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Why do you think that George W. Bush insists in converting Iraq to a democratic country?

What does the U.S.A., a couple of hundred years old, have to teach Iraq, thousands of years old about being a country? Why can't Bush use all that money being spent in Iraq to get rid of all the corrupt criminals and murderers out of the United States of America?

20 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    i highly agree with you. it seems that he's got the southern christian mindset that inhibits his capability of accepting other kinds of walks of life, which makes him think that the only acceptable form of life is to be just like him. he's deluding himself into thinking that he's helping people by trying to force his ways onto everyone else in the world.

  • 1 decade ago

    Converting Iraq into a democracy is the only argument GW can sell to justify his war. What else can he use? WMD, Al Qaeda, and threats to the US were proof to be made up stories so now we fall back on looking like the Savior of Iraq who ousted a tyrant while bringing democracy.

    The plan to invade Iraq was made before GW was even elected, that was the primary target of the famous rat pack as i call them: Rimsfeld, Cheney & Bush. Funny how they all worked under the first Bush president and took part of the first attack on Iraq.

    The attack on Iraq was political, financial and personal. Nothing more to it. 911 gave the rat pack the best opportunity to go in with the plans.

  • fra59e
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    George Bush needed a new excuse to justify his absurd invasion of Iraq. He was determined to invade anyway but uses some phony reasons to try to con the American people into accepting it as legitmate and paying for it.

    First it was those imaginary WMDs. Oops.

    Then it was deposing Saddam. Well, the Shi'ites hated his guts and took care of that.

    So why are American troops still there? Well, let's see. How about building a democracy? Yeah, that'll work. People won't notice that there are many other dictators and tyrannies, but hey, Saudi Arabia still uses dollars instead of euros for oil trade, and Pakistan may be concealing Osama Bin Laden (and there's the Bush-Bin Laden family history of friendship) so let's not mess with Pakistan or Saudi Arabia.

    The democratization campaign is just the latest in this series of scams sold after the fact by the Decider who has already decided.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    at the same time as A sitting president would not understand the cost of gasoline in line with gallon, and his households riches got here from oil and gasoline than he's the Liar that set the conventional for mendacity. He left workplace and fairly hasn't been seen besides the undeniable fact that the timber will bypass down In historic previous like the kennedys George bush one or 2 cared no longer some other thing beneficial than making particular generations of the bush blood line will be finacially take care of (hence) being born with silver spoon on your mouth because of the timber.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Why would you suggest a lie like that?

    Iraqis turned out in higher percentage than Americans do for their OPPORTUNITY TO VOTE -- under threats against their lives by Saddam's armed ba'ath diehards -- had you forgotten all those purple fingers?

    Do you need to know where the plan to bring democracy to Iraqis came from? President Clinton, 1998, regime change in Iraq: Iraq Liberation Act

    Read it.

    BTW, Iraq was not a country "thousands of years" ago. You've got even more to learn.

  • 1 decade ago

    We need an ally in the middle east we can count on. Jimmy Carter abandoned the only one we had and look where this mess has gotten us. This all started from that very incident. And to make matters worse, he abandoned 52 Americans for 444 days. But thank GOD Reagan freed them just hours after he was sworn in as president.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    America thinks that the world should follow them. They want to convert everyone to be American because they don't understand how the rest of the world works.

    They dont realise the real terror is on their doorstep....before they start dictating to other countries they should look at the state of themselves.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    It is just an excuse for him being there, all he wants is oil and it's not exactly good for America. Troops are being killed in iraq everyday and it basically is Civil War.

  • 1 decade ago

    if Iraq was democratic

    they would vote out the puppet regime

    that Bush and Co. has set up

    it proves that Bush is a liar and a gangster

    all he ever wanted was to destabilize Iraq

    by sending Negroponte in to create Death Squads

    like he did in Guatemala

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    bush has no intention of "converting Iraq to a democratic country" honey.

    Those are just emotional, powerful buzzwords which the sheep in this country are highly susceptible to. Gets 'em really revved up, you know? Not like those boring words, "Constitutional Rights" which don't seem to elicit a peep out of 'em.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Newsflash, Iraq was formed by the british after the fall of the Ottoman Empire after WWI. WWI was not thousands of years ago. I thought dems were all for the spread of democracy in the world? unless youre just another commie that hates america?

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