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is there current surgert available & RWJ for repair L4L5 disc repair (osteoporosis) w/neuro sympto (amb)?)?

have had workup 8/06 & conserv. tx with 3 epidural ( decadron) with minimal pain relief: walking with cane now, loss balance , neuro symptoms worse, on temp disability. PT min. help (Can't climb stairs so can't function @ work).CAN SURGERY HELP? (previous neurosurgeon unavail> until May)

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    surgery will help for sure,,have myself and did the surgery,,feels better, but will have to do the other knee in a few months,,the stairs are hard and I hear ya,,I'am only 42 and the wear and tear of working and wolking over the years have brought this on,,,don't wait as knee replacement is much worse and very painfull,,so don't be scared and go for it,,trust me you will feel better and the stairs will get easier

  • Keko
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Unknown but this may help.

    There is a book that teaches about muscles, pain and referred pain anywhere in the body. The principle is that the muscles get knots called trigger points which make the muscles tight that then press on nerves. It teaches how to get them to release which gets rid of the pain.

    The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook by Davies.

    I also use a chiropractor* and massage therapist as needed.

    *If you use a chiropractor make sure they use an activator instead of manual manulipliation

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