad for the bad because they have to go to Hell. I mean, waves of pity here. Hell isn't a fate I'd wish on anybody. And yet when I voice this opinion, I get more thumbs down than I've ever seen in my life. And the answers all around me say "Good riddance" and "He deserves it" and "I hope he burns". I just don't think this is what Jesus would be saying, were he alive with us today. Can anybody out there give me a good argument either way? Either agreeing with me, or giving a reasonable argument showing why my logic is faulty somewhere?

    21 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Does anybody else think it's cheating?

    I keep seeing people answer, and they've used Wikipedia, or they've searched or something. What I'm saying is, it feels a bit like cheating to me. Because I could look that up myself. And the answerer doesn't know the answer, they had to look it up themselves before they could answer. And it really irks me when a person who used Wikipedia gets best answer.

    Am I alone in this?

    11 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • They should have stopped when they were ahead...?

    Okay, so I found a question. "Where is this quote from? That light at the end of the tunnel? That's not Heaven. That's the C Train!" It's from Daredevil, that's not my question. That quote sparked a chain of thought in my mind. That quote... has the potentiality to be a really cool quote... Up until he says "That's the C Train!"

    To me, they ruined it. It turned from potentially cool to "Aw, lame."

    My question to you is...

    Do you have that same reaction to another movie, another quote? That "They should have stopped while they were ahead" reaction?

    4 AnswersMovies1 decade ago