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Just a lazy baby?

My daughter is almost 5 months (in ten days). She refuses to have tummy time but I lay her on her back all the time. She scoots all around. She can roll from her back to her tummy but shes only done it a few times. She gets really frustrated and gives up. My doctor said most babies roll from the tummy to back first and found it strange that she did it the other way around. Is she just being lazy about the whole tummy time thing? Should I be worried that she only rolls every once in a while?

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    She is only tiny still!

    She has already rolled one way, it is just a matter of time until she learns to reverse the procedure!

    She is doing fine, try not to worry about these developmental things, babies all develop at different rates, she will make her own timetable, there is no hurrying her.

    Source(s): Mother of 5.
  • 1 decade ago

    No baby is the same. They all do their own thing. Don't worry. As long as she does it, it doesn't matter how many times. She may roll the other way when you have your back turned. lol Some babys just don't like doing certain things. My baby never liked to be on his back or tummy. He preferred to sit up. That never held up his milestones. He still did all the rolling and crawling, just not as much. And believe me...he is NOT lazy. Neither is your baby. They all like different things because they are all different. It's hard to say this...but don't spend so much time worrying. Just enjoy her being a baby because it goes by soooooooo quick and then you will miss it and think...why did I worry so much? :)

  • 1 decade ago

    My baby began rolling over at three weeks then lost interest in it and started doing other things. She is five months as well. She hated tummy time until a few weeks ago now she is fine on her stomatch. I wouldnt even worry about it at all she is just doing what she wants to do and is mabye to intersted in looking at things around her then being confined to her stomatch. Mabye you can make tummy time more interesting for her?

    also my baby isnt lazy she sits on her own now..she just prefers not to roll over very much.

  • 1 decade ago

    She sounds like shes doing really well, I have a 9.5 month old girl and she absolutely hates being on her tummy too, she doesnt crawl, of make any attempt to move, she has just mastered the art of sitting :)

    I'm not worried at all about her as babys are all different and not always the text book case that doctors think they should be, she sounds perfect to me

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  • She is not being lazy. All babies are not the same.

    My son walked before he crawled. He done that whole thing backwards. After he started walking then he crawled.

    Just give it time and i am sure she will start moving around alot more.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    just let her show you who she is. She doesn't need to fit into expectations. She will walk like everyone else

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