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Why do guys exaggerate to maximize the number of partners they have had, while women exaggerate to minimize ?

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    for appearances-plain and simple

  • 1 decade ago

    It sad, but these answers are mostly right. Though there are a lot of guys who put these numbers out dont feel right about doing so. But we know that if we say we are a virgin or only a couple partners we will be rideculed and made to feel like less then a man. It is a cruel cycle. So here is to breaking the cycle... I have had to many partners. (and that is not a brag) I have had 5.

    As for women, as i am not one, i can only guess that it would be the same thing. If she has had a few partner, wether she thought it was love and the real thing and did it for all the right reasons, other women would be so quick to look down upon her. Even though most might've done the same in her place. It is so sad that people are so quick to judge another for a choice on a path that have no idea how dificult it is to walk.

  • 1 decade ago

    Easy, that's because in society for many,many years the amount of women a guy has had is looked to be commendable to other men,like back in the cave men days the man with the most power and usually led the group and had the best women was the guy who was the best hunter and survivor.

    For the women they are always judged by men as needing to be pure.You see,alot of men like the idea of a easy girl but don't want one to keep cause then they feel like they will have to always worry about someone getting what they have.Men are much more Territorial then women.So, this is why women try to be seen as more pure and reliable in order to be more suitable for the right mate in life.

    I think its all stupid.You are you be yourself and if no one likes it, they can go screw themselves!

  • 1 decade ago

    Only the guys that have a "low" number exaggerate....for me I actually give a number that is maybe half of what is real because I dont want to scare them off.

    Girls minimize the number so that they wont look easy.....and they know that nobody wants someone who is "overused" for a serious relationship.

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  • 1 decade ago

    That's crazy I was just thinking last night about why men lie about how many women they have been with I think my bf lies about the quality of the women he has had like making them out to be superstars than i meet them somehow and they are just regular girls nothing special. I think that men do this to feel better about themselves or to make women think that they are very desirable and women of coarse lie to downgrade because they will be seen as sluts if they had to many partners

  • 1 decade ago

    Because from the beginning of time,men have been cave dwellers!They want to be best,first,most powerful,have the most toys,get the best women,etc....

    If women were truthful,no men would want them,because they only want the ones they can control & make sure no other man's genes get in there except his.

    In the other side of the spectrum,God expects us all to be pure & truthful in life & in love,but who listend to Him anymore?

  • 1 decade ago

    ok it's lik thys,

    gurlz don't wanna look lik hoe's and guys wanna look "cool" to all there friends so basically ask ur friends y!!! well idk y some girlz lie about how many but i thynk its more of the 3 ^ 3 down rule than any thing else...

    until u slept w/ 4 dudes a girl can say she's a virgin

    and guy go 3 ^ starting on their 3rd "partner!

    well thats all i got


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because when men sleep around, they are a stud. When women sleep around they're a whore!!! Either way I dont care what ppl think of me..... I can still count on both hands and feet...So ..I think its just a matter of how you view ppl. God forbid a woman enjoy sex, and not want to be tied down!! Just how I look at it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Rule of threes. If a guy says he's been with four women. He has only been with one and if a girl says she has been with one guy it is more like four. Girls don't want to come across as sluts and guys think that a girl will think more of him because he was wanted by all these other girls.

  • 1 decade ago

    For some sad reason, girls still think sex is something to be ashamed of... but guys have the opposite prob of think it's it a bragging point. Girls need to learn there's nothing wrong with having been with lots of guys, because IT IS ONLY SEX people! Not some big mysterious or religious thing... just normal biology.

  • Jewel
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Because men feel "more manly" if they've had many and a woman is considered a "whore" if she's had many. We live by double standards.

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