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valgal115 asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 1 decade ago

Do you think they should remove the over weight child in Britain from his mom?

An 8 year old boy in Britain weights over 200 pounds. His Mom lets him eat lots of junk food and the British child welfare department is thinking about removing him from the home.

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think it's ridiculous.

    If they are going to remove children who are obviously over fed, when are they going to start feeding the children that aren't?

    Politics, politicians, and these who participate for selfish reasons are stupid. Granted the child needs a diet, but is taking the child from his parents really going to do him as much good socially or emotionally as it might do him physically?

    I doubt it.

  • 1 decade ago

    On the surface , that sounds outrageous ; but- it appears she has failed to keep important medical appointments for her child . She may love her son-but killing him with kindness could shorten the quality & duration of his life . It's more cruel to watch that happen . All attempts should be made to teach mom how to do the right thing..before it's too late . This is an innocent dependant child who has medical issues along with a rotten diet . Many kids are fed junk food and do not quadruple in weight . This is a critical matter . As a last resort-yes, do WHATEVER IT TAKES TO SAVE THE BOY .

  • ILSE
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    A child should not be remove from his mother unless is been prove of a very strong abuse. The child seems to be happy since he doesn't know the danger he is in, but the mother seems to love him except that she is ignorant. In this case the government instead of separate the son from mother, they should hire a nutritionist in their home to educate the mother, and the child how to eat right without starving, If they separate the child and mother then what will be the conclusion to this?? only that the child becames depress and end up eating more......

  • 1 decade ago

    YES, that is ABUSE no different than if she were giving him drugs. NO ONE should weight 200 pounds much less an 8 year old. What is he 6 foot 3?

    If he stays with her he will be dead by 13 from a heart attack or diabetes.

    I'm sorry but no one should be allowed to feed their child to death.

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  • 1 decade ago

    No- because it sets a dangerous slippery slope principle- today its fat kids- then it will be kids whose parents smoke cigarettes,

    Then it will be kids where the parents swear in the home, or when parents don't take their kids to church, etc-

    Some people have too much time on their hands and need to learn to mind their business

    - though that kid is a pretty disgusting fat train wreck- I

  • 1 decade ago

    His mother is clearly neglecting the child.. He should be put into a family that cares about his well being... People gain weight when they take in more calories than they burn.. It is a simple equation.. It is hard to believe how anybody can be overweight..

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No they should remove the liberal fools who think they have a right to remove the child.

  • 1 decade ago

    the shouldn't but they need to get the boy professional help before he eats himself to death.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    yes, it might save his life.

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