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How would a US withdrawl from Iraq help with this?

A suicide bomber blew himself, and at least 45 others, at an Iraqi University. The victims were mostly Shiite, though the attendance at the University was mixed, and again, it was a suicide bombing.

No American troops were targets, and these people had no history of collaborating with the US.

So help me here, how does us withdrawing help this situation? Is it going to be better or worse when we are not around to hunt suicide bombers down? And why?

No references to neocons, Liberals, "Cut and Run Democrats", "George's war", or any other buzz words please, I have heard enough of them. Address the issue.


I tend to believe we should stay if that helps. I do understand the opposite argument though.

If we stay, we do need to work harder on returning the country to normal footing, power, jobs, food, etc.

You folks are doing a fine job in general of explaining your thoughts on the subject and are giving me knew things to think about.

I am reading all the answers, thanks for the effort. It is sometimes a shame when you can only pick one best one.

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    There would probably be very little change in the suicide bombing rate if the U.S. were to withdraw. The only real advantage of withdrawing is to take U.S. armed forces out of the middle of what is basically a civil war between different Iraqi factions. It is also a war in which the U.S. has no particular side. A pahsed redeployment would help to protect the borders of Iraq from its' neighbors and allow the Iraqis to work out their own situation. We don't have a horse in the race, so it is folly to keep sending more jockeys.

  • 1 decade ago

    I saw something last night that gave me hope for Iraq. It was about the Iraqi fire brigaide. These brave young men work side by side, not caring whether their fellow firefighter is a Sunni or a Shi'ite. They rush to the scene, whether it is of a suicide bomber or an apartment fire. They rescue people, no matter what their religious or political affiliation is.

    If only there were some way to instill this style of brotherhood to ALL Iraqi's. But right now, many of the suicide bombers are using the occupation by the United States as an excuse to murder their fellow Iraqi, whom they "collaborators". Perhaps if we turn the running of Iraq over to the Iraqi's once again, then the foreign terrorists who snuck in there will also turn around and go home, and there will be fewer people who believe that the "other side" are collaborators.

  • 1 decade ago

    Shi'ites and Sunnis have not hated each other for thousands of years. Iraq is the only place right now where they target each other because the US has created this definite schizm between them. They are all Muslims and they all want the United States out of the Middle East. If we left, the entire situation would calm down. The difference between Shia and Sunni is original succession from the prophet and socio-political institution.

    The reason the university was attacked was because it is seen as a Western institution in the eyes of who ever attacked it. Although why that was is still cloudy to me.

    However, Islamic Terrorism is a secondary effect. Meaning, they only attack because of something someone else has done. No one would sacrifice their lives to kill people for no reason. But we give them plenty of reasons. The wide majority of Iraqis wish we would leave. They would rather a dictator who provides food, than a democracy that they starve and get shot under.

    Your example of hunting suicide bombers is exactly what I mean. They bomb hoping we will leave, not so we stay longer. We "hunt" down whoever is against us in Iraq, whoever doesn't go along with us, whoever attacks us. Yep, sounds like the good ol' days of Saddam to me, except they had food, water, electricity, and security.

    Source(s): I am a Christian, American, Republican who has read far too many books on this issue. I've also visited the Middle East quite a few times.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The reason the university was attacked was not because it is a sign of the west but because it is a sign of progress and liberty within Iraq. Any good news coming out of Iraq via the media has and will become a target of the terrorists within Iraq. Hence we hear so little of the good.

    Bottom line, a U.S. withdrawl will begin the onslaught of the murders of tens of thousands if not millions of innocent Iraqi men, women, and children. People whom are still scarred from the Saddam era that are just as afraid of their local tribal leaders or those that the tribal leaders say they are loyal to.

    Iran, struggling to get a nuclear weapon before Iraq is a stable, liberated, and a free Muslim country is trying to avoid going bankrupt. This is a strategy that is working against Iran and is only a matter of time before their economy implodes and their own pro western peoples turn on them.

    WE ARE AT WAR WITH IRAN...Iraq is simply the battlefield.

    It cost Iran $20 to produce one barrel of oil as opposed the Saudis ability to produce the same barrell for $2. Iran wants to increase the cost per barrell to increase their profit margin.

    The royal family in Saudi Arabia being a key ally in the war on terror along with the UAE and Kuait (OPEC) is doing a balancing act with oil prices. They do not want Iran being the dominating power in the Middle East and therefore OPEC.

    Iraq will form an Extremist if not terrorist government since their population is so used to being ruled by fear. With oil revenues Iran and the new terrorist regime in Iraq WILL prop up terror cells throughout the world. With the nuclear proliferated Iran possibly passing off nukes if the extremist see fit to facilitate the return of Allah. At best we will see another Cold War pitting the USA against China. Along with Russia returning to their much anticipated place on the world stage.

    China has just announced for the fourth year in a row an economic growth of 10%. (huge). The USA a modest 3%, the second largest increase in the world.With these figures the Chinese could bankrupt America within 40 years.

    We must not leave Iraq. The USA is going to bankrupt Iran just as Reagan did the former USSR.

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Oil will pass to $250, inventory marketplace will cave in. gas will be unavailable. Oil is a international comodity. genuine u . s . doesnt get its oil from Iraq, yet many human beings do and grant will dwindle because the entire area destabilizes. sure, unavailable. US would start up the withdrawl, yet will provide up it once the international is going right into a frantic state. straight forward BS awesome theory, notwithstanding it gained't ensue. we can't depart.. the individuals desirous to withdraw havent idea it via reliable sufficient. the universal opinion will quickly shift at the same time as the gas is going up and heating oil isnt obtainable. Dont count number who wins White residing house Dem or Rep. US will stay in Iraq.

  • cimra
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Iraq is now ruled by a Shia dominated government, this government is supported by US troops. Suicide bombing is an act of desperation, clearly the Sunis feel they are fighting for their very survival and will lash out at every Shia target of opportunity. Wether US stays or goes will not change the Shia-Suni situation. Foreign troops with a different language, customs and a religion would probably make your neighbourhood pretty tense, its no different in Iraq, the US troops add to the overall tension.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    It won't help. Actually, it will allow this situation to get worse. We are on the brink of taking this country to the next higher level and to pull out now would be disasterous for the Iraqi people.

    They want us to help maintain the security until we all can beat this thing.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    In my opinion, if we withdraw completely from Iraq, then the Muslim fanatics won't have to worry about us there, so they will come here and we will have more than one more 9/11. Right now, they are busy killing us in Iraq. If we leave, they will follow us here. Imagine a "dirty" nuke in New York or Chicago or San Francisco or LA. That would be our legacy if we pulled completely out of Iraq right now.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sunnis & Shiites have hated each other for the past 1,500 or more years. Saddam kept them in line through fear, they don't fear the US or the new Iraqi government so they slaughter each other wholesale without restraint.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am not for withdrawal at this time so I can not answer your question. Maybe, just maybe, someone that is for withdrawal will explain it plainly and accurately. I hope so.

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