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  • My 14 week old puppy has suddenly starting messing in the house again. Help!?

    Poppy my dalmatian puppy was doing really well with her house training and about a week ago was nearly completely clean in the house with just the odd accident. I don't understand why but she has suddenly gone backwards with her house training to the point where we take her outside for 10-15 minutes with no sign of her doing what she needs to only for her to wait until she gets in to the house to do her business. We have a big puppy crate for her which she is shut in at night and she will ask to go outside if she is in there and needs a toilet break. If she is loose in the house she seems to have forgotten that she isn't meant to do a poo or wee in the middle of the lounge, no matter how many times I take her outside to give her chance to do whatever a puppy needs to do in the garden. I'm not sure how to correct this problem now as we were doing so well with her! I always make a huge fuss of her whenever she goes in the right place. She won't use puppy pads as she just chews them. I don't want to have her shut in her puppy crate all the time as I would rather she learn to be part of the family and also get house training right as it is so important.

    Has anyone got any useful tips or suggestions please? I'm struggling a bit at the moment and not sure where I am going wrong.


    17 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • How many weeks into the first trimester do the stomach cramps last for?

    I have just found out I am pregnant. My GP is being useless and I can't get an appointment until I get back from my holiday next week. I have had dreadful stomach cramps for over 3 weeks now. Is this normal? How far into your pregnancy do the stomach cramps last for? I don't know when I last had a period as I have endometriosis which confuses things!

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How can I reduce morning sickness?

    I've just found out I'm pregnant and am discovering the joys of morning sickness. Unfortunately the smell of my 11 week old puppy seems to be one of the main things that sets me off at the moment. The puppy is obviously staying but does anyone have any wonderful suggestions on anything that will help to reduce my sickness? I'm currently drinking ginger beer and nibbling ginger biscuits!

    6 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How many weeks do you have to be before they do your first scan?

    I found out yesterday I'm pregnant (WOOHOO!!!!!) which is a little bit of a surprise but both my partner & I are delighted. Off to the doctors this afternoon but I haven't a clue how far along I am already. My clear blue test said 3+ weeks but obviously this could mean anything from 5 weeks to quite a lot later in the pregnancy! The complication is that I have severe endometriosis (which is why this is a complete surprise as I'm not meant to be able to get pregnant without clomid & IVF!) and therefore I don't really know when I had my last period because I've been on various different drugs which stop me having periods! I'm guessing they will send me off to have a scan to find out but I'd really like to know when I'm due sooner rather than later as my boyfriend is RAF and got a fair few posting to Afghanistan etc coming up & we need to make sure they are organised around my due date as I'll be gutted if he isn't around when our little one arrives.

    11 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How early in pregnancy can you start having morning sickness?

    I came off the pill about 10 weeks ago and had a period which finished 8 weeks ago. I shouldn't get pregnant naturally as I've got chronic endometriosis and have been told I will need clomid & probably IVF to conceive, however the past two weeks I have started being very sick. I started off thinking it was my endometriosis giving me problems but over the past 3 or 4 days I've stopped having period like pain and I am just violently sick whenever I smell anything. This morning the smell of cabbage and having to clean up my puppy's wee set me off and made me very sick but minutes later I was hungry again! Confused! In theory there is no way I should be pregnant due to the endometriosis, however I am starting to wonder!

    8 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Am I right to be upset by my boyfriend saying this?

    I've been with my boyfriend nearly 18 months now and have recently moved in with him. I haven't been well for the past week or so from ongoing health problems. My boyfriend last night said that he does not find me attractive unless I am feeling 100% ok and wearing make-up and dressed nicely. This really upset me. I know I look better when I'm made-up nicely etc but surely he should still fancy the natural 'me' without make up etc, even if I do get the occasional spot because I've been having period problems?! He thinks I am being over sensitive whereas I feel like dumping him at the moment!

    21 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Pregnancy/ovarian cyst/endometriosis/period pain hell.?

    I was diagnosed with endometriosis 4 years ago and have had 3 laporoscopies so far. I have also had an ovarian cysts which was hell before it ruptured.

    I have been off the pill about 3 months now & not using any other form of contraception as if I did get pregnant my boyfriend and I would be quite pleased about it!

    10 days ago I got the most awful 'period pain' which makes me feel sick constantly, tends to make me sick in the mornings and evenings and is really unpleasant. I seem to be on the sofa with a hotwater bottle most of the time at the moment and even my heavy duty prescription pain killers aren't really touching the pain. The only thing is, I haven't got a period. I haven't bled at all which is most unusual as generally I bleed very heavily whenever I have a period.

    I can't get an appointment with my consultant for the endometriosis for another 3 weeks and my doctor is next to useless hence I'm on here seeing if anyone has any useful suggestions before I head down to A&E later.

    Could an ovarian cyst carry on causing pain for about 10 days? There is a small chance I could be pregnant which would cause the sickness but has anyone else ever had period pain at the start of a pregnancy? Or is it most likely to be just(!) my endometriosis grumbling?

    I'm really not sure I can face any more prodding and pocking by doctors who don't know what they are talking about & never come up with any useful suggestions :o(

    3 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • What should I call my new dalmatian puppy?

    Her breeder is calling her Princess but my boyfriend won't call her this as he is worried people might think he is odd yelling princess at the park lol! She is liver spotted. Her kennel name is Athena but we want a nice pet name. Suggestions please!

    19 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Periods & ovulating after coming off the pill & getting pregnant with endometriosis?

    I came off the pill about 8 weeks ago having been on it intermittently for 12 years. How long does it usually take for your periods to get back to normal? How long does it normally take for you to start ovulating normally again?

    I'm desperately trying to get pregnant and I'm really worried as I have got chronic endometriosis which I have had surgery 3 times for. I know it is likely to take me longer than a normal woman to get pregnant etc but all I seem to be able to think about when I have sex with my fiance is making babies & I forget the fun side of things! I think if I can have reassurance about roughly how long it should take my body to get back to normal after coming off the pill it might help me 'forget' about trying to pregnant for a while so we can concentrate on having 'fun' again if that makes sense?

    Oops, think i'm off to fluffy baby land!

    5 AnswersTrying to Conceive1 decade ago
  • Keratin bonded hair extensions & chlorinated swimming pools?

    Do the chemicals in public swimming pools destroy the bonds in keratin heat bonded hair extensions? My extensions usually last 3-4 months but I want to start going swimming again & need to know before I go swimming if my hair extension bonds will degenerate.

    6 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • Whenever my boyfriend & I have sex, he has to get up several times to have a pee during the night. ?

    Is this normal? I've never come across it before with any of my ex's and it is having a big effect on our relationship as we can't have sex if he he's got a lot on at work the next day. He usually has to get up within an hour, he will then have to get up 3-4 more times during the night and as a result he doesn't get much sleep every time we have sex. Any suggestions? What causes this problem? Is there any way of stopping it from happening?

    13 AnswersMen's Health1 decade ago
  • Have you ever had an Angel Reading?

    Was it accurate & do you think there is anything in it? I am very sceptical but had a reading about a week ago. The woman who did the reading used Angel tarot cards & also communicated with the Angels who 'told' her a lot of things about my situation that an outsider wouldn't know & wouldn't be able to read into a situation. I'd love to hear about your experiences, especially if they are positive experiences as my reading makes my future look amazing! I'm intrigued....!

    5 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • I had a dream last night.....?

    I dreamt that the man I recently got dumped by turned up on my doorstep with a big bunch of flowers & an engagement ring saying he had made a terrible mistake. What are the chances of this coming true or is is just wishful thinking (um... wishful dreaming?) ? Can dreams like this come true?

    17 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • Do you believe in the power of magic spells?

    Is it possible to influence what happens in your life with the use of spells? Has anyone got any success stories or do you believe it wold have happened anyway and the spell was just a coincidence? I will be very interested if anyone has had any luck with love spells in particular :o)

    23 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • California Astrology Association?

    Has anyone come across the California Astrology Association? They offer psychic intervention in the form of spells with a money back guarrantee. I am considering using one of their spells, but before I hand over $20 I would love to hear if any other yahoo users have used this company & if the spells worked or they actually got their money back? Any info will be very much appreciated!

    8 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • Has anyone ever had a tarot & clairvoyant reading come true?

    I had a tarot & clarivoyant reading yesterday by someone with a v good reputation. I made a point of not saying anything at all about my background, covered my hands so she couldn't see if I had any rings & went on my own. During the reading I kept my face as blank as possible. She was absolutely spot on with all the issues in my life at the moment & told me that within the next 4 weeks my life will completely turn around. Has anyone ever had a spookily accurate reading like this come true? I'm very cynical but it would be so nice if what she said was actually correct!

    105 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • I'm going to a physic fair tomorrow, what sort of reading would be best for me?

    I've never had any sort of reading done before & have to say I am very sceptical about it all. What type of reading would be best to help with relationship & major life changing issues? Clairvoyant or Tarot? Anything else thats worth looking out for? How should I decide who to ask to do my reading, how do I know they are genuine?

    18 AnswersMythology & Folklore1 decade ago
  • Why is it so tough to find a decent man who appreciates you?

    I've had more than my fair share of difficult relationships & am starting to feel as if I'm going to be left on the shelf. I'm 28 & am at the point where I want to settle down. Is there something wrong with me or am I just unlucky?

    17 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How much space should I give the man I'm madly in love with? We split up 2 weeks ago.?

    We've had a tough time as he's had various work & family problems, I've had a big operation & been laid up now for 2 months. I'm hoping the reason we split is just because he needs time to catch up at work & get his head around everything that has happened. I appreciate he needs space as he has been under serious pressure but I can't bear the thought of him slipping away from me. I really want to settle down with this guy & he was talking about marriage & kids. We last spoke on Tuesday when he said he would meet me within the next 2 weeks for a drink as friends & see what happens from there. I don't want to add to his pressure by chasing him & know that will only drive him away, but I am going out of my mind here & can't eat or sleep for thinking about him. Any suggestions?

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Two weeks ago we were buying a house together, now he just wants to be friends!?

    I got dumped by my man a week ago having been seeing him for 7 months. He's had bit of a tough time since I've been with him in that he's had a close family member die, his mum had a big operation, I've had a big operation which had complications & now have M.E. (Chronic Fatigue Syndrom) on top of his high pressure job where he's not been meeting targets over the past couple of months. Do you think it's a case of it's all got too much for him & he needs time out to get himself sorted? He's always been the one pushing for commitment before & says I'm the only girl he's ever been in love with. I am now very confused but know I'm madly in love with him. He's now saying he wants to be friends but I want to be back to where we were. Does he just need time to deal with everything? Or should I try to move on? HELP!!

    9 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago