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  • vacuum cleaners?

    I need a good quality vacuum that is not to expensive. I have a dog so I was thinking a pet hair cleaner. can anyone give me some suggestions?

    6 AnswersCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • why would my boy friend brag about how hot all his exes are?

    If the were so great why is he not with the its almst like he is making me want to think that they were better looking than me and its not just one girl he makes it out like all of them were just soooo fine i have met a few and they are not all that great but of course he says they did not look like that when he was with them its just wierd why would he say this stuff is he just insucure?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • dont know what to do about a girl who just wont get over it?

    I went out one night with some friends and this chick i never met. I got drunk and said something that really affended her. I did not mean to hurt her feelings and the next day I appologized for it. she yelled at me I was just an insecure ***** and ran out of the apt we were in. now when I see her at the bar she cat calls me and basically hates my guts and any imea friend of ours comes around she pulls them away and tells them not to talk to the whore this is really bothering me I dont know what to do. i want to be the bigger person and just ignore her but its starting to eat away at me ehat do you do when you said you are sorry but its not enough she has takin this to another level.

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I have a sexy outfit to wear for my bf on v - day?

    My question is when should I wear it should I have it on right when he walks in the door or should I wait I feel kinda insecure about it I hope I get a good reaction from him

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • guys only WHAT DO YOU THINK?

    I found a page of porn in my bf coat pocket should I be conserned I know that everyone masterbates but what worrys me is why is he hiding it and is he doing it when I am home and he could be with me what do you think?

    14 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • why does my guy only want sex in the morning ?

    our sex life has slowed and he seems to mostly want it in the morning if guys think about sex so much hy are we not having it all that often

    12 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • does anyone know where I can downlaod free audio books on to my laptop?

    I want to download free audio books on to my lap top

    4 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • my bf moved in and is not paying rent ?

    my bf does not want to pay rent he thinks he can just clean and thats enough but its not. I do make more money than him about 200 dollars a week more so I am willing to comprimise he is supposed to start a class so he can get a better job and I will help but he has done nothing about sighning up and the calss is about to start. What do I do tell him if he does not better himself I am leaving? and how do talk about this without a huge blow out fight?

    16 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I have a eye stye that is spreading what do I do?

    I went to the eye doctor he gave me a cream to put on my eye the first stye burst and now I have one on the top eye lid should I go back to the doctor or just keep using the ointment?

    8 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade ago
  • Whenever I get mad at my bf he never calls does he not care?

    Last night my bf and I were at a freinds and he was talking bad about a new video game they just got he was going on and on about how much it sucked and I told him to stop because it is rude and last time he talked bad about something they got it hurt there feelings he yelled at me and told me to shut the f up I left because he is not going to talk to me likethat and he did not even call me he always waits for me to call him does this guy just not care about me at all?

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I kicked my bf out cause he did not want to pay half but now he thinks he can just come and hang out all day?

    I sent my bf back home because I was having issues with him about paying rent. He did not want to pay half so I sent him home I am not going to support some guy even if he is my bf. Now he thinks he can come over and hang out all day and just go to his house when he is ready to sleep, Why did he even move out it is like he still lives at my house for free. How do I tell him to stop taking advantage with out being mean or to harsh.

    10 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Guys what is the things that turn you off most in your girlfriends?

    What they do that gets on your nerves

    18 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • should i care?

    My bf and I have 2 snakes and he takes them with him to friends houses and his little brothers.but I have recently noticed he only brings them when there are young girls around ( we are 25 the girls are around 18) he brought them to his little bros I thought it was kinda strange. Then the other day we went to one of his little friends houses and there were these two girls and they were like oh my god your the guy with the snakes I know it is lame to be jelouse of this but I feel like he is bringing the snakes to get attention from young girls cause he has no game and needs the snakes to start a conversation should I even care?

    9 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What is your favorite workout?

    What is your favorite workout and why? What does it target? How mant reps do you do? How long till you see results?

    6 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • How do you know if you are driving your bf crazy?

    How do you know if you are getting on his nerves or nagging to much?

    10 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • what to do?

    I dont know what to do with my bf who lives with me. I am starting to see that we dont have anything in common and we dont enjoy doing the same things. Last weekend was my b-day and we went out to eat with a friend of mine and after dinner we went to a night place I wanted to check out. My bf started to ***** and say he wanted to leave an hour after we were there he started to yell that it sucked and told me not to dance cause it made me look trashyI finally gave in to him because he was not going to stop and when we got to the car my friend said let him go home and we will catch a cab.So i told him i was staying he went nuts and threw our leftover food all over the car next to us and followed us back to the bar yelling that he was going to make our time hell. Mind you this is my birthday a cop came and made him leave. The next day I told him he needs to move out of my apt. and of course he is so sorry and he was sick and that is why he acted like that and he basicly told me no

    5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago