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Am I a hater because I think gay marriage is wrong!?

16 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No. Just as everyone on earth is (even if their government says otherwise), you're entitled to your own opinion.

    However, I think it's time you reevaluate your tolerance level. There are straight people, gay people and those who take up the best of both. Your hatred won't get you far, but having tolerance for everyone certainly will.

  • 1 decade ago

    No, you're entitled to think what you want. It's when you let personal feelings creep into destroying others' rights.

    Look, I know your religion says being gay is wrong. However, mine does not, and there are just as many churches that agree, and will in fact, perform a same-sex marriage, as those that do not. Why burden all for the opinion of some?

    Freedom of religion, right? Well, your religion says it's wrong, and mine says it's okay. Let me live in peace. You're not being harassed or molested by same-sex couples in any way, are you?

    And as for those arguing about the "sanctity" of marriage, I suppose you'd let Britney Spears be your poster girl for that, right?

    Marriage is not a religion affair, it's a state affair. We simple want to be awarded the same rights as everybody else. Before you try and give the sanctity of marriage speech to me, think about where the divorce rate is at. When you live in a world that says marriage is only for:

    *Strangers who had a one night stand

    *Strangers who get drunk in places like Vegas, only to have it annulled a day later

    *Between reality tv morons, where it's 1 man vs 10 other women, or vice versus

    *Between celebrities looking for publicity stunts, or press coverage

    *Between really old, dying men, and young 20's something women looking to get rich

    And let's not even talk about the lack of faithfulness in people today. Every president of the United States has cheated on his spouse-Clinton's the only one who got caught.

    But clearly marriage isn't for same-sex couples, that would just ruin the whole image, wouldn't it?

    50 years ago they said blacks marrying whites was a sin, and look at how ignorant we view people from that time now. I get the feeling in 50 years, the next generation will be thinking the same exact thing.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yup, you are a first rate hater. You have a lot of unresolved feelings about gay and lesbian unions. Maybe you have some repressed sexuality issues to deal with. I'm sorry that your prejudice and discomfort towards the Gay and Lesbian Community is hateful. Shame on you. Oh, and if your child grows up and is gay, what will you do then? What about your grandchild or niece/nephew? Hate is futile. Don't be a hater.

  • 1 decade ago

    You are not a hater. You just can't think for yourself. Chances are you were taught that it was wrong. If you feel that two same-sex people in love should not be married then that's you and many others. Now if your hate prevents them from doing so there lies a problem.

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  • C J
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Of course you're not wrong.

    You are standing for what you believe is right and moral. Just because those with an immoral lifestyle try to label you as a "hater" because your views differ from theirs, doesn't mean that you should feel guilty about your views.

    The institution of marriage consists of a man and a woman. That is the way it has always been, and that is how it should be. Those who have recently tried to change that are in the wrong.

    Stand by your beliefs, and don't let those with immoral lifestyles influence you by trying to make you feel guilty, you're not.

  • 1 decade ago

    No. You can disagree with something without hate.

    I think gay marriage is wrong. I don't hate gay people. I would not deny them a right to live together and to even have civl unions, but to me marriage is by definition a straight relationship. Hate doesn't even enter into the discussion.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    In my opinion I would say yes. Here is my rational. I think to be gay is not a choice. It is a trait born to an individual... genetic. This will be proven sooner than you would like to think. Therefore being against gay's is the same as being against blacks hispanics or anyone else born the way they are. The reasons behind it are usually fear and hatred therefore yes it is wrong.

    May I remind that everyone use to think it was ok to treat blacks with the utmost contempt. People use to think slavery was ok. Hell people used to think so little of the american indian that they were hunted like animals. Just because the majority says it is ok does NOT mean it is right!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    no your a hater for thinking they are the cause of all the worlds problems.

  • 1 decade ago

    No, The definition of marriage is the union of a man and a woman. Same sex marriage is an oxymoron.

  • 1 decade ago

    No, because I personally think everyone is entitled to their own thoughts, likes and dislikes. I, however, do not think hatred is right because we are supposed to love all people.

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