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Why do Americans hate the French?

14 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Because Americans do not understand that the french did not want to go to war with us againest Iraq because most of their population is Muslim. Americans just dont know the whole story, so we just hate them for not helping us.

  • Dke
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I always thought it was the French that hated Americans

  • 1 decade ago

    Hate is a strong word. Strong disdain maybe, but not hate. Truthfully, I feel sorry for them. It all started a long time ago. They helped us gain independence, our freedom, from Britain. Then, they felt they should be free like us, so they fight a revolution like us, win it, and within 2 years, declare Napoleon Emperor, essentially, giving back their freedom. During this time period, they were seizing American ships and enslaving their crews. Some Friends.

    Fast forward to 1917. We send our boys over there to save their asses. We made some great recommendations as to how not get into another World War with Germany, they didn't listen, they got their buts kicked, and we had to go back over there in 1944, kick the Crouts asses AGAIN, and liberate the entire country. Then instead of leaving, we stayed for 45 more years to keep the Ruskies out. In the mean time, we warned them about Ho Chi Minh, they didn't listen AGAIN. We had to save their asses AGAIN. But they left us all by ourselves fighting the war they started. In 1957, General De Gull said he wanted all American troops out of France, because he wanted to appease the enemy, those Ruskiesm, AGAIN, to which we replied, no problem, does that include the dead ones?

    There are a lot of great reasons for Americans to greatly disdain the French, these are but a few.

  • 1 decade ago

    I dont hate the french - and for all those on the board saying why they do - did you ever actually meet a french person? I wont blame a citizen of a country for what thier leaders do and I hope the french do the same!

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because the French hate us...we're just

  • 1 decade ago

    The french could never repay the united states for the sacrifices we made for them to be free. They are very arrogant, selfish and mean. I think the word Cowards sum it up best.

    During and after the 1st gulf conflict they participated along side of us because they wanted the monetary gain from relations with Kuwait.

    I don't even like their wine. LOL

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    after the second world war the french kicked us out of france.

    even on our graves where thousands of American lie in their graves the french put up a sign..america..take your garbage home with you..does this sound like the french have any feeling towards us? the french are an unusual race they fight with their feet and fug with their face.

  • 1 decade ago

    They're a central power in the EU and a voice on the UN and they used a lot of that pressure to oppose the Iraq war, which America went to anyway.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's the French who hate us. Until they get attacked, then it's free Wine and Cheese for everyone! Ahh, Oui Oui!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Type in French military victories into comes back with did you mean French military losses? ha ha....

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