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kinvadave asked in Yahoo ProductsYahoo Answers · 1 decade ago

Increasing my best answer %?

Can i have some tips on how to increase my percentage best answers. I want to have a competition with a friend for this month. Serious answers please, There is beer at stake.

20 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    i answer questions in a category where there aren't too many answerers...because if you answer a question which has 15 answers you have a lower chance of being the best but if you answer questions in categories like travel or.... each question has 3 or 4 answers at the most, so there's a higher chance of being the best

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1. Understand the question. This can be fuzzy when the asker can't write, so skip that one and choose another.

    2. If it's a silly question, or is phrased in a silly manner, answer seriously, but with humour.

    3. Write as though you were talking to the questor personally as a friend.

    4. Don't be a smartass - be genuine.

    5. Don't dash off an answer just to be first. THINK about what you're saying.

    6. Don't use mobile phone shorthand - do as I'm doing now. Write it out clearly.

    6. Have another beer for me.

  • Nasubi
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Only answer questions you have thorough knowledge about. Have a clear and concise manner of saying your answer, and be cheerful, wishing the asker good luck or such as you close. If you have an area of expertise, stay in that category. Don't answer questions asking for opinions...only ones asking for facts. If you've given a really good answer before that was voted best answer, copy the text from that and find every open question that asks the same thing and paste you answer to all those.

    I did have a good percentage until I started answering with smartass answers more and more. . .

    Oh, and Good Luck!! I hope you win!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Well I'm no genius, but when I do answer any questions I try to think through what I'm going to answer before I just type it down. Ofcourse I only choose to answer questions that I'm some what familiar with or that catch my interest. My answer always comes from deep within and I try to keep it short and to the point, although sometimes I do get carried away because I think of so many things I want to say to get my point across. Anywho...good luck in answering...I see there is a generous prize at stake...HeHe!

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 1 decade ago

    I have the most number of best answers in the Business and Finance category, and I would think I would be in the top tier in terms of best answers.

    Here are my strategies:

    1. Research as much as possible about the question. If the person is asking for information on business plans, for example, give the person 5 links instead of just 1. In my case, I always put links plus book sources

    2. Always put sources for your answer, and make it as credible as possible

    3. Instead of saying "go to this link" summarize what is on that link.

    4. People like long expounded answers (though I have lost several points to askers who prefer one sentence responses). Long answers show you know the topic very well

    5. Develop your "money points" - questions where you've written extremely well responses and search for those questions regularly and answer them. In my case, I always answer questions on availability of grants for business and my batting average for this type of question is 90% best answers.

    6. Answer the question with the intent of providing the best answer. I don't answer that many questions, but when I do, I really take time to answer them well.

    7. Prepare shortcuts - time is of essence sometimes when you want to be the first person to answer the question. Put your answers in one document, and when you spot a similar question, copy and past your answer -- while making sure you tailor made it to the response being requested. Saves you a lot time.

  • 1 decade ago

    LOL!!! Well,I think the best thing to do would be cancel all appointments and everything u need 2 do this month.Spend most of ur time in front of yahoo!answers!!! if u have a laptop take it with u even 2 the washroom!!! Don't waste time asking questions or chatting or nething else!!! Most of all give lengthy and informative answers...precise answers never get chosen by the asker as the best one!!! And finally if u still need tips check out MY best answers!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    The one thing I haven't seen mentioned here that can actually help you and MAY be within your control is -- vote for yourself as Best Answer! Yes, you can. Yahoo! Answers DOES allow that, when a question has gone to voting. So, go back through all your older questions (older than 4 days) to see which are in voting, click them, check out the answers and vote. Just be honest about it and only vote for yourself if yours is REALLY the best answer, of course!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Keep in mind that the best answer isn't always the right answer. Pay close attention at how the questioner uses words. The hints are there. Sometimes all they want is for someone to agree with them. I can't do that. I, for one will speak against something I don't believe. In your case, look for the questions that just want someone to agree.

  • 1 decade ago

    try to stick to the subject of a serious question. saying something sensible that would help. especially if noone else has said it yet

    fun questions , riddles and jokes, can be easier if you try to judge the sense of humour.

    asking questions reduces points.

    try to avoid saying anything offensive or insulting, these will earn you a violation and a heavy loss of points.

    unique answers, that are relevant help to get attention

    good luck with the beer

  • Justin
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    You need to answer your questions seriously and with details so people can pick you as a best answer. Later the more you get as best answer, the more your percentage goes up

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