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  • Just wondering.......?

    which would you say is more common:

    A:) converting from a religion to atheism?

    B:) converting from atheism to a religion?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • Why does everyone on here say GOD and JESUS in shouty typing language?

    Im pretty sure that there is nothing in the bible about having to shout their names everytime you use them.

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • I was told in my job interview that i would receive................?

    ........ industry training (I work in IT in the UK) and that a skills matrix would be setup. However since starting the job the recession kicked in and no training has been paid for or provided.

    Recently though they have reinstated the bonus scheme, pay rises and news has come out that the company is in the top 100 earners for private companies in the uk and sales have gone up significantly. I reapproached the question of training to which the answer was we cannot afford it, i then tried to meet them half way by moving away from the classroom training option and provided details of labsims and online courses available for a fraction of the cost. I have still had no reply and it seems now that they have decided to ignore me.

    Question 1 - is something promised in a job interview legally binding? (the free training aspect was the main reason why i took the job!)

    Question 2 - do you have any suggestions that may help? (other than buggin my boss and his boss on an almost daily basis which i allready seem to be doing)

    Thanks for your help.

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • UK Income Tax issues - help!! ?

    Two years ago I was fresh out of uni and self employed for a couple of months where i contracted and it didnt work out so i got a normal PAYE job. I sent in a tax return form to HMRC however they say they never received it. I have moved around quite allot since i contracted so never heard back from them once i had sent the form and assumed everything was ok.

    Anyway received a letter from the tax office saying that I owe them £7000 so i phoned them up and they said:

    1. they never recieved the tax return.

    2. I didnt tell them that I ceased to be self employed.

    They said to go to one of their tax offices with all my invoices from that date and that they would help me file a form and sort it out, anyway this all happened a day before moving to devon and starting a new job so i said i would go and see them asap.

    I am in devon, unpacked and ready to go see them but i have lost all of the paperwork from when i was self employed so dont have any proof of income for those dates. The tax office is closed over the weekend and thus i cannot contact them so i am freaking out!!

    Can anyone advise me on what to do? how to go about dealing with this? I didnt earn enough to owe them this much, help!!!

    7 AnswersUnited Kingdom1 decade ago
  • Payday comes and pretty much instantly im broke again.....?

    .... has anyone else got this problem? Thinking about selling some body parts for cash! Lol

    7 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • Christians, lets suppose tomorrow they proved......?

    ......that god isnt real, without a question of a doubt, wouldnt you be slightly peeved at all the Sunday mornings youve missed out on? or would you continue to worship?


    26 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • New religion name.....? anyway I had a hamster called Gary, he died, I put him in a bag in the bin outside yesterday morning. Went to put something in the bin this morning and it was empty!!!! He was gone!!!! Amazing!!! This is OBVIOUSLY a miracle and as such deserves its own religious following. Im looking for names any suggestions???

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Has anyone else noticed the connection between pro-life and pro-war in iraq?

    This confuses me as it essentially condemning one type of killing and glorifying another...............can anyone else explain this funking bizzare reasoning?

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Just got two Birmans and was wondering if anyone had any.........?

    .......recommendations for uk insurance? Need something that will last for their whole lives. Thanks......

    2 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Second date......?

    I have a second date with a girl but am completely out of ideas about what to do and where to go, want to do something a bit different. Any suggestions? are there any dates that you found particularly cool?

    Thanks in advance,

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How can some christians not believe in the ice age????

    this just seems uber nuts, at least evolution isnt 100% proved which is why i can just about get my head round christians denying it, but the ice age???? we have proved that happened with core samples, ages ago.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why did i get a thumbs down for this??

    Question: "How come all the stories of the bible seem "deserty"?"

    Detail: "is the bible supposed to have taken place before or after the ice age? "

    My Answer: "the ice age was quite a while before the bible, they are "deserty" because Jesus was Middle Eastern"

    Im guessing that its because i said Jesus (if he even existed) was middle eastern, you cant tell me that some christians out there honestly think that jesus was a white dude cruising around the middle east two thousand ish years ago??? Im pretty damn sure he wasnt.


    29 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What is it with admitting your an atheist?? is it a USA thing??

    Ive seen allot of answers on here with people saying that they are afraid of admitting they are atheists because they will be disowned, or people who have admitted they are atheists and have been ousted. What is this all about? is it a USA thing? this just doesnt happen in the UK (that i have noticed) I am openly atheist and have never been criticised for it, i have friends who are witches too and they have never been criticised - are we more open minded? or is it just because our country is smaller (although dont know why that would make a difference).

    16 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Has there ever been a truce between xtians and atheists on YA?

    Even just for one day, all this arguing has got to be doing someone elses head in as well?

    23 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Smokers - social lepers?

    Found this article that I think offers a decent view from a smokers perspective:

    "Why bother being hypocritical and pretending we have a fair and equal society that offers the same chances for all if in reality it doesn’t? If we cannot practice tolerance for smokers what chance have we got that others will tolerate people from different ethnic groups or religions because they are not shown the same kind of tolerance because they indulge in a habit that is unpopular in some circles?...........................On the one hand our Government moralises on the importance of social inclusion and then sets about socially excluding what in effect is a certain class of people because they smoke. And then they wonder why they can never reach people from such classes."

    A point well made - why are smokers being treated like social lepers? What is it with the sudden malicious hatred for smokers? When did it turn personal and nasty?

    11 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Is it wrong to go out with someone when.......?

    ....... they are really into you, you are not really into them and never will be but you just fancy having a girlfriend for a while and the chances are that if someone better comes along you will end it. Need to know having moral dilema.

    35 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Iphone ringtones in the uk......?

    Hi am i correct in thinking that the ringtone download feature for the iphone, in itunes is not available in the uk?? I have googled it and all the yanks are saying just go to itunes and download it (helpfull *******!!). If this is the case, then what the **** is steve jons on?!? and how do i go about getting a decent ringtone on my iphone?? if not then what am i doing wrong??

    Thanks all

    1 AnswerOther - Electronics1 decade ago
  • Need a cheap costume.......?

    Hi im going to a Mighty Boosh house party this saturday and need suggestions for a really cheap costume, any ideas? Links to photos would be good too. Cheers.

    4 AnswersOther - Television1 decade ago
  • Xbox 360 not connecting to live......?

    ... it passes all of the network tests but fails to connect to live ie when doing the test all bits pass (IP confirmation, DNS, MTU etc) except for xbox live part. Any Ideas?

    1 AnswerXbox1 decade ago
  • Cat keeps chasing its own tail??

    it flicks all the time and she gets up and runs as though something has bitten her, but she does'nt have fleas - she has been checked. Any ideas why?

    12 AnswersCats1 decade ago