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I am a writer and programmer. Politiical: Party : Independent Political Orientation: Conservative Libertarian Personal: One published book 'Dio's Detective Agency' - S/F Humor Interests: Reading, writing, word play, solving problems

  • Firefox Form Entry Problem?

    I recently downloaded Firefox on a Windows XP system, and have found I can't enter passwords or forum messages - they all come up blank. It is kind of useless to me that way.

    Has anybody heard of this problem, and have an incorrect setting or such that might be the culprit? I assume since a large number of people are using it, it is something wrong on my machine, and not a program problem.

    I do not have any automatic form filling turned on.

    1 AnswerOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • Should Yahoo change the way it creates new accounts?

    Most of the problems with SPAM and the message boards are from internal accounts. When a person is blocked from one account, they merely create another and they are back again the next day.

    This happens on 360, on the message boards, on Yahoo Messenger, and on e-mail, spamguard does not block internal e-mails from anybody.

    Now you can complain until you are blue in the face, and Yahoo does delete accounts, which does not even slow the flood down - they just start a new one.

    What do you think should be part of the account creation process to stop this?

    3 AnswersOther - Yahoo Products1 decade ago
  • Does anybody know how to contact Yahoo these days?

    I have some suggestions dealing with 360. There does not seem to be any way to directly e-mail them anymore, except for reporting abuse.

    Anybody know how to go about it?

    4 AnswersYahoo Profiles1 decade ago
  • How would a US withdrawl from Iraq help with this?

    A suicide bomber blew himself, and at least 45 others, at an Iraqi University. The victims were mostly Shiite, though the attendance at the University was mixed, and again, it was a suicide bombing.

    No American troops were targets, and these people had no history of collaborating with the US.

    So help me here, how does us withdrawing help this situation? Is it going to be better or worse when we are not around to hunt suicide bombers down? And why?

    No references to neocons, Liberals, "Cut and Run Democrats", "George's war", or any other buzz words please, I have heard enough of them. Address the issue.

    13 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • If Libertarians registered as Libertarians?

    As you might have guessed by now reading some of the Political Questions and Answers, there are quite a few convervative libertarians currently registered as Republicans, to the point where I am wondering if the term "Moderate Republican" really means "conservative Libertarian".

    Obviously we are starting to get dissatisfied with that choice. If the Libertarians actually registered Libertarian, and left the Republican Party (we are not Democrats either), how might that effect the elections in 2008?

    3 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Minimum Wage Minimum Impact?

    If everybody can stop hyperventalating for just a minute...

    Can anybody name me a job that is going to be impacted by the change to minumum wage? Not a generality mind you, a job.

    Do you know anybody who is going to open up a pay envelope in a week and see more cash due to this law?

    If not, why are we wasting time discussing it ad-nausium.

    Remember: I want an exact job, not a generality for the answer.


    8 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Psychological Warfare Answer?

    Insurgents responded to the latest moves in Iraq by dressing up as friendly troops and killing soldiers, and by engineering a bloodbath in a Shiite area while the government was trying to control the militias. This was obviously meant to (1) get us to shoot at anything that moves again, and (2) Get Shiites angry enough at security to stop the disbanding.

    Do you have any ideas what can be done to combat this?

    And please, no discussion of troop build up or withdrawl. You are there, you have the troops that are there, ours and Iraqi, that's it..

    What do you do?

    3 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • So for 2008 who?

    OK, so let’s fantasize about 2008.

    What two people would you like to have to chose between for to be president in 2008? Not the lesser of two evils, but two people you would like to see in office, and have to make up your mind between. It has to be one from each party, they do not have to be running for the office, but they must be enough of a national figure for everybody to have heard of them. List choices and the reason, and you MUST pick one for each party.

    My choices:

    Rep: Colin Powell. His rep sank under dubya, but he signed up to do a job, he found he could not influence the administration, he completed his term, and he resigned. I like his integrity and thought process. Plus, he does not want the job, which is a real plus in my view.

    Dem: Bill Richardson. Vast diplomatic experience, has supported broad tax cuts while governor of New Mexico, and in general has run the state pretty well. He seems to balance conflicting interests well.

    Your choices?

    8 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • What makes George W. Bush a conservative?

    I am really curious about this one. I mean really, since I have been a conservative all my life.

    I believe in:

    Personal Responsibility

    Individual Rights (Goes hand-in-hand with the responsibility part)

    States Rights

    Small Federal Government

    Low spending

    The only one Bush meets in my view, as long as you don’t count his past indiscretions, is Personal Responsibility.

    Overthrowing the filibuster: Liberal or Conservative?

    Constitutional amendments to Abortion, Gay Marraige Wouldn’t that be anti-states rights?

    Domestic Spying, Gathering Telephone Data, Banking Data, and reading private mail. Um. Individual rights?

    Bush is for Religion, and for Business, and that is about it.

    So, back to the question...

    What makes you think Bush is a conservative?

    10 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • OMG - It just does not get much scarier than this...?

    I, um, am speechless, and that does not happen often. Well read it and comment.


    8 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • Ariel Sharon's condition is stable?

    Let's face it folks, so was Francisco Francos according to Saturday Night Live.

    Double pneumonia, In a coma since January, and brain function deteriorating. Renal output deteriorating. OK, can anybody day "Have a nice life?"

    It is over. Why are we getting these updates? Like him or hate him, it is over.

    So I am not saying bury the guy, he is still alive. But no, he is never coming back.


    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Things that make you go ummm?

    OK, you got me. Frankly putting a statue of Hillary Clinton in a Museum of Sex is like inducting Pee Wee Herman into the Football hall of fame. I just don’t get it. Now sticking a bust of Bill in there, I could understand. But Hillary? Huh?

    Anybody else scratching their heads in wonder?

    And it isnt even made out of ice.

    11 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Question Ratings?

    OK, rating individual questions would be a nightmare and a waste of time. But would it be a good idea to rate a poster based on their questions?

    Yeah, yeah, you can tell a lot based on the question title, but you have to wade through bunches of them to read them.

    How about you get to rate a poster exactly once, to cut down on cheating, but get to change your rating over time?

    Anybody think that would be worthwhile?

    Then you get to filter questions based on the poster's rating.


    2 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • What is the most asked question on answers?

    I mean, aside from the stupid sex lead on questions of course. I am only asking because I just saw another of those "one of the coins is not a nickel" question.

    In your experiance, what is the most repeted, easily answered question on Answers?

    Pffft. And I just realised, it might be this question...

    6 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • The Supreme Court of the US just slapped Bush silly on the war crimes issue.?

    Sorry, I just needed to vent on this one. Add your comments as you see fit.


    His reaction was, “Well I will get congress to enact a law allowing the tribunals.”

    Yo, idiot. The supreme court ruled on a constitutional issue. Now get this through your pointy little beady eyed head, congress passing a law will not change that constitutional issue. Unless you want them to tack it on to that Constitutional Amendment banning guy marriages.

    Um, there is a course back in High School you must have slept through. It was called “Civics”

    You want them to see their day in court? I do too. Make it a normal court where these things should be tried, not some bogus tribunal for conspiracy charges. Believe it or not, the existing court system can handle it. Quit screwing with the Constitution to reflect your warped view of reality.

    Oh, and about congress passing that law? Don’t hold your freaking breath. You are out of political coin, you already spent it all. Let me introduce you to the serpent, you ought to get to know him.

    12 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Gentlepeople we officially have a real freaking mess on our hands...?

    Yeah, I am listening. Anybody got any freaking ideas? I think the planet just got hosed.

    5 AnswersPhilosophy1 decade ago
  • Living on the edge?

    The dragon, the troll, and Remora lined up behind him.

    So, folks, if you have the chance to live your dreams do you do it?

    Do you continue with your 9-5, or do you freaking take the shot for the brass ring?

    I am at that point BTW, out of one job I have had for 14 years, moving into another. Programming websites. Just... You are into writing, you have the support. So, what would you do?


    3 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • This was the way I saw it going too...?

    I um just couldn't see it going any differently.


    It might not really be philosophy, then again it might...


    2 AnswersPhilosophy2 decades ago
  • Level 5 Got to love it!?

    So, is it a ninja mouse, a hampster, or a gerbal. Like I really have to know. So what is help avitar?

    Crap, I have 5 points to waste at this point...


    5 AnswersPhilosophy2 decades ago