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Why is it so tough to find a decent man who appreciates you?

I've had more than my fair share of difficult relationships & am starting to feel as if I'm going to be left on the shelf. I'm 28 & am at the point where I want to settle down. Is there something wrong with me or am I just unlucky?


Idon't enjoy the nightclub scene anymore. I participate in a sport that is dominated by women & gay men (dressage). I make sure I don't appear desperate by having my own life & interests when I'm in a relationship. I've tried internet dating & given up as a bad lot. I don't want to be on my own!

Update 2:

I'm not a party animal now, I am a reformed party animal. The photo of me was at a fancy dress work do! Normally I dress fairly conservatively but I like to make the most of what I've got.

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    first, slow down. you are 28. just a pup. secondly, I appreciate my ex gf soooooo much and went through a phase where i did not express it. now I want to but it's an uphill battle at the moment as she kind of wrote me off. my point is, maybe some of these guys you are writing off just simply need a little time to come to their senses. I know i did...and I always do in a relationship. when i do come to my senses, it is genuine and I am ready to go. so don't shut off some of these men after you size them up in a short period. most relationships are works in progress so you never know unless you allow them to happen over time. good luck and relax, you have plenty of time to settle down.

  • 1 decade ago

    Gosh I know what you mean, you are in a similar situation as me. Im 28 too and have had a recent breakup for no reason at all. It was beautiful and all was happening good. I cant tell you till today why he broke up with me. My relationships always break for no reason. Im starting to think if it is me, but I cant pin down the point what am I doing wrong? I want to settle down too and just cant find guys who can commit.

    Finally I have come to the conclusion that guys are just scared of commitment, they say no they are not, but they are. There is nothing wrong with us. Well considering we are on the same boat, why dont you IM me or email me. Maybe two broken hearts can help one another.

  • 1 decade ago

    Based on the picture you choose to project yourself:

    1) Men that want to settle down want a serious woman.. your picture tells me you like to party... Not a bad thing at 28, but if you are ready to settle down, you should consider the image you project...

    2) The right guy for you is out there, you just have to go through a few to find him... same for us guys..

    3) My philosophy is to start out slow, get to know each other by spending time together... the worst thing you can do is move to fast with emotional commitment.. When you find someone you like being with because of the person they truly are, you want to spend more time with them... and so on.. and so on, until you one day decide you want to spend the rest of your life with this person... That's when you start thinking and talking about marriage... Marriage is the ultimate commitment but it's nothing to be taken lightly... Being a committed couple is an entirely different lifestyle than being single...

  • 1 decade ago

    Where are you looking? If you're hanging out in bars or arcades you'll only attract video junkies and drunks. At 28, you're in your prime. You're at an age where men who are stable in their careers are looking to settle down and you're old enough to become involved with someone in their 40's who may be divorced, widowed or just a guy who was too career-focused to marry early. (Think guys like Bill Gates, hon!!) These nice guys don't pick up girls in bars. They get introduced by friends or relatives; they meet nice women through volunteer work or fundraisers for needy causes; they meet women at conventions for the career they're in; they meet women at the vets' office or dog club; they may both belong to a cycling club or a dance club for singles. And please don't discount church groups. All faiths now realize that it is difficult to meet people with the same values as their own and it doesn't matter where you live - your church will have an occasional "singles night". You can volunteer at Seniors homes - these people have sons!! Volunteer at the childrens' hospital - there are single doctors,too, and single dads and nurses who know nice guys! There is nothing wrong with you - you've just been looking for love in all the wrong places. Gads - we live in the 'burbs, upper-income and on our street alone, there are 3 guys aged 30 to 61 - single, divorced and one a young widower. Two have nice kids. All 3 are really great and they do NOT hang out in bars but they are looking for someone to love! What is your occupation. Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada is an oil centre where men outnumber women 20 to 1 and the majority of guys earns in excess of $100 k a year. You really need to explore more options. And - by the way - I agree with the guy who commented on your hpoto. You are given out a "party-girl" image so maybe it IS you.

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  • Dan S
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Maybe because you are attracted to the wrong kind of man.

    In the question of nature vs. nurture there are a lot of things that we feel and do because of our nature, our genetic background.

    The best way for a male to reproduce and spread his genes would be to have sex with as many women and as quickly as possible. This explains why men are so fickle, have commitment issues, and reach sexual climax so quickly. To insure that the male tries to get as much sex as possible once we discover women we tend to think about sex over 60% of the time. Most women don't realize the sex is not just needed by men, but it is vital! To men a relationship is the side effect of having sex with one steady person.

    For women the best way to pass on their genes is to develop relationships. To get pregnant a woman needs a male to engage in sex with her for a long time and deeply. This explains why it takes so long for the woman to reach sexual climax. For a woman relationships are key. To make sure they get pregnant they need to have sex with one guy frequently to improve their odds they want to get into a deep relationship. Once the woman is pregnant she needs support, and the need only grows after the child is born. To fulfill this need the most important thing in a woman's live is her relationships. To women sex is the nice side effect of the relationship.

    When we were cavemen the best males were the dangerous ones, and the best hunters. To this day when you start to talk with a man the first thing he wants to talk about is how he hunts; which today is what his job is. So when a woman looks for a mate they look for the dangerous ones, those that would be able to protect them the best. Back then it was a good idea, but now days it isn't. Most dangerous men make lousy mates. The best mates are those that you aren't attracted to the nerds.

    If you have a relationship with a nerd then they are going to stick to you. The fact that a beautiful woman will even talk with them is a major event. The will become enraptured with you quite easily. Men have a great fear of rejection and with us nerds it has only be increased by society, especially male society.

    Now I am talking about your instincts, you default way of thinking. Men are more work oriented so a male would make a better soldier; typically the male is larger and stronger than the female is (they need to be so they can hunt successfully). However, women can make excellent soldiers as well. It goes against type, but when they rise above their instincts then they can do it.

    Most of the time women are the homemakers while the men work, but a reverse relationship can work. A male can take care of a child (not a baby) as well as a woman, but it goes against their instincts.

    You are not an animal; you are a thinking, reasoning person. So when you are looking for a man then you should look for the one that at first doesn't interest you. Of course you don't want a pig and you don't want someone as old as I am, but you can find a good mate.

    Another reason why you may not be able to find a good man is because you are looking in the wrong places. If you want a one-night stand then a bar is excellent for that, but few women want that they want the relationship. I suggest you try a local dating service or one online. You can then pick and chose the men you date and you can learn if they are good men and compatible before you get serious with them. You can also weed out those who are only interested in sex, because you are looking for more.

    I wish you luck in your search.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    First of all you are only 28 yrs old, believe me I have five or six friends who are in their mid thirties and still dating, there is nothing wrong with you at all im sure, its whats wrong with them, men are from a different planet, im married with children so I dont hate all men but you have to realsie that the average mans brain only works one way, they think about themselves, if you are lucky enough to find a man who ticks all yr boxes then there has to be something seriously wrong with him, maybe dont expect too much x

  • Ste444
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    I've had alot of this myself, theres more cheats out there than decent people. My nan and grandad have been together since they were 16, as my mum and dad have since they were 20. Nowadays people want to just have sex with whomever and when ever they want love hardly exists. Its stupid, I'm all for having fun but come on.

    Ive finally found the one, just remember love finds you not the other way round. I learned that the hard way.

  • 1 decade ago

    you gotta put yourself out there sometimes girl. be assertive and aggressive. go to places where you know you can find men who are interested in the same things you are - so that way you have something in common. dont be afraid to approach a man. i guess i should be asking you - is there a pattern in your relationships? could there be a reason other than there is a lack of good men out there that could justify your singledom? look in a mirror and if it doesnt' tell you anything ... you just gotta get on the prowl.

  • 1 decade ago

    If you want to meet quality people, you have to be involved with quality things. If you are in a bar, most of the people are there to hook up for a short period of time, if you are volunteering at the local animal shelter or children's hospital you will be finding a somewhat better type of person. Its all about what lake you are fishing in!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Nope you are just one of the many who is out there I'm 47 my wife and daughter pass on but I'm still looking you got your life ahead you its just begun and its good you want to slow down but life goes on so hang on the best is right around the Conner

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